Taking Stock: Buy, Sell and Hold of Big Ten Football - Gophers a Buy, Hawkeyes a Sell

GopherHole Staff

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Nov 3, 2008
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Taking Stock: Buy, Sell and Hold of Big Ten Football - Gophers a Buy, Hawkeyes a Sell & More
By GopherHole Staff


A new feature on GopherHole will be a regular column titled “Taking Stock: Buy, Sell and Hold of Big Ten Football” and we’ll serve as equity analysts of the Big Ten conference with “stock” recommendations based on weekly performance against expectations and future expected outcomes. The idea for the column is from GopherHole member “BarnBoy” who made the recommendation in a season preview thread.

In addition to the 12 Big Ten programs, we’ll also offer a few other “buy, sell, hold” recommendations based on the world of college football. We encourage you to share your analyst recommendations as well and tell us where we’re too bullish or bearish with our forecasts.

Let’s channel our inner Gordon Gekko and remember that Bulls make money, Bears make money, Pigs get slaughtered!!

Here is a link to the Taking Stock Column (we couldn't copy and paste it here due to the charts and images included in the column):


Fun! I like the take. I'd put a Hold on Indiana as I think they are getting too much hype, and the opposite for Iowa, as I think they are not getting enough credit.

gotta have uw as a strong SELL. no way they keep up the trend, overvalued and overhyped program.

I would sell on Penn State, and hold on Northwestern and Indiana. The sanctions will catch up to PSU, and fast. A few injuries early in the year, and they'll be in deep trouble.

I like Fitz at Northwestern and there's no doubt he's doing some good things, but they had an ENORMOUS amount of things go right for them last year; most notably, the least amount of games lost to injury in the entire conference. I think they're a solid program and will be for a while now but to expect any more upward movement is a tad hasty. One or two key injuries this year and they're a .500 team.

Indiana, yes, they put up some points last year but not only were they absolutely horrendous on defense, they lost their two anchors on the D-Line at DT. To top things off, their schedule could go a number of different ways. They have three NC games that they COULD lose, ALL of their road games in the B1G are unwinnable, so that puts a huge amount of pressure on the home games. If they slip a littl in the NC and dump a few at home, they could lose all the momentum they've gaine up to this point. I'm not ready to buy.

I don't understand this game.

What is the time period? This season only?

If so, I'm selling Indiana and Northwestern. Both teams are over-hyped and, at least in the case of Northwestern, many are predicting them to compete for a division title. I just don't see it happening.

Indiana is a little different. They had a nice recruiting class and appear to be headed in the right direction.

That said, I don't see them doing much in 2013. But if I can hold the stock until 2015, I'd buy today.

gotta have uw as a strong SELL. no way they keep up the trend, overvalued and overhyped program.

Don't they have a pretty favorable schedule this year?

gotta have uw as a strong SELL. no way they keep up the trend, overvalued and overhyped program.

I feel like this has been said about their football and basketball teams for several consecutive years now. Certainly hope you are right this time.

I would sell on Penn State, and hold on Northwestern and Indiana. The sanctions will catch up to PSU, and fast. A few injuries early in the year, and they'll be in deep trouble.

I like Fitz at Northwestern and there's no doubt he's doing some good things, but they had an ENORMOUS amount of things go right for them last year; most notably, the least amount of games lost to injury in the entire conference. I think they're a solid program and will be for a while now but to expect any more upward movement is a tad hasty. One or two key injuries this year and they're a .500 team.

Indiana, yes, they put up some points last year but not only were they absolutely horrendous on defense, they lost their two anchors on the D-Line at DT. To top things off, their schedule could go a number of different ways. They have three NC games that they COULD lose, ALL of their road games in the B1G are unwinnable, so that puts a huge amount of pressure on the home games. If they slip a littl in the NC and dump a few at home, they could lose all the momentum they've gaine up to this point. I'm not ready to buy.

You are kidding about NU right? They should have been 13-0 last year instead of 10-3 as they were ahead of Nebraska, Michigan and Penn St in the 4th quarter. They lost to Michigan on a hail Mary with 40 seconds left to set up OT, 3 players surrounded a tipped pass and could not make the int that would have finished Nebraska. Compare their recruiting list now and the past few years to the Gophers. NU has arguably 2 of the most elusive players in the B1G in Kain Colter and Venric Mark.

You are kidding about NU right? They should have been 13-0 last year instead of 10-3 as they were ahead of Nebraska, Michigan and Penn St in the 4th quarter. They lost to Michigan on a hail Mary with 40 seconds left to set up OT, 3 players surrounded a tipped pass and could not make the int that would have finished Nebraska. Compare their recruiting list now and the past few years to the Gophers. NU has arguably 2 of the most elusive players in the B1G in Kain Colter and Venric Mark.

I said HOLD, not sell. They will continue to be solid. To me, to say BUY would be saying that I think they'll continue winning 10 or more games for the foreseeable future. Are you willing to bet on that?

Nothing you said is incorrect, but if you don't think they had some good things go their way is ridiculous. Five TOTAL games lost to injury all year?! That's an obscenely small number. They also missed Ohio St, Wisconsin, and Purdue (not great, but they were a bowl team last year) on the schedule. Thus year they get OSU and Wisky back on the slate.

I'd be shocked if they won more than 9 regular season games this year. Shocked. But if you want to wager they'll win 10-11+ games this year, I'd be totally down with that.

I will buy that Penn St fans still can't understand what JoePa did wrong.

Boy do I miss Wall Street Week. I always liked the program were the panelists made their picks for the next year and at the then they would review how the panelists did with their picks for that year. They were locked into their choices for the whole year so it you made a bad choice you couldn't correct it. The guy who really impressed me was Lazio Birinyi. Most years he out performed the market. You could made a lot of money if you had followed his advice. Unfortunately many of the financial advisor today are more salesman than the advisors.

gotta have uw as a strong SELL. no way they keep up the trend, overvalued and overhyped program.
Don't see it with Alvarez still involved. Every year they seem poised to take a step back (especially according to the astute Gopher Hole posters) and keep it together. Hope I'm wrong of course, but they have a lot of momentum in that program from a nice period of success.

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