STrib: Gophers men's and women's hoops teams 100% registered to vote


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Marcus:

The Gophers men’s and women’s basketball teams were ready to announce something important Tuesday, just in time for Voter Registration Day:

Both teams are 100% registered to vote this year.

The push to encourage athletes to exercise their right to vote has been stronger than ever this fall. The NCAA and the Big Ten announced last week that Election Day on Nov. 3 would be free from athletic activities to allow athletes to fill out their ballots for this year’s general election.

“The biggest thing we need our guys to understand is to go out and register to vote,” Gophers men’s hoops coach Richard Pitino told the Star Tribune recently. “There is no excuse there. We’ve talked to them about how to do it. The biggest thing is you educate them and get them to understand the process. Obviously, it’s great the NCAA set aside (time) they will have off to do that. I know our guys are really excited.”

Go Gophers!!

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