Yeah, but one guy gets to drive him BMW in the MNPASS lane, while I only get to drive my Chevy Impala. Shouldn't the state legislature make sure that we ALL get to drive BMW's in the MNPASS lane? Wouldn't that be fair? Why does one guy get to drive a BMW - I mean it even has seat warmers and automatic cruise control and leather seats - while I only get to drive my Impala that has cold vinyl seats and manual windows and crappy wiper blades? Shouldn't we all get to drive BMWs in the MNPASS lane? Wouldn't that be fair?
You understand that the price IS NOT the same for everyone at TCF Bank Stadium, right? Suite holders pay tens of thousands of dollars. General ticket holders pay $50. You understand that paying tens of thousands of dollars might bring in some other perks, just as a guy who buys a BMW might have a nicer ride than me in my Impala, right?
I mean, the suite holder gets access to a semi-private bathroom. They have temporary heaters in the luxury boxes. They have flat screen TVs in the suites. Do you believe that EVERY ticket holder at the stadium should get all of those things, too? It is only fair, right? EVERY fan gets a TV. They all get carpeted floors. Why is it only beer that concerns you? What's so big about beer in your mind? Suite holders get ALL KINDS OF PERKS, why should beer be off limits? What makes that so sensational that they shouldn't get it? What separates that from the other aforementioned perks?
This is the kind of illogical, hyperbolic argument that I don't care for.