

Gov. Victory Bell Ringer
Nov 20, 2008
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Seriously...if you are going to leave the game after the 3rd quarter in a 3 point ballgame then just give up your tickets. Embarassing that the student section was half empty in the 4th quarter.

Also, for the season ticket holders that left after the 3rd quarter. Boooo to you too.

+1 sir.

I couldn't have even fathomed leaving that game early. What a joke.

It was very, very, very bad. And I have the pictures to prove it.

What do you guys expect on Halloween? There is a word in the English language that will overpower most students, it's commonly known as "party".

The parties wouldn't have even gotten good until well after the game was over. Anyone who left early should be kicking themselves.

What do you guys expect on Halloween? There is a word in the English language that will overpower most students, it's commonly known as "party".

There's another word in the English language that appropriately represents about 40% of the student section; it's commonly known as "pathetic."

The parties wouldn't have even gotten good until well after the game was over. Anyone who left early should be kicking themselves.

exactly. i hope they all puke their guts out tonight and have hangovers tomorrow. we stayed until after hail minnesota was played. great game tonight. to those students who stayed and understood that there would be plenty of partying to do after the game was over: hats off to thee

I sprained my ankle at 1PM playing basketball today....and i stayed all game, and even stood on third downs. Couldn't imagine leaving this shootout early. crazy people.

Go Gophers

+1 yeah that was pretty bad it seemed lik half of the people in the upper part left. The guy sitting next to me left when it was 35-34 with his wife. Boy did he miss a hell of an play!!!!!

It is halloween night game, what did you expect?

That the students wouldn't quit on the team after 30 minutes. Doesn't seem like too much to ask for.

They didn't quit on the team because they were never there for the team, the game is just the beginning of the party.

You gotta remember that 40% of the students are not like us posters on the gopherhole, the game is just an event to start the night.

Also, thousands of U students are in Mad-town right now.

With a ranked team and a winning tradition you will see more students come with the intention of staying.

There's another word in the English language that appropriately represents about 40% of the student section; it's commonly known as "pathetic."

Get off their back. They give much more of an alliance to the University than most people on this board. Through their $11,400 tuition and their countless hours of study they put in giving this institution the rank it has, students should have the option of leaving early on Halloween against such a feeble opponent. Calling students "pathetic" is just tasteless.

They didn't quit on the team because they were never there for the team, the game is just the beginning of the party.

You gotta remember that 40% of the students are not like us posters on the gopherhole, the game is just an event to start the night.

Also, thousands of U students are in Mad-town right now.

With a ranked team and a winning tradition you will see more students come with the intention of staying.

not even close. the halloween stuff in madison is mostly hype (has been for a while). i went there a couple times when i was in school (late 90's) and it was really just "okay". the whole scene there has been heading downhill the last 8 years since the madison police started cracking down really hard on the parties/bars. halloween in madison is not worth the trip, the money or the trouble.

Get off their back. They give much more of an alliance to the University than most people on this board. Through their $11,400 tuition and their countless hours of study they put in giving this institution the rank it has, students should have the option of leaving early on Halloween against such a feeble opponent. Calling students "pathetic" is just tasteless.

I'm a student there too, guy, and my tuition is a hell of a lot more than $11,400. If calling students pathetic somehow offends your sensibilities, then I suggest you buck up and get over it.

If 40% of the student ticket holders are going to quit on the team to attend a party at 8.30 in the evening, then I suggest they give their ticket up to someone who cares about the football team. Tonight was a night where the fans really played a role in the team's success on the field. We actually could have used a raucous student section tonight.

I'm a student there too, guy, and my tuition is a hell of a lot more than $11,400. If calling students pathetic somehow offends your sensibilities, then I suggest you buck up and get over it.

If 40% of the student ticket holders are going to quit on the team to attend a party at 8.30 in the evening, then I suggest they give their ticket up to someone who cares about the football team. Tonight was a night where the fans really played a role in the team's success on the field. We actually could have used a raucous student section tonight.

You sound like a Carlson (*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#), am I correct ;)

It was disappointing to see some people leave but I have never heard louder cheering or witnessed more energy in the Bank than there was tonight. As I mentioned on another thread, I believe the crowd that was there played an important role in getting the refs to stop penalizing the home team constantly. Great win.

I think I understand what is being said by a couple people here: The students are whores. The following changes will be implemented immediately:

* No kissing students on the mouth
* Money will be flashed to get students into the place
* We'll pay them to go away when we're done with them (promotions will be held after the game outside the stadium, instead of in the 1st half)

people really need to stop complaining about the students. we have become the flavor-of-the-month thing tip bitch about even after a win. let the students do what they do and you do what you do. just let it be.

you guys realize that girls arent as into football as the people on this board right????c'mon there were tons of empty seats in the regular seating too, also for as much *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# as the students put up with from university itself to the state i dont think you can ride people for making their own decisons...and bronko there are tons of U students in madison right now

Totally agree with the last 2 posters.

Worry about yourself - you just come off as judgemental.

What's wrong with letting people decide for themselves how to spend their time? How does it hurt you?

I'm sorry...but it was pathetic. A fricking 35-34 football game and of our 10,000 seat student section there might have been 2500 left. You wonder why we get as much bs from Wisconsin and Iowa and everyone else about our pathetic fan base. Every one Has a late arriving student section., thats not even a question. Every student section will empty out if the game is a blowout, thats not even a question.

I guarantee you that there is NO way, none what so ever that a night game in Camp Randall or in Iowa City that in a fricking one point game with less then 10 miutes left the place empties out.

So for all you people saying students will be students, then the next time Sconnie or Iowa fans call out our crappy fan base, don't say no...because it starts and ends with those in the end zone....who mostly decided they would rather drink themselves into a stupor then watch a fricking one point football game....its sad, pathetic, and they all should be ashamed. If you are that kid of fan, don;t get tickets in the first place.. to quote Dan barrero....WE don't need you.

Oh and by the way...all this means is I guarantee there will be less night games in the future....once the admins see how empty the student section was, they are going to say, well they wanted to go party, so if we want to have a lively student section we better play earlier in the get ready for even more 11 am kicks in the future...

Right when we 'fumbled' the ball and then we got it back on the review. The people ahead of me looked back and "said, screw this, were going to a halloween party" theyre nuts! Next play we got the immaculate deflection!!

What I would like to know is, where did the students who left early go? And if it was to party, why couldn't they wait another hour? Did the parties end at midnight or something?

It's really simple... half the student section just doesn't care about the game, and it's really no different in the rest of the stadium. Lots of people leave early every week. We have terrible, terrible fans and it's not going to change anytime soon.

For what it's worth I was roaming the concourse around the middle of the 3rd quarter and you wouldn't believe the number of non-student fans leaving either. It was probably a 1.5:1 ratio of students to "others" leaving the game. As mentioned before probably nobody on this board leaves early so starting this thread is just a waste of time and space especially since apparently we need to get 3 of these going after each and every game. Just let it die.

You realize that like 90% of the students who leave early are girls that go just to socialize right?

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