STrib: U prepares for new athletic apparel deal after Nike contract expires


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Nov 11, 2008
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per the STrib:

In exchange for a hard-to-miss profile on campus, Nike has been important to the Gophers’ bottom line — the school gets $1 million a year in Nike merchandise, with the company offering everything from shoes, uniforms and gameday warm-ups to weight-training gloves, stopwatches, sunglasses and golf balls.

As the school’s seven-year contract with Nike nears expiration in July 2014, university officials are looking to increase the benefit to the school. Under the current contract, the school also gets $200,000 a year in royalty payments: $10,000 should the Gophers men’s hockey team make the Frozen Four tournament and a 2-for-1 deal on Nike football shoes once the Gophers football team gets 325 pairs.

But other schools have since signed more lucrative apparel contracts with Nike or its competitors. It’s a sign of how such arrangements are now commonplace on the collegiate landscape, and also an indication that the University of Minnesota remains a second-tier customer for apparel companies because of its more-modest tradition of winning.

Alabama — the college football national champion for three of the past four seasons — is in the midst of an eight-year contract with Nike that is valued at $30 million.

Michigan is in the middle of a long-term contract with Adidas — the school switched from Nike — that pays the university $6 million annually in cash and in-kind contributions. Nebraska’s contract with Adidas involves $2.5 million annually in cash and in-kind contributions, and the company pays the school $100,000 if its football team plays in a major bowl game.

Nike pays Minnesota $25,000 if the Gophers get invited to a major bowl game.

Go Gophers!!

I don't care what the new contract says as long as it's not with Adidas.

I would prefer it if the contract would stay with Nike myself. I hope that's the case.

No wonder these sneakers and other apparel are so damned expensive. I have never bought either brand in my life.

I wouldn't be against going with another provider.. but I admittedly really, really enjoy Nike's stuff more than Adidas/UnderArmor. If we do go with someone else, I agree.. Anything but Adidas.

Under Armor would make sense considering that N.Illinois was a UA school when Kill was there.

Nike isn't paying Alabama $30 Million so their logo can be seen at rowing events.

I understand, but just because our football coach's former team wore Under Armour does not mean that switching to UA would make the most sense.

Under Armor would make sense considering that N.Illinois was a UA school when Kill was there.

If you think the choice would be influenced by the decision at former school you might want to check to see who VCU is aligned with.

Really hope they stay with Nike, would hate if it went to Addidas, and not a huge fan of the Under Armour stuff either.

I don't care what the new contract says as long as it's not with Adidas.

Prefer Nike, would be open to Under Armour because we may get some more attention and special treatment. Adidas is horrible.

If you think the choice would be influenced by the decision at former school you might want to check to see who VCU is aligned with.

Of course the decision will be influenced by decisions at formers schools (relationships with reps etc.), that is how business works. Ultimately, the decision will come down to whether Woody is pleased with the job Nike is doing at his present school.

CASH is KING! If our new Norwood leaves too much cash laying on the table just because he is "cozy' with some sales rep he's going to have a hard time raising money for a practice facility for any team. It looks to me as though Michigan is laughing all the way to the bank with their deal with the "totally UN-cool Addidis" cash payments.

Our new Norwood NEEDS to look at the bottom line. "...A few million here and a few million there and pretty soon you are talking real money..."
as Everett Dirkson always used to say... Win enough B1G Games and the school will be "cool" no matter which logo they sell out to...

; 0 )

What about back to the Wacker M & M days with Apex? YOU CAN'T FAKE THIS! We either go Apex, Fila like suggested above, or off the board & bring back British Knights.

Kidding aside, I agree with above posters: prefer Nike, but would be cool with Under Armour. Stay away from going crazy Maryland look, but I like the look that Northwestern has gone to. But I hope we stay as is because I do like the jersey look that both the football & basketball teams have right now.

Whatever happens, I'm generally a fan of the more traditional looking uniforms. Most importantly, I want to make sure we keep the school colors. I hate it when teams who don't have black as one of their colors start wearing black jerseys.

Considering all the new Nike Branding and things like that inside the stadium, I'd say the chances of a new contract with Nike are fairly high.

As long as our jerseys aren't designed by the same schmuck that did the new vikings jerseys. Ugly and they aren't purple and don't match the helmets. Fugly damn things.

Considering all the new Nike Branding and things like that inside the stadium, I'd say the chances of a new contract with Nike are fairly high.

All that Nike branding is very easily removable.

As long as our jerseys aren't designed by the same schmuck that did the new vikings jerseys. Ugly and they aren't purple and don't match the helmets. Fugly damn things.

The Vikings jerseys are pretty solid. As far as your comments on 'they aren't purple and don't match the helmets', you are simply wrong. They ARE purple. And they DO match.

The Vikings jerseys are pretty solid. As far as your comments on 'they aren't purple and don't match the helmets', you are simply wrong. They ARE purple. And they DO match.

That is because in the small print you can see the Vikings not only contracted with Nike, but also with Garanimals.

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