STrib: Gophers' Jarvis Omersa brings high-energy approach to social justice causes, too


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Nov 11, 2008
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Earlier this week, the NCAA approved rules to allow athletes to wear patches on their uniforms to support social justice issues. Don’t be surprised if Omersa is the first Gopher to jump on board.

Standing up against racial inequality is something Omersa didn’t hesitate to act on after the killing of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis. He joined peaceful protests on the streets with his mother who has long been an activist against social injustice.

“People that do protesting, they feel the need to do that,” Omersa said. “I was out there. I did a lot. It was fun being out there. It really felt like a team environment where everybody has the same goal, the same idea and the same mentality. That people have a lot of the same mind-set and ideas trying to address it and make a change, it’s a comfortable feeling. It makes you feel people are going to back up what they say.”

On her son’s activism, Sara Omersa said she raised him to stand up for what he believes in.

“And if you believe strongly about something that’s going on,” she said, “then I’m going to support you 100 percent.”

Go Gophers!!

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