Statement from Minnesota head coach Jerry Kill on Joe Paterno's death:


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Nov 5, 2008
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Per U of MN:

“I got home last night from recruiting and my oldest daughter said she had just heard. Fifteen minutes later, my youngest daughter at Murray State called. That's two girls from a coach's family reacting to it. That really sums up his impact. It hits home. He coached for 60 years with more than 100 players per year. Think about how many lives he touched, how many good things he has done.

“From my family to the Paterno family, our prayers go out to them. It's a sad day for football, but a good day for the man upstairs.

“I would tell people not to forget what that guy has done. To coach for 60 years in one place, that just won't ever happen again. I didn't get to coach against him. But I got to coach in the Big Ten, sit next to him at a meeting and have my picture taken with him. That's something I will never forget.”

Sandusky Issues Statement About Paterno

Reaction to the death of Joe Paterno has come from retired and current coaches, former Penn State players and even a former president of the United States. But one statement may get a little more scrutiny than the others. Jerry Sandusky, the former assistant coach under Paterno who is accused of sexually abusing young boys — accusations that roiled the Penn State community and eventually led to Paterno’s firing last year — released a comment through his lawyer on Paterno’s death:

This is a sad day! Our family, Dottie and I would like to convey our deepest sympathy to Sue and her family.
Nobody did more for the academic reputation of Penn State than Joe Paterno. He maintained a high standard in a very difficult profession. Joe preached toughness, hard work and clean competition. Most importantly, he had the courage to practice what he preached. Nobody will be able to take away the memories we all shared of a great man, his family, and all the wonderful people who were a part of his life.

coach kill really cannot say anything wrong. he is very well spoken.

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