STrib: Close call in 2014 Axe game still stings for Gophers


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Nov 11, 2008
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U’s close call in 2014 still stings

The last time the Gophers were at Camp Randall Stadium, they seemed poised to head to the Big Ten Championship Game. In a winner-take-all battle for the 2014 Big Ten West title, the Gophers led 17-3 and actually could have led 21-3 if not for a questionable hands-to-the-face penalty on Tommy Olson.

But the game turned on a third-and-8 play, when the Gophers had a coverage breakdown, gifting Wisconsin receiver Alex Erickson a 70-yard gain. Melvin Gordon and Co. led the way from there to a 34-24 Wisconsin win. David Cobb rushed for 118 yards, and Mitch Leidner completed only five of 18 passes, but Tracy Claeys, then defensive coordinator, took the blame.

“We let them up,” said Jay Sawvel, secondary coach then and now Claeys’ defensive coordinator. “I don’t ever forget that.”

Go Gophers!!

They should have never taken Cobb out on that hands to the face series. That's how they let them off the hook. TD there and they might have blown them out. Keep Cobb in, keep the foot on the gas.

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They should have never taken Cobb out on that hands to the face series. That's how they let them off the hook. TD there and they might have blown them out. Keep Cobb in, keep the foot on the gas.

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If I remember correctly, David Cobb still had a bad hamstring from the Nebraska game that year. He was a game time decision if he was even going to be able to play in the Wisconsin game.

Cobb was breaking tackles left and right that first qtr. Seemed like he ran out of gas after that (we assumed due to his injury). With our one/two punch of Smith and Brooks there will be no running out of gas. The badger defense won't be able to tackle them all day and we will be able to run over them by the end of the 3rd qtr. Our defense just has to keep us in it until that time! Go Gophers!

Didn't Wisconsin also bust off a 50 yard gain on a missed delay of game?

Didn't Wisconsin also bust off a 50 yard gain on a missed delay of game?

This was the turning point. Mix up in the coverage allowing a big gain on 3rd and long. Totally changed the momentum.

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