STrib: Recruits of a feather flocking together

Several of the same dumb-assed know-nothing comments from the comment section.

Dr. Don, Maybe they deleted the comments you are talking about, if not you are getting too thin skinned, As of 10;20 9 comments and only two negative and one of those two praises Kill for having his coaches loyal to him.

"Ummm.. I am glad that the Gopher's can get quality players from across the nation. I wonder how well they would have lured other recruits/players with a dome stadium? Why, why did they ever build an open stadium? Vikings, are you listening?"

Haha wow.

If domed stadiums were such a big plus for recruiting, why do only a few teams have them? I think Syracuse is the only BCS team playing in a dome. Some people say "It's Minnesota! Of course you play indoors!" Nonsense. Some people have really taken the propaganda seriously. There's no more need for a dome here than there is for any other northern city.

If you can't take 20 degree weather in November, you live in the wrong state.

It seems to me the issues with this group of recruits will be the same ones that have been around foreever. How are players on the defensive side of the ball going to develop and perform down the road. We aren't going to know for three or four years anyway so no reason to worry.

I really like the offensive recruits though, lots of players that could really have good careers, hopefully we will be able to say the same thing about the defense.

If domed stadiums were such a big plus for recruiting, why do only a few teams have them? I think Syracuse is the only BCS team playing in a dome. Some people say "It's Minnesota! Of course you play indoors!" Nonsense. Some people have really taken the propaganda seriously. There's no more need for a dome here than there is for any other northern city.

A dome is nice to have for the Vikings, since they play in December and (sometimes) January. You're 100% right, though - a dome for the Gophers was unnecessary and stupid in the first place.

If domed stadiums were such a big plus for recruiting, why do only a few teams have them? I think Syracuse is the only BCS team playing in a dome. Some people say "It's Minnesota! Of course you play indoors!" Nonsense. Some people have really taken the propaganda seriously. There's no more need for a dome here than there is for any other northern city.

Recruiting for a domed stadium was one of the criteria that was used when the Gophers moved to the dome, sure Memorial was in disrepair, needed major upgrades, but it was a grand old stadium and would have stood up to the Big House as far as venues are concerned if remodeling had been done. In 30 years there will probably be a cry for a domed stadium.

If Memorial Stadium had been renovated, it would have stood well against any stadium in the Big Ten. But the football team didn't move there because the U wanted a domed stadium. The team moved there because the U was under heavy pressure to become a tenant at the Metrodome, and there wasn't going to be any money for renovation.

The U did attempt to sell recruits on the benefits of a domed stadium, but that is understandable. You sell what you have. If what you have is a domed stadium, you sell recruits on the benefits of a domed stadium. For a while it worked, but not for long. Some recruits expressed interest in "playing where the pros play", but the dome quickly became "where the pros didn't want to play."

Another big problem with a dome as a recruiting tool is that teams still have to play half of their Big Ten games on the road. And that means you're still going to play in the cold. If a player wants to avoid the cold, they can play in the south, and not have to deal with it at all.

There won't be a call for the Gophers to have a dome in 30 years. An NFL team might demand a new stadium in that time frame, but TCF is going to be there for an awful long time.

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