STrib Letter to Editors on Gophers "end racism" uniforms

I just destroyed 3 chalupas with a Surly Furious IPA. I'm a bit gassy now.
I'm just going to come right out and say it; this is without a doubt the most productive and purposeful post in this entire thread. Thank you for bringing this back to a much better place

"End Racism" is an aspirational goal. End war, stop child abuse are also aspirational goals. Few, I would guess get upset by the latter.

Ending the welfare way of life would do more good than all the rants and chants against racism, but no one is interested in that. The jerseys didn't bother me because there is nothing wrong with idealism, especially for young people, plus Minnesota went through racial hell last summer. In many ways they were appropriate - I just wish the players' names were also on their jerseys!

"End Racism" is an aspirational goal. End war, stop child abuse are also aspirational goals. Few, I would guess get upset by the latter.

My take is that for some the issue is linked to politics, firebrands like Kaepernick and some pretty inflammatory and frankly unhelpful rhetoric. The well has been poisoned for now. Time will temper people, I hope and more productive dialogue can happen. Personally I have no issue with it and am glad they went with the slogan that was chosen.

My take is that for some the issue is linked to politics, firebrands like Kaepernick and some pretty inflammatory and frankly unhelpful rhetoric. The well has been poisoned for now. Time will temper people, I hope and more productive dialogue can happen. Personally I have no issue with it and am glad they went with the slogan that was chosen.

What these young men will learn and what all of us should already know is that simplistic slogans end up changing nothing and simplistic solutions often make things worse.

What these young men will learn and what all of us should already know is that simplistic slogans end up changing nothing and simplistic solutions often make things worse.

Pretty sure they'll learn plenty more since they're actually doing something. This was always about far more than a nameplate on a jersey. Anyone who has been paying attention *should already* know this.

I think next year the Gophers should put
"End Stupidity" on their jerseys.

Who could object to that? Stupid people, I guess.

Oh oh, I can see where this is going to go. I do find it interesting that the Strib published only 2 letters, and both were like that (I bet many wrote in that liked them but they neglected to report them). Hmmm...I can't remember if they do objective journalism over there. Oh, wait that's right, there is no such thing as objective journalism.

Gosh I miss those days when the news would just report the news, and the journalists would actually report big stories regardless of sides. Sigh.

Anyway I'll go grab the popcorn for the back and forth on this thread so I will be entertained and not miss anything. 🍿🍿🍿

  1. "Stand up straight with your shoulders back"
  2. "Treat yourself like you are someone you are responsible for helping"
  3. "Make friends with people who want the best for you"
  4. "Compare yourself with who you were yesterday, not with who someone else is today"
  5. "Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them"
  6. "Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world"
  7. "Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)"
  8. "Tell the truth — or, at least, don’t lie"
  9. "Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t"
  10. "Be precise in your speech"
  11. "Do not bother children when they are skate-boarding"
  12. "Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street"

My take is that for some the issue is linked to politics, firebrands like Kaepernick and some pretty inflammatory and frankly unhelpful rhetoric. The well has been poisoned for now. Time will temper people, I hope and more productive dialogue can happen. Personally I have no issue with it and am glad they went with the slogan that was chosen.
Those who are objecting to political messages rarely object to them when it's as political message they support. For example, what could be more political than playing the national anthem at sporting events? Just because people don't realize that that's a political statement doesn't mean that it isn't.

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