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I saw quite a few Gopher hats and shirts there... no reason why both fanbases can't cheer for each other.
A) its dam good football program
B) 50% of NDSU is Minnesota
C) theyll never play again anyways.
Agree. I think how both fan bases act toward each other is kind of embarrassing. I think it would be different if the two teams hadn't played each other a few years back, with the Bison win.
I had two Bison fans over for my fantasy football draft during Gopher gameday last week, and they had the audacity to call the Bison and Gophers rivals...like, wait, what?
And I also see on forums like this, Gopher fans completely disrespecting the Bison because they play in a lesser division, as if their dominance at the FCS level doesn't matter...
Just pettiness on both sides...the teams don't play in the same division, separate the two.