STrib: Rhoda might start next week against Rutgers, at least.

I agree, but if he also starts at Illinois and has another nice performance along with a win, it could make things interesting.

If Mitch is still out of commission when the Illinois game roles around then we need to start worrying about his availability for the remainder of the season.

Reading up on the concussion protocol it's 5 steps starting at zero or base line
0. Symptom free. No concussion symptoms for 24 hrs.
1. Light aerobic exercise
2. Moderate exercise
3. Heavy exercise
4. Practice with contact
5. Full participation.
It's just a guess but if Mitch is listed as out on the position chart he's at 3 or less.

What I found concerning about the protocols is they do not list a minimum time to reevaluate so literally could be: passes concussion protocol morning, morning light exercise, repass protocol,afternoon moderate exercise, repass protocol evening heavy excercise, repass protocol, next day contact and full participation. Should be minimum of one day at each stage (and maybe internally the gophers follow that) but they aren't required to. I always get concerned when I hear about players just getting cleared for light practice on a Thursday and somehow game ready Saturday.

If Mitch is still out of commission when the Illinois game roles around then we need to start worrying about his availability for the remainder of the season.

Seriously are basing that comment on what?

Seriously are basing that comment on what?

If he still isn't cleared to play 3 weeks after the concussion that would not be a good sign at all. We have seen the way concussions can linger for some guys and take them out of commission for a long time. Most guys that get one and recover are back on the field after sitting a week or so.

If he still isn't cleared to play 3 weeks after the concussion that would not be a good sign at all. We have seen the way concussions can linger for some guys and take them out of commission for a long time. Most guys that get one and recover are back on the field after sitting a week or so.

From what I've read, 3 weeks does not see that long for recovery now days, but more close to average. Obviously depends on the severity and if he's had them in the past. Thought maybe you had something I could read. Thanks.

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