Systems and Recruiting


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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I think Kill is going to do some great things on the field as well as in recruiting. NOTE: I have Maroon and Gold glasses on, so I think this about every Gopher coach and team.

However, I was thinking about how Kill's system is going to assist in recruiting. He time and time again points out that he needs stud DE's, CB's, and MLB's. Those are the positions that are high profile at big time programs like the SEC and the NFL. I think this system coupled with wins will open more and more recruiting doors then in the past.

On offense I think we can look to get great looks from OL and QB's in the future based on what he likes to do.

We need an identity going forward and Kill is establishing it early. When recruits get contacted by the below for these positions, they are probably more likely to pick up the phone or read the letter.

Just a couple example's

Purdue turns out DE's
Iowa turns out Defense and OL
Wis. turns out OL
Ohio State turns out WR and DB's
PSU turns out LB's
Illinois RB's lately.

Minnesota DOES need to establish an identity.

How could Brewer have established an identity for recruiting when he changed his offensive system three times in four years? How can Minnesota establish an identity when they've had eight different head coaches in recent decades?
Jerry Kill says he wants players that are fast, have broad based athletic ability and are smart. That's probably what every other coach is looking for, as well. But if Kill can show that he most values DE and CB on defense, that has to help recruiting more than a little. If his defensive schemes call for aggressive play, that might attract other recruits. Good defenses will mean winning football teams.
Minnesota should always be able to recruit offensive linemen. Good schemes and good linemen will create an above average running game. Finally, certain kinds of quarterbacks are going to be drawn to Kill's multiple-offense system over time.
Unless Kill is a complete bust, Minnesota really needs to stick with this guy to see what his proven staff and sytems can do at Minnesota. Outside of a Gary Patterson--who can now go wherever he wants--I doubt Minnesota could have done better than Kill. A bigger name coach would also be more prone to move on from Minnesota.
Kill's personality fits Minnesotans. He's not an egomaniac and has a strong work ethic. If he fails, the Gophers will have to start looking for another Glen Mason--a somewhat proven coach who would be itching to move on from Minnesota.

How can Minnesota establish an identity when they've had eight different head coaches in recent decades?

I pretty much agree with your post except for the above quote. Mason had a nationally known offensive identity. He had coaches from across the country coming in to look at and learn his zone blocking attack. I think it's possible to quickly establish an identity in college football if it is something that works.

The Big 10 is going to see a new wrinkle in offense and defense with coach Kill's systems. Wisconsin got a taste of the defensive system in the Rose Bowl. I'm looking forward to lock down corners and speed rush defensive ends. I've hated Minnesota's usual soft corners and we haven't had a true sack threat since Willie.

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