STrib: Bruininks: U coach is Maturi's call (long Q&A)

Wow, a great interview. However, I am surprised that none of the questions got into Bruininks role in Mason's firing. It was Bruininks who put Maturi in the position where he had only a couple of weeks to find and hire a coach to replace Mason. The interview leaves very little doubt that Bruininks has been very involved in coaching hirings and firings the entire time he has been the president. No matter how much he might want to downplay it Bruininks not only interviewed Brewster and participated in the discussions, he was totally on board with his hiring. And there is also little doubt that it will be Bruininks and whoever follows him who will make the final call about the elimination of any non-revenue sports. No AD will ever have that kind of authority at the U.

Very interesting article. Like things better when Bruininks is talking rather than Maturi. It looks like we will have a search firm involved (good thing - imo). Also, Bruininks has been reading about other coaches for awhile "but I can tell you I read quite a bit on coaches around the country, and I don't know how this is going to come out, but I do have a couple of favorites." Love that he has been engaged and is something that he genuinely cares about. How many articles have been written about Trestman in English?

Plus, I don't think Leach is out for sure. He seemed to be giving some wiggle room for someone with a little baggage.

My guess is that the final signoff will be Maturi's, but it will be more of a formality, more like he could veto if he really wanted to.

And elimination of sports isn't on the table. We are in the middle of the pack for the number of Big Ten sports offered.

I really liked the article. It sounds like they are just sick of losing and want to stop it. IDK if its a ploy to sell seats, but for now, I am going to trust their honesty. If my Blackhawks can go from the worst franchise in sports to Stanley Cup Champions, The U can become decent. I know its different sports yada yada, but It only takes one solid movement and some good people behind it. Hire John McDonough!

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