STrib: A year later, Vikings pay discounted bill to the U

The comments are interesting. And while both sides do appear to be saying this is a non issue I have an issue with the U backing down at all on what the Vikings owed them and providing any kind of discounts. It wasn't the U's fault that the Vikings lost money on the game so the U should have gotten every penny they felt was owed to them and they should not have worried about being a good neighbor to the Vikings. Ziggi is a multi-millionaire who can afford to pay the difference.

The comments are interesting. And while both sides do appear to be saying this is a non issue I have an issue with the U backing down at all on what the Vikings owed them and providing any kind of discounts. It wasn't the U's fault that the Vikings lost money on the game so the U should have gotten every penny they felt was owed to them and they should not have worried about being a good neighbor to the Vikings. Ziggi is a multi-millionaire who can afford to pay the difference.
A small discount is no big deal. They already made money on the game that was unplanned so it's not like the budget took a hit. The U gets to look good. Besides, as mentioned repeatedly this was a unique and difficult situation. Why hold the Vikes over the barrel?

This begs a 'What If' question.

What if the Vikes get a new stadium on the present dome site. The Vikes would need to play 3 years at TCF. What can the U expect to be paid? Currently the Vikes are paying $600,000 per game at the dome.

If the Queens owe the money, pay up. It's smarmy and puts Wilfie on the wrong side of "cheap". I suppose the extra funds went into his purchase of that condo in NYC. There's no excuse for trying to get out of the original agreement especially after the U went over and above to put on the game.

Getting the discount might have been good business but it's bad politics. The Vikings need every bit of support they can get, if they want to be successful, in getting a new stadium. This is not the time to appear petty and cheap.

Getting the discount might have been good business but it's bad politics. The Vikings need every bit of support they can get, if they want to be successful, in getting a new stadium. This is not the time to appear petty and cheap.

I agree with this, the timing is really bad. Honestly I don't think it's a big deal, but from a political standpoint, it could be damaging to the Vikings.

Some of the comments at the bottom of the article made me laugh. Many people don't understand how things work.
The University is handing out discounts? What is going on? Doesn't that mean that the taxpayers, through fungible funds, are picking up the difference?
The U athletic department made unexpected money on this. It wasn't in the budget. No one has to make up the difference.

People are also complaining about the fact that tuition is going up. I imagine tuition wouldn't be affected whether the U got the full payment or not. Like I said before, this was an unexpected revenue stream.

The biggest issue I have with the article is the following, "The issue comes as the Vikings seek to build a $1.1 billion stadium in Ramsey County's Arden Hills, with taxpayers picking up an estimated $650 million of the cost." Granted, they did say estimated.. but the fact of the matter is.. The funding for said stadium isn't even close to being figured out. That said, there's not really an accurate way of estimating how much the taxpayers will pay.

You guys are right.. the comment section is worth the read.. I was unaware that there were THIS many idiots in the state. My favorite comment so far: "RalphMalph - not only are the taxpayers being duped out of their money, so are the students. Hey students - how do you like that your tuition goes up so you can help fund an NFL team, and a losing one at that?"

You guys are right.. the comment section is worth the read.. I was unaware that there were THIS many idiots in the state. My favorite comment so far: "RalphMalph - not only are the taxpayers being duped out of their money, so are the students. Hey students - how do you like that your tuition goes up so you can help fund an NFL team, and a losing one at that?"

The comment sections are a must read in any newspaper. It keeps you abreast of what thought is really out there.:eek:

If the Queens owe the money, pay up. It's smarmy and puts Wilfie on the wrong side of "cheap". I suppose the extra funds went into his purchase of that condo in NYC. There's no excuse for trying to get out of the original agreement especially after the U went over and above to put on the game.

You're so clever.

They've been called that on and off for 50 years. I think it started way back during the first season, when Van Brocklin told the media that they were playing "like a bunch of ViQueens..."


They've been called that on and off for 50 years. I think it started way back during the first season, when Van Brocklin told the media that they were playing "like a bunch of ViQueens..."

I know. It doesn't make it any less stupid (and offensive).

There is some assumption that the University is obligated to allow the Vikings to use the stadium during construction if the Dump is the site. The University is either being used, or accommodating. That should have no bearing on a three year lease if it comes to that. Terms should include 1 year paid in advance, a damage deposit of 1 year paid in advance. Money to be escrowed. All parking, vending, suites remain the property of the Univerity. The terms should have penalties for failure to pay in full on time. And it is clear TCF is a far better facility than the dump. If they pay anything at all or 600,000 a year. I think the University should look at fair maket value in comparison. Say 1.5 million a game, 1.5 damage deposit, and 3 million is penalty fees per violation. The University should look to protect itself, and look to reasonable compenstation for the accommodation. I have little faith in the legal team, the negotiatiors, and Athletic Director at the U.

There is some assumption that the University is obligated to allow the Vikings to use the stadium during construction if the Dump is the site. The University is either being used, or accommodating. That should have no bearing on a three year lease if it comes to that. Terms should include 1 year paid in advance, a damage deposit of 1 year paid in advance. Money to be escrowed. All parking, vending, suites remain the property of the Univerity. The terms should have penalties for failure to pay in full on time. And it is clear TCF is a far better facility than the dump. If they pay anything at all or 600,0000 a year. I think the University should look at fair maket value in comparison. Say 1.5 million a year, 1.5 deposit, and 3 million is penalty fees per violation. The University should look to protect itself, and look to reasonable compenstation for the accommodation. I have little faith in the legal team, the negotiatiors, and Athletic Director at the U.

I'd hope that the U uses the possibility of a vikings rental to resolve some of the BS Minneapolis/Legislature rules that have been put on TCF Bank and its gameday.
-Private Tailgating in the lots around the U campus
-Alcohol sales IN THE SUITES ONLY
-Shutting down streets on gameday
-Basically any other limits that have been laid on the Gophers Football gamedays since the stadium was built should be held over the Minneapolis city council and State Legislature and resolved.

Also: Vikings should pay for heating coils in the turf
New turf after the 3 years
Weatherization of the food booths/water lines/sewage lines

And the money should go the athletics department NOT the damn general fund.

welcome to the negotiating team. This should be all it can be. We are in the drivers seat. The problem, the Univeristy doesn't realize its position of strength.

And the money should go the athletics department NOT the damn general fund.

That goes back to the AD. He probably will be AWOL during this negotiation.

-Private Tailgating in the lots around the U campus
This assumes the U wants to allow for this. Not sold on the idea that they are. I'm not suggesting they are in cahoots to prevent it (I think the City is capable of being dumb on its own) but I wouldn't be surprised if the U wasn't pushing back against it.

The big thing to recall is that the Dome site is pretty much the least likely site. It's the worst of the Minneapolis based options (which is why its so perplexing that Rybak is still talking about it) and its the option the Vikings would hate the most (because of the need to lose money while playing in TCF).

This assumes the U wants to allow for this. Not sold on the idea that they are. I'm not suggesting they are in cahoots to prevent it (I think the City is capable of being dumb on its own) but I wouldn't be surprised if the U wasn't pushing back against it.

The big thing to recall is that the Dome site is pretty much the least likely site. It's the worst of the Minneapolis based options (which is why its so perplexing that Rybak is still talking about it) and its the option the Vikings would hate the most (because of the need to lose money while playing in TCF).

Agreed on all points.
The gameday atmosphere needs to change, anyone can see it's stale, possibly even our spineless POS AD. It's my big peeve with the current administration.

From what i understand it's the "neighborhoods" surrounding the stadium and the city that are against the private lots.

Opening empty lots around the stadium would undoubtedly hurt the U's tailgating monopoly, but as has been said before: You need to cater to a bigger picture than the current fanbase, or the past fanbase. Nothing has been done beside building the stadium to change the gameday atmosphere, opening private lots brings a non-university/commercial element into the mix and makes it a community event and a community party. It shakes things up.

The metrodome plan Rybak has proposed is the worst of all the proposals, it's late in the game, and it's basically alot of Minneapolis folks screaming forward now with deals to keep the team in Minneapolis, BUT if the city wants the U to play ball with their desperate attempt to keep the Vikings then make them do exactly what you want or pull out and the team can rent out Target field and see how that goes.

I can't wait for imthewalrus to get his hands on this thread, give a long dissertation, and blame bjm and prexy b for everything.

That shouldn't take long

I can't wait for imthewalrus to get his hands on this thread, give a long dissertation, and blame bjm and prexy b for everything.

I am sure he could do it in about three minutes. Those kindergarten cutting and pasting skills he learned, along with a reference library of over 10,000 posts on bjm and prexy b., would make short work of the job. Hey, I bet that is how he does it now!

I am sure he could do it in about three minutes. Those kindergarten cutting and pasting skills he learned, along with a reference library of over 10,000 posts on bjm and prexy b., would make short work of the job. Hey, I bet that is how he does it now!
With his focus and dedication I suspect he has an app that does it all for him.

Dpod, thanks for your critique,

opinions are like a$$holes, everyone's got one. The term "Queens" has been around a long time, don't get your panties in a bunch.

opinions are like a$$holes, everyone's got one. The term "Queens" has been around a long time, don't get your panties in a bunch.

I'm well aware. I've been a Vikings fan my entire life. That doesn't make it any less stupid (or offensive).

How is referring to them as the Queens offensive? Please explain (this should be good)

It's time for the former nfl expansion team to die a slow and painful death in the damn dome. A stadium for that pushy new jersey jerk owner isn't in the cards this year or any time soon. The construction industry is in a depression. The State of Minnesota claims to be near bankrupt. Hell, they had to shut the state government down last summer. So just forget about loaning TCF BANK STADIUM to the east-coast jerk owner of the former expansion team. Let the creep go with his hand out to the pohlad boys and beg to play in their baseball park that they got a big hand out to build. Let the damn professional sports help each other out. The stupid baseball field doesn't get used very often for baseball any way. Did they even play ANY baseball there this last baseball season?

Screw the local former nfl expansion losers. Let them play their games in the Fargo Dome...

; 0 )

I can't wait for imthewalrus to get his hands on this thread, give a long dissertation, and blame bjm and prexy b for everything.

You should be so lucky dr. don. You're just going to have to wait tonight. I'll bash that east-coast dude who zigged when he should have zagged. (He's not going to get a hand-out this year for a stadium...the state's damn near broke, dr. don!) So, while you're waiting, why don't you just start whistling dixie, and try to see if you can get your friends, if you have any left, to see if all of you can make a little HARMONY to help make your wait a little less boring...

Don't try to get so cute dr. don. No matter what you ain't too cute...

; 0 )

You should be so lucky dr. don. You're just going to have to wait tonight. I'll bash that east-coast dued who zigs when he should zag. (He's not going to get a hand-out this year for a stadium...the state's damnnear broke!) So, while you're waiting, why don't you just start whistling dixie, and try to see if you can get your friends, if you have any left to see if you can locate a little HARMONY any where to make your wait a little less boring...

Don't try to get so cute dr. don. No matter what you ain't too cute...

; 0 )
Minnesota has an $876 million surplus. Just sayin'

Minnesota has an $876 million surplus. Just sayin'

Those "surplusses" that they find from time to time have a way of disappearing pretty damn fast. After all, we don't want another bridge to fall down during rush-hour traffic, do we zambammer? Our infrastructure is falling apart. Roads need to be repaired. Bridges need to be repaired and rebuilt. We aren't out of the woods on any economic fronts. Building anohter new stadium or ball park for a billionaire just won't happen right now. Maybe some day. That nfl former expansion franchise is just going to have to wait for a better time to be built by the citizens.

Take a look around you zambamNOthankyoumaam/man-which ever your case may be: the State Government is just one little miscalculation away from being belly up. It is NO time for the state to be sinking money into a new stadium for that former nfl expansion team. Let that damn nfl poor-excuse of a football team play in that dome for a few more years...or decades...or, at least until the time they pack up and move out of state...JUST saying...ya' know...

; 0 )

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