Strack: PJ Fleck is His Own Worst Enemy


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Strack:

PJ Fleck + The Definition of Insanity​

What’s the definition of insanity? Some say, it’s doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. PJ Fleck loves to use sayings and mantras in his coaching practices. But it’s safe to say that isn’t one of them.

Because PJ proved yet again this weekend that he’s incapable of changing his best vs the Hawkeyes. Instead of learning from his past mistakes, Fleck entered the Iowa matchup with the same fear-based coaching style that led to losses the first five times around.

Now, the PJ Fleck haters are out in mass. Some are even calling for his job, which is absurd. But the frustration being shown throughout the fanbase is on PJ. He’s become his own worst enemy. Until that changes, the Gophers will not become the Big Ten competitors Fleck has promised to be since his arrival in Dinkytown.

Go Gophers!!

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