TCF Bank Field Turf

Sid Hartman

Mar 27, 2009
Reaction score
Did Minnesota pick a discount field turf company? The field looks like my backyard and has different color of green everywhere.

You know, colors sometimes wear out when 300 lb football players are sliding around on it.

Where were u sitting?? Looked ok from my seats.

Looked fine to me.

Look at Northwestern's field. It's the first game of the season and it looks worn out already.

Speaking of turf, watching Northwestern and their natural turf field is awful. Looks like they put too much fertilizer on and burnt most of the grass

The only different color of green is from the new B1G logos on the field. They had to cut out the old ones (with the old logo) and replace them with the stock color green turf. The existing turf over the whole field turned a slightly different shade of green over the last couple of years I am assuming. Either that or they actually did screw up on the replacement color.

Watching on my DVR...I am serious it looks awful.

Just flipped it on for a second to see what you are talking about. It's just because the fake grass is pushed down in different directions. It's normal.

I can't believe no one is noticing this. I am dead serious it looks like weeds are growing on the see it on golf courses all the time where native grass and the grass they plant clash

I can't believe no one is noticing this. I am dead serious it looks like weeds are growing on the see it on golf courses all the time where native grass and the grass they plant clash

please stop

I can't believe no one is noticing this. I am dead serious it looks like weeds are growing on the see it on golf courses all the time where native grass and the grass they plant clash

I assume your right but I am watching Mizzou and their field does not do this, neither does Ohio States

I can't believe no one is noticing this. I am dead serious it looks like weeds are growing on the see it on golf courses all the time where native grass and the grass they plant clash

That's a mixture of bentgrass, blue grass and poa annua in these parts. Some bermuda grass down south.

Side by side that is.

I actually see this post as a good sign in that if this is the only thing people have to bitch about, the team must being done fine. That said if the turf bothers you, just let your yard go to hell and it'll seem nice. My yard looks like hell so the TCF turf looks fine to me. Just remember, the saddest most pathetic thing ever said at a funeral was "yeah, but he kept a nice yard."

I'm with Sid, actually. Watching the highlights and I just can't help but to notice the 'shoddy' looking turf. Maybe I'm over-analyzing it, but Nebraska's turf doesn't look like that. But, I've always been one to hoping that when the Vikings put in heating coils that the U opts to use the new font typeface in the endzone art.

Mizzou's turf is brand new. It was replaced at the end of last season, when five season-ending knee injuries took place on that rug in three games. For some reason, Farout Field has ALWAYS had a bad surface.

As for the age, most fields last 8-10 years. Ours looks fine in person.

My old high school's turf got pretty beat up and had to be replaced after seven years.
Camp Randall's field is in really rough shape right now.
I still like football on real grass. The game is becoming more sterile with each season.

This thread is moronic. It's not the turf "grass blades". The "grass" is fine, and the color is fine. The grounds crew dumps a new load of black rubber beads on the field each season. It takes a game or two for the players and the "raker-sweeper" to even the new load with the old beads--which have turned gray from the sun. Educate yourself.

The thing that I can't figure out is every game I attend a game in person they seem to never use the yellow first down line. Coincidence I guess.

Did Minnesota pick a discount field turf company? The field looks like my backyard and has different color of green everywhere.

It really comes through dark on the Big Ten Network standard (not HD) feed. You can see the ground up tire pellets getting kicked up and sprayed around. Not sure how to solve this.

I would suggest not worrying about it because it affects nothing and a majority of people don't even notice it.

The thing that I can't figure out is every game I attend a game in person they seem to never use the yellow first down line. Coincidence I guess.
There are special glasses they sell to see that yellow line. They are located by (Gate A) along with the Beer Goggles.

Just flipped it on for a second to see what you are talking about. It's just because the fake grass is pushed down in different directions. It's normal.

Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner.

It is reminiscent of the troops of Japanese Macaques tramping and tamping down the grasses around the exhibit at the Central Park Zoo.

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