Sunday's GopherHole Summary (8/25/13) - So You Know


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Nov 20, 2008
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I won't be transcribing this Sunday's Sports Huddle Summary of Jerry Kill's interview with Sid and Dave.

I have a family commitment. So, I won't be able to listen and take notes during the interview.

This is an outrage!


Always enjoy your sports huddle updates. I'll look forward to the return after a Gopher win next Thursday.

I won't be transcribing this Sunday's Sports Huddle Summary of Jerry Kill's interview with Sid and Dave.

I have a family commitment. So, I won't be able to listen and take notes during the interview.

As always, I will post the podcast of this section when it is available.

I won't be transcribing this Sunday's Sports Huddle Summary of Jerry Kill's interview with Sid and Dave.

I have a family commitment. So, I won't be able to listen and take notes during the interview.

$1 fine.

This is an outrage!


Always enjoy your sports huddle updates. I'll look forward to the return after a Gopher win next Thursday.

+1 DL65 Hope you have a great time with your family!

C'mon! Where are your priorities? Gophers football always comes before family.

I won't be transcribing this Sunday's Sports Huddle Summary of Jerry Kill's interview with Sid and Dave.

I have a family commitment. So, I won't be able to listen and take notes during the interview.

You just lost your eligibility to win a t-shirt in the first Predict the Score Contest. You did not request permission ahead of time from the Commissioner, so you will be hit with a one game suspension. This decision IS subject to appeal by request via PM to me, the Commissioner.

Damned family interferences!!!

We could suspend him for a week but we would just be punishing ourselves.:cry:

Right Killjoy. The felon being punished should not result in the jury being punished.


[video] h8SX_sXs&ei=DeUXUqyWG4K6yQHA1YDIAw&usg=AFQjCNH33fofjPZCNghtClPEPyU97rSX8w&bvm=bv.51156542,d.b2I[/video]

Abbreviated Sports Huddle Today

DL chose the right time to take a well deserved day off. It was a very short program because practice had already started because of the heat. First of all I am not going to even attempt to do one of DL’s reports but I will give you a very brief high level summary.

The program was broadcast from the state fair grounds with Mike Max replacing Dave Mona. I expect Mona decided to take the day off after he heard DL was going to be gone. The first part of the program was Sid and the crowd singing happy birthday to Jerry. It was a very nice jester but very poor singing. His birthday was yesterday.

Sid then asked several of his standard questions and Jerry gave him his standard answers about the team being older, stronger, faster, more depth etc. There was an interesting discussion about why you need so much more depth now. It is due to fast offenses having more snaps and the need for specialty players for different situations etc.

This also led into need to play more players this weekend because of the heat. Because of the heat this week they will also be cutting back practice to keep the players fresh for Thursday’s game
Lastly, they talked about last year red shirts and who could lose their red shirt this year. There was not much said but Kill did say that Donovan Jones is the one freshman that he is sure that will lose it. Kill then left for practice which had already started.

P.S. I will post the podcast when it is available.

No good deed goes unpunished

You just lost your eligibility to win a t-shirt in the first Predict the Score Contest. You did not request permission ahead of time from the Commissioner, so you will be hit with a one game suspension. This decision IS subject to appeal by request via PM to me, the Commissioner.

Damned family interferences!!!

LOL - I was pretty sure there jester wasn't quite correct when I wrote that but I was too lazy to look it up. Then I saw your post and I was sure it wasn't correct. I am also sure that highwayman knows that the correct spelling is gesture and now I also know that and I am sure I will never forget that.:D Then on the other hand when Sid is involved jester may be the correct word. Thanks for the laugh.

LOL - I was pretty sure there jester wasn't quite correct when I wrote that but I was too lazy to look it up. Then I saw your post and I was sure it wasn't correct. I am also sure that highwayman knows that the correct spelling is gesture and now I also know that and I am sure I will never forget that.:D Then on the other hand when Sid is involved jester may be the correct word. Thanks for the laugh.


There is "spellcheck" and then there are just hilariously Freudian funny ones. I laughed out loud on that one.

The only ones that truly drive me crazy are "loose," as in "I'm sure that when Wisconsin and Iowa play each other, both are going to loose"; and misspelling of players' names (or anyone's names for that matter). That's just inexcusable.

"Jester" was a great moment.

Thx JK. Sid and the state fair can be quite painful.

There is "spellcheck" and then there are just hilariously Freudian funny ones. I laughed out loud on that one.

The only ones that truly drive me crazy are "loose," as in "I'm sure that when Wisconsin and Iowa play each other, both are going to loose"; and misspelling of players' names (or anyone's names for that matter). That's just inexcusable.

"Jester" was a great moment.

Having fun with Killjoy's misuse of the word "jester" is a good gesture.

Having fun with Killjoy's misuse of the word "jester" is a good gesture.

That it is. That it is. As W.C. Field once said "If you can't spell a word at least three different ways you aren't very clever. Never did understand why some people get so upset when they are corrected. I have always preferred to be told if I am doing something wrong so I can correct it. When it is done in a humorous way like highwayman's your probably never forget the lesson.

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