State your opinion NOW

It would be a program changing win, but it won't happen. The '03 Gophers might have won this one, but not this year's team. We are dead last in passing in the B10, have had just one offensive TD per conference game, and will never be able to stop Abdullah and Martinez. Look for multiple sacks of Nelson, plus interceptions, plus big offensive plays by Nebraska. Should be no contest. We might have a shot at Penn State, but Indiana will drub us and we won't be able to run against Mich State or Wisconsin. Somehow, some way, we have to win one of those games - and maybe that will happen, but not Saturday. On the other hand, if we do win Saturday, it will be a program changing win!

It would be a program changing win, but it won't happen. The '03 Gophers might have won this one, but not this year's team. We are dead last in passing in the B10, have had just one offensive TD per conference game, and will never be able to stop Abdullah and Martinez. Look for multiple sacks of Nelson, plus interceptions, plus big offensive plays by Nebraska. Should be no contest. We might have a shot at Penn State, but Indiana will drub us and we won't be able to run against Mich State or Wisconsin. Somehow, some way, we have to win one of those games - and maybe that will happen, but not Saturday. On the other hand, if we do win Saturday, it will be a program changing win!

There you go clouding dreams with reality. Yes it would be a signature win and the biggest win we've had in many years. Coming out of the Michigan loss it was impossible to think this team could be sitting at 6-2. I don't think we have any more chance than Evander Holyfield had the first time he fought Mike Tyson, but you never know...

If we win it will absolutely be a signature win. Nebraska lost to the only really good team they've played, no one knows how good Nebraska is, we're getting better, let's strap it up and find out on the field!

Were a double digit dog in our house, and are going up against a program that has 16 consecutive wins against the Gophers.
This would absolutely be a signature type of win like Penn State in 1999. Nobody expected the Gophers to pull that one off and they went in to Happy Valley and did something nobody thought they could do. Everybody expects us to get rolled by Nebraska, local media, fans, oddsmakers, all of there hourde of fans that are traveling in, except probably the Gopher football players and coaches in that room. Those guys come together as a group and have each others backs like never before and shoot anything can happen. Those guys and the coaches are the only opinions that matter in this once they face Nebraska, if they believe they can beat Nebraska before they come out of that tunnel on Saturday then half the battle is already won. Calm, Steely and expecting to win that is the way to show up with an intense dislike for your opponent and there fans. We need to be rude hosts and send them home sad with a loss.
The Gophers need to expect Victory, and the defense and special teams needs to set the tone from the opening kick off.
They believe in the room and anything is possible Saturday. I would believe even more if Nelson was starting, he is the QB that gives us a chance to pull this off. This game will take everyone on the team reaching for a little something extra, and to dig deep to potential they didn't even realize they have. That speech about feel no pain, and fear no pain has to be real.
It would be without a shadow of a doubt a signature win as people would be talking about the Gophers if they pull it off. It cannot be the same ole Gophers, that teams get scared when the bleep hits the fan or mistakes happen and people crap there phants, they need to pull together and grab for that brass ring in the chain and start hammering it together.

I really don't care if it's considered a signature win or not. All I know is that it would make me very happy for a very long time.

I'm with Wren on this one. All Gopher wins, any B10 wins are important and yes it would be a signiture win

but, remember this,

Ruesse and Souhan would still hate Gopher football.

I'm really sick of debating whether or not something is a "signature win." The phrase has no specific inherent meaning, so debating it is useless.

How about this...if you have to ask, it's not a signature win.

Last week many of you had the gophs losing to NW but now you think they can beat NE? u guys don't know if yer foot or on horseback.

BTW-Souhan wears Badger gear during his radio show so ok, he is a wiener.

Would be a great win, a big brick in the process, but not a signature win imo. The signature win that this program needs is vs. Wisconsin or Michigan.

It absolutely would be a signature win.
And it would be another sign the program is headed up.

Do we win the following game? A signature win should be followed by another win especially if the team the following week isn't as good.

Anytime the home team beats a nationally ranked visitor that is favored by more than 10 points should be considered a signature win. Add in the history of them kicking our asses since 1960 and it even grows in stature. Nationally televised on ESPN...yep, up a notch.

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY - MAKING US BOWL ELIGIBLE when just a few weeks ago this board was swamped with many posted who said we would not win another game this year.

I am still critical of Limegrover and think he needs to let the offense lose a bit (wait to see if the mods delete yet another of my posts with this opinion - you guys can still suck my ballz for doing it), but I think this game is going to be won by defense and turn overs if the Gophs win. If we can't stop them and turn them over...we lose by 3 touchdowns. Even if we do turn them over and slow their O down, we still have to score touchdowns and Limegrover will need to remove the giant stop sign that is clearly protruding from his asshole.

Absolutely a signature win. Playing a team ranked in all three polls. A team that has destroyed the two weakest Big Ten teams so far A team that has won 16 straight against the Gophers. A team that has not lost to the Gophers since 1960. A team that delivered the most epic beatdown in program history in 1983...still used quite frequently as fodder for the local media regardless of in-season/out-of-season, night, day, etc. A team that has won the last 12 meetings by a 528-86 margin (44.0 - 7.2) Becoming bowl eligible against the team like that set against the backdrop of this board's meltdown after the Michigan game (Kill must go, Bring back Mase?, Limegrover's a p****, 0-8 here we come). Not to mention a win would no doubt mean a pretty epic performance by the defense against the 10th best scoring offense in the nation....maybe a performance we'll talk about for years to come. (Of course, I think Nebraska wins with relative ease.)


A signature win is one that raises the perception of the program nationally. That includes wins versus Nebraska, Michigan and OSU, even in down years, in my opinion. When Stanford beat USC a few years ago, for example, I took notice. I don't even know if USC was god that year.

So ... yes.

Do we win the following game? A signature win should be followed by another win especially if the team the following week isn't as good.

I'd like to think at least a couple more wins if they beat Nebraska on Saturday. Also helps i NW turns things around and Nebraska can bounce back and finish strong.

I can't believe people are treating Nebraska like they're Michigan State... if beating a 5-1 Top 25 Nebraska team isn't a signature win for Minnesota then you might need to re-evaluate your perception of College Football right now. If Minnesota beats Nebraska on Saturday it *WILL* be Top 10 most talked about games on ESPN this weekend...

It's crazy how different fans act after a victory...

I say no. Signature win would be beating Nebraska at Nebraska. Nebraska hasn't beaten anyone this year and got beat by 20 points at home. At this point I would say beating Wisconsin this year would be a signature win, or winning at Michigan St. would be a signature win. Yes, to this point in the season, Wisconsin is a more impressive team than Nebraska, I don't buy into the rankings right now when it comes to Nebraska and Wisconsin. Beating Michigan at Michigan would be a signature win.

I say no. Signature win would be beating Nebraska at Nebraska. Nebraska hasn't beaten anyone this year and got beat by 20 points at home. At this point I would say beating Wisconsin this year would be a signature win, or winning at Michigan St. would be a signature win. Yes, to this point in the season, Wisconsin is a more impressive team than Nebraska, I don't buy into the rankings right now when it comes to Nebraska and Wisconsin. Beating Michigan at Michigan would be a signature win.

Nobody outside of Gopher fans will care if we beat Michigan State even if they're BCS Bowl bound because we've beat them recently. Teams like Nebraska, Ohio State, Michigan, etc have a sort of "mystique" because of their dominating histories so if you think Minnesota notching a win over Nebraska isn't a big deal you're crazy...

It's a signature win. The problem is, what does that mean? Ask Mason about his signature wins. In the end, he got fired. If they get this "signature win" then lose out, who cares? This "signature win" stuff is fun as fans to talk about and great for the media but think about any time you've been on a team. The minute you think you've had a big win someone comes up and bites you. This win would be great but there is a long ways to go.

And for the record, sorry, I like the Huskers by 14 this week.

Yes. Nebraska is still a 'helmet' school and we haven't beaten them in 50 years. If this was Penn State, the answer would be no.

It would be a program changing win, but it won't happen. The '03 Gophers might have won this one, but not this year's team. We are dead last in passing in the B10, have had just one offensive TD per conference game, and will never be able to stop Abdullah and Martinez. Look for multiple sacks of Nelson, plus interceptions, plus big offensive plays by Nebraska. Should be no contest. We might have a shot at Penn State, but Indiana will drub us and we won't be able to run against Mich State or Wisconsin. Somehow, some way, we have to win one of those games - and maybe that will happen, but not Saturday. On the other hand, if we do win Saturday, it will be a program changing win!

There's the ray of sunshine I've been looking for!

We lead the all-time series:
21-12-2 at home

Just another day at the office.


Not a big fan of the term "signature win" because it is so ambiguous and means something different to everyone.

My take would be this: A win against Nebraska (especially since it looks like Martinez will play) would be a huge win for this program and far and away the biggest win of the Jerry Kill era. Not sure what long term implications it would have but for this season it would equal the Big Ten win total from last year and leave open the very real possibility of improving on that total possibly even getting to 4 wins in the conference given the games left on the schedule.

If your context of signature is a game that gets talked about for more than 7 days then this would 100% be a signature win.
If your context of signature is a game that gets talked about for years (Penn State 1999) then I don't know that this one would qualify.

I think it depends on how Nebraska looks for the rest of the season and how we play. Here are a few scenarios that can play out after a hypothetical win tomorrow:
-we finish strong and so does Nebraska: yes, signature win, we beat a very good team and it really helped give us momentum to get on a roll and turn our season around
-we finish strong and Nebraska fizzles: yes, signature win, on one fateful morning (11AM game), we simultaneous toppled the mighty Nebraska leading to their demise this season and turned our own season around
-we finish poorly (0 or 1 more wins) but Nebraska finishes strong: yes, signature win, a win against a great team that got us bowl eligible and is a major accomplishment to look back on, probably becomes what provides most of the fan enthusiasm leading into next year
-both teams finish poorly: no, not a signature win, we beat an underwhelming Nebraska team, and while it was cool that it got us to bowl eligibily, they aren't a rival and aren't really that good, no one talks about this game after this season except on the pregame show before the next Nebraska game

certainly a win would allow us to look back on that game as a program changer. Momentum is everything

I don't live in a belief of fate. I believe in brick by brick making your way in the world. Given that, I don't believe in signature wins. I believe in building momentum. A victory is good. It helps market the team. But, the product is what supports marketing. 1 victory is nothing unless the other games were built upon with victories as well. A victory over Nebraska gives the team talking points, but it only temporarily moves us forward. If we fall the next week or the week after that, then it is for nothing. We gain nothing. We need to be better this year than last year. We need more victories. We need better performance. We need to build our identity by being identifiable. We are building a reputation as having a stout defense.

Minnesota has the 46th best defense in college ball. Who is above us? MSU at #1, Wiscky at #6, Iowa at #12, Ohio St at #15, Penn State at #17, Michigan at #29. We build from #46.

We don't have an identity yet. And a single victory does not give us a "signature" other than the 15 nanoseconds the rest of the country takes notice. If you want an identity, you keep climbing the ladder by several more victories and greater defense and offense. Until we have an identity that we can all obviously notice, we have nothing. We have only dreams.

As far as I am concerned the whole topic of "signature wins" is just a cover for loser talk. Losers have signature wins. Programs with identities merely take them for granted. I want nothing to do with "signature victories". Let's just add this brick this week, if not the following week.

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