STrib: Mark Coyle, Phil Esten: How Minnesota's top athletics directors are living with NIL

That's another good cliché. Navigating this new era.

But what would Fleck & Pitino actually have done differently than Johnson to keep Payne, Hawkins, & Christie?

I'm guessing Fleck would have done the same thing he did to keep Darius Taylor and get Jaxon Howard to transfer. Coach "P" isn't Pitino, it's Plitzuweit.

Go Gophers!!

We don't know, but whatever he's got up his sleeve, NIL has gone waaaaaaaay better than we anticipated it would to this point for football.
I think these clichés are tossed around in HOPES that things change for basketball. Like if the next coach has something up his sleeve, then we can keep our best players.

But I think the actual problem is that the big paying schools realize that buying 1 or 2 basketball players can really make a big difference.

The argument wasn't regarding a Fortune 500 company being preferred over the two options, it was getting the Wolves and Vikings on board with our NIL as a means to recruit better players. I also don't buy the "competition for people's dollars" argument made by disco. People who are attending these games, both college and pro, aren't having an existential crisis on a weekly basis on who they're going to dump money on because they won't be able to feed poor Johnny if they put into both. Different leagues, same product at the baseline. The need for some of you to look at the pro market like it's some predatory monster that's keeping us from being successful is crazy sometimes.
I have had Gopher tix since Monson's last year and for about 5 years split a season of Wolves tix when they were $9 apiece in the lower bowl. And I had Wolves tickets in year 1, so have a bit of an affinity for the club--- and this playoff season i spent $600 apiece on a couple of tickets that I normally wouldn't have but it might be 20 years before they get that far again and because I was on the fence about renewing my Gopher tickets. Not having to pay $2330 for the Gophers made it easier to drop $1200 on a Wolves game 5 loss to Dallas.
Now if someone from the ticket office would have reached out , even with an e-mail saying that the time to re-new is now, or if someone would have called on the last day, or the week leading up to the deadline, maybe I still would have kept them-- but no effort has been made to keep me as a customer. So the competition for my dollars has been won by the Wolves.

The argument wasn't regarding a Fortune 500 company being preferred over the two options, it was getting the Wolves and Vikings on board with our NIL as a means to recruit better players. I also don't buy the "competition for people's dollars" argument made by disco. People who are attending these games, both college and pro, aren't having an existential crisis on a weekly basis on who they're going to dump money on because they won't be able to feed poor Johnny if they put into both. Different leagues, same product at the baseline. The need for some of you to look at the pro market like it's some predatory monster that's keeping us from being successful is crazy sometimes.
You can disagree but it's nearsighted imo

It's entertainment, they are in the same business. I don't look at professional sports as predatory, nor do I look at it as zero sum. I think there are plenty of fans for both the gophers and wolves to prosper.

That being said, it makes no sense for the Wolves and Vikings to support a direct competitor, that is a seperate issue entirely.

I'm sure a marketing major would be able to explain far better than I can how it would benefit both the Wolves/Vikings and the U from an advertising standpoint. These organizations are flush with money and if they can make a minor contribution via NIL that would result in a few more butts in the seats or a furthering of their image in the public, they would do it. I don't buy that it makes no sense at all, there has to be some kind of value even if the return is minimal. It's the same reason people pay to have their name on stadiums.
You think the Vikings are worried about butts in the seats? Man wanna buy a bridge?

The Vikings and Wolves gain nothing from the would be a complete one way relationship. Maybe if Glen Taylor went to the U it would make sense but otherwise why should he? No Gopher fan is going to all of a sudden become a Wolves or Vikings fan because they donated to NIL or the scholarship fund. No one in the Twin Cities is going to change their tune either because of it.

We don't know, but whatever he's got up his sleeve, NIL has gone waaaaaaaay better than we anticipated it would to this point for football.
You should see the baseball dollars. At this rate Minny might back in Omaha soon!!

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