"Sunday Night Overtime wtih Tracy Claeys": Episode 2 TONIGHT @ 7

Anyone else find it vaguely wierd how the host rabbit-eared that Gaard is "on assignment".

Anyone else find it vaguely wierd how the host rabbit-eared that Gaard is "on assignment".

I think Corbu was making fun of Gaard going on vacation one week into the season.

He's on his annual trip to NYC for the US Open.

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I didn't think that Corbu was that bad. Speaking of media I listened to a lot of the game on radio. Mike Grim gave me the exact info that I wanted and really gave a good picture of what was happening on the field. However, after the game it was obvious that he was not that impressed with the game the Gophers played, several times saying, "Well 1-0 is better than the alternative."

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