Sunday Sports Huddle

Charley Walters noted a couple of weeks ago not to expect it back until 2021.

Thanks Not sure what the delay is now. The next three months are the best time for covering sports. Plus it is such a cash cow for WCCO (as much commercial time as content time).

Thanks Not sure what the delay is now. The next three months are the best time for covering sports. Plus it is such a cash cow for WCCO (as much commercial time as content time).
I think wcco is more commercials than content time!

While I ENJOY son's recaps etc, Fleck has been reaching out to the public with his weekly television etc. Sunday mornings I believe are actually probably tough for Fleck as he is with recruits, monitoring what is going on with a variety of activities relating to recruiting as well.

I'D rather have him be working on recruiting as opposed to stepping away perhaps at a inconvenient time to preach to the choir.

CCO has to decide
1. what they are going to do with the time slot
2. format
3. who is going to host.

Let's face it - one of the main reasons the Huddle stopped was because the co-host is 100 years old and there was a pandemic going on. I don't see Sid returning until there is a vaccine and the whole covid situation settles down. And after that, do they really want a 100 year old person who is functionally deaf trying to host a radio show?

I have a hard time believing that the show returns in the same format. Dave Mona is no kid either, so if the Huddle returns, it will probably be a revised version with new hosts.

if Mike Max is hosting the show, I will have a hard time listening. not a fan.

I think the only reason Reusse keeps delaying his retirement is he's trying to outlast Sid.

I think the only reason Reusse keeps delaying his retirement is he's trying to outlast Sid.
More of a ground hog day for Reusse as keeps doing the same thing over and over not accomplishing anything.

Was on walk yesterday morning and I thought I'd tune in to 830. The Goof on the Roof was hosting. I could only stomach a few minutes.

Do they still have Dave Something from Wealth Enhancement group every Sunday morning?
I think you mean Bruce Helmer. He is still on with another lady who annoys the hell out of me. He praises everything she says. Quit listening about the same time Sports Huddle ended.

And the Dave is David Hilden from Hennepin Health Care, who is on 7 AM - 8 AM on Sunday. WCCO has had a medical show on at that time on Sunday for a very long time. The "another lady" on the Wealth Enhancement show is Peg Webb. The WEG show has been on for nearly 20 years and probably isn't leaving WCCO anytime soon (and yes, it is basically a paid ad for them).

I think you mean Bruce Helmer. He is still on with another lady who annoys the hell out of me. He praises everything she says. Quit listening about the same time Sports Huddle ended.

the answer to every question is to invest in a Roth IRA.

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