Sweet Caroline


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Nov 12, 2008
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During a break in the game at a recent football game the song SWEET CAROLINE struck up. Now I grew up in the 60s with Neil Diamond having hit after hit and have gone to his concerts. I was by the student section and thought--wow--this song will go over like a lead balloon in this section. This is for the old folks. Much to my surprise----the song electrified the students. They were jumping like crazy and enjoying the heck out of it. They were mouthing the words. Yes they even knew the words. It completely electrified the students.I was walking thru the section during the song so i know. Whats the deal with that? Why would they even know the words to that song? Why would it set them on fire? I was shocked.

Ummmm.....it's been a bar/sports anthem since at least '03. Red Sox fans at Fenway were singing with at a game I was at that season.

Its always been popular do to the crowd participation, but when the Red Sox adopted it (2002?) it definately had a sports resurgence.

Many college football games play oldies during the breaks.. The game I attended at Wisconsin, the student section finished the song, even after the PA stopped playing it and the play picked back up on the field. I don't recall the song, but I'm sure you can YouTube it and find it.

They play it at every college hockey game I've ever gone to also.... Major hit with the fans, especiallythe student sections...! go figure!

During a break in the game at a recent football game the song SWEET CAROLINE struck up. Now I grew up in the 60s with Neil Diamond having hit after hit and have gone to his concerts. I was by the student section and thought--wow--this song will go over like a lead balloon in this section. This is for the old folks. Much to my surprise----the song electrified the students. They were jumping like crazy and enjoying the heck out of it. They were mouthing the words. Yes they even knew the words. It completely electrified the students.I was walking thru the section during the song so i know. Whats the deal with that? Why would they even know the words to that song? Why would it set them on fire? I was shocked.

I can't tell you the last time I went to a wedding reception or anywhere that had karaoke where I DIDN'T here Sweet Caroline. I'm not sure why it's so popular but it always reminds me of the movie Beautiful Girls, but I doubt that's the source of the resurgence, because how many people have seen that movie?


for the responses. Still amazes me but its sure interesting--why that song---etc.

Also really like the song. However, it did get a little creepy when Neil Diamond admitted Caroline Kennedy (age 11 when the song came out) was the inspiration for the song.

I can't tell you the last time I went to a wedding reception or anywhere that had karaoke where I DIDN'T here Sweet Caroline. I'm not sure why it's so popular but it always reminds me of the movie Beautiful Girls, but I doubt that's the source of the resurgence, because how many people have seen that movie?

Funny, I was thinking the same thing. I actually really like that movie, there were some really good characters in it. The Natalie Portman character was great. I watched it again recently. I think it strikes a chord maybe a little more with people who grew up in more rural bitterly cold environments like I did, who knows.

"They"'ve been playing Sweet Caroline at sporting events, bars, and other communal places for decades now. Apparently everywhere/time except the places you've been at, Doc.

By the way, I'm nearing middle age, and am a fan of Neil Diamond. Though Sweet Caroline is not one my favorites...

Funny, I was thinking the same thing. I actually really like that movie, there were some really good characters in it. The Natalie Portman character was great. I watched it again recently. I think it strikes a chord maybe a little more with people who grew up in more rural bitterly cold environments like I did, who knows.

Me too. I ALWAYS think of that movie. Portions of it were filmed in Stillwater, MN.

No... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YynfrH5GHlw... now it's nuff said.

I'm from Boston, MA... but I attend the U. Sweet Caroline is the Red Sox anthem, but it's slowly trickled down to other sports venues. I suggest all of you attend a Sox game to see why it's gotten so popular. "Caroline" in "Sweet Caroline" is Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of longtime Senator Ted Kennedy, so the song does have roots in Boston... http://www.boston.com/ae/celebrity/articles/2007/11/21/sweet_caroline_revealed/

My folks were big Diamond fans. I think I was conceived to one of his songs, vasectomy not withstanding. Whenever I hear Cracklin' Rosie or Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show I get a little wiggly.

I can't hear any Neil Diamond without thinking about the film Saving Silverman and having a chuckle or two. Underrated film in my book.

No... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YynfrH5GHlw... now it's nuff said.

I'm from Boston, MA... but I attend the U. Sweet Caroline is the Red Sox anthem, but it's slowly trickled down to other sports venues. I suggest all of you attend a Sox game to see why it's gotten so popular. "Caroline" in "Sweet Caroline" is Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of longtime Senator Ted Kennedy, so the song does have roots in Boston... http://www.boston.com/ae/celebrity/articles/2007/11/21/sweet_caroline_revealed/

Unless I've completely lost my mind Caroline was JFK's daughter.

Funny, I was thinking the same thing. I actually really like that movie, there were some really good characters in it. The Natalie Portman character was great. I watched it again recently. I think it strikes a chord maybe a little more with people who grew up in more rural bitterly cold environments like I did, who knows.

Beautiful Girls. One of my favorite movies!

My folks were big Diamond fans. I think I was conceived to one of his songs, vasectomy not withstanding. Whenever I hear Cracklin' Rosie or Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show I get a little wiggly.

It's nuggets like this that make it worth putting up with all the pissing matches on this forum.

Funny nobody has mentioned the former local band, Gear Daddies. They had an affinity to Neil Diamond.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who like Neil Diamond, and those who don't.

My ex-wife loves him.

I'm loathe to do anything that emulates an afternoon in Camp Randall (aside from winning), and you can be sure that there are plenty of Badger fans out there who think singing 'Sweet Caroline' is a Wisconsin-original, despite the BoSox use of it.

Revisionist history. Sort of like how Badger football history began in the ninties to most in the 'Under 35' demographic.

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