Standing during the game

I agree. But I also stand after or during a big play. Example Triplett's touchdown, I was standing and even jumping before he was even in the endzone. Before the game started I had apologized to the people behind me that I might be up a lot and that kind of nipped this issue in the bud for me at least.

Of course. That's a given. Like you, I jumped out of my seat as soon as Triplett scooped up that fumble. I accidentally landed on the foot of the guy next to me. :eek: He didn't seem to mind. :D

1. Student section should stand at all times.
2. All non-student sections should stand on big plays (e.g. 3rd and 4th downs).

End of story.

I thought my section did a great job (sec 212). We stood on the big defensive plays and perhaps a few big offensive plays. Nobody seemed to have a problem with this.

Our section did do a great job. I am in the last row (wanted to stand whenever I wanted to). It seemed as almost the entire section was standing on 3rd and 4th down except for 2 in front of us. Didn't seem as though they were all to pleased, but not much they could do except glair in anger to each other. Don't think they really liked that I knew all the words to all the songs either since I really can't carry a tune. Oh well, it was definitely a welcomed change from the Dome.

At one point Air Force was 15 yards from the endzone, it was 3rd and about 5 yards, and some people in our section yelled at my row to sit down. I was pissed. Fortunately, all of our section except for the two rows behind us were standing up, and another person in my row told the sitters where they could "go." I understand the need to be courteous, but in that situation, yelling at us for standing up was completely ridiculous. My standing policy is that 3rd and 4th downs are a standing necessity, and for the second half, pretty much any major defensive situation calls for standing.

I've never understood standing the whole game. I think it's great to get on your feet and make noise in the certain situations we've all discussed.
I go to a game at Lambeau Field every year. The fans there sit until those certain situations come up. Despite all the sitters, it's loud, intense and probably the best football experience in our country.
Why do some feel they have stand all the time? I don't know. I'm convinced from watching most that it's a need to let everyone know what a big fan he/she is.
You can be a great fan and make a lot of noise while sitting. It's also makes it easier for everyone around you to enjoy the game. It's common courtesy.

No pro stadium is in consideration for the "best football experience in our country."

I like sitting....I like standing. Fortunate for me, 117 is a great section for the standers with nobody yelling at others to sit down, at least in the 23-28 row range, so it works out great.

I actually found myself standing more for normal plays than I usually do, which I don't mind. Was encouraged though by every big 3rd down on defense though as most of 117 would stand up, which is going to be good for the Big Ten season.

1. Student section should stand at all times.
2. All non-student sections should stand on big plays (e.g. 3rd and 4th downs).

End of story.
Perfectly written!

I always do the needed research before the game (i.e. look around me). If it looks like there are people who might not be able to stand for most of the game--I let them know that I like to stand up for third downs. I don't ask if it is o.k., but I politely let them know it is going to happen. Pretty simple really. If you have the attitude that you are going to do whatever you want whenever you want without being aware of your surroundings--you just might be an ass.

I think next year things will get a lot better. Let me preface this by saying that standing doesn't make you a better or more loyal fan. Those that are sitting and complaining about those that stand are all likely still good and loyal fans and have every right to be at the game. However being at the dome for 27 years effectively killed our younger fan bases and left a much larger percentage of older folks at the games than most college teams. Even the younger ones were used to the sterile atmosphere of the dome where standing was the exception, not the rule. The truth is that they didn't come up in a real football atmosphere or even if they did they've lost it. I think next year many of those people will decide that while they love the Gophers maybe attending the games isn't for them anymore and won't renew their season tickets. Hopefully those tickets will get scooped up by those who really want to be at those games and in that environment and things will steadily improve. I agree that you don't need to stand the whole game but on big plays I'm going to stand and if something big happens I'm going to be on my feet, and if the people in front of me stand the whole game I'll be on my feet too.

People who don't have a concept of other people shouldn't go out in public.

DarrenTheGreek is spot on. Student Section stands, everyone else stands at the appropriate time to stand. I like to stand but not if it means being disrespectful to those who sit not only directly behind me but several rows behind me.

I do not understand why some of the people in this thread think it's their God-given right as a football fan to stand throughout the whole game. It's like they are former students who don't want to let the glory years go.

In reality, you aren't hurting the lazy/overweight fan as one tool suggested in this thread. You are hurting the elderly who have probably been loyal Gopher fans since before you were born. You are hurting the kids who are future Gopher fans who can't see anything during the game so they have a miserable time (and whoever said "put them on your shoulders" is an idiot - yeah, let's now block the view of those who are already standing behind us). If you really think that the difference between great fan support and horrible fan support is standing for the entire game, then you need to get a clue.

wha, wha. another third-person anecdotal sob story from a message board about some PERCEIVED travesty that happened last night.......whether it be shuttle buses not showing up at exactly the time you want them to, a concession stand running low on pretzels, or some 70 year old lady having to have her bagged checked at the entrance gates just like everyone else has to.

but, back to your main point about people standing during a football game.......geez who stands during football games?!?! what a crazy concept! i will say it again: it is a sporting event! people are going to stand when they feel like it! some people who don't like that really just need to learn to deal with that fact. you can't force others to sit down and not show their general enthusiasm for what is happening on the field.

Oh grow up. I had a 70 year old couple in front of me that didn't stand all game. Are you telling me that its ok for you to stand in their way ALL GAME LONG? Seriously?

Just because the story is anecdotal doesn't mean A) its not true and B) that it didn't make a good point. I'm 6'9". If I stand all game I f-up the experience for people up to like 4 rows back. Have some common sense. I was standing for big plays and never thought twice about it. I was also to the first to jump up when Triplett scooped up the fumble. I'm sure I blocked someone's view of that but hey, its a big play. But at no point do I think its a good idea to stand all game outside of the student section. Get over yourself.

I mean really, I can just see Mark Rosen doing the sports: "Gophers lost a nail biter today, if only more fans were standing up for the whole game this loss could have been avoided."

Are you asking for an official policy?

Standing is encouraged.

You didn't ask but making a lot of noise when the opposing offense is on the field is also encouraged.

I know you like to pretend you are an insider, but I'm pretty sure the "official policy" is to show respect for your fellow fans. This means stand when others are standing and sit when others are sitting.

Thanks GoAUPher. Very well-put. What row are you in?
I thought our section (246) was okay. Had a few knuckleheads around me who were incredibly negative about the home team. Other than that it was awesome. Most stood only on the acceptable plays.

Section 240. My elderly mother stood when she could. It takes a great deal of effort on her part to even get up at all, but when she can't, she always yells, cheers and sings.
If I stand up, the person behind me would have problems seeing even if they stood...unless they are pretty tall too. I guess I stood during the appropriate times?

Off topic...
What bother me more during the game was the lack of noise or cheering around our section. There was almost an indifference or stoicism... my voice, however, was gone on Sunday.

What do you do if you have younger kids behind you? I think it's awfully rude to ruin a little guy's day when you're standing the whole game and he can't see above/around you even if he stands on top of his seat.

What do you do if you have younger kids behind you? I think it's awfully rude to ruin a little guy's day when you're standing the whole game and he can't see above/around you even if he stands on top of his seat.

It's obvious from several posts in this thread (and others) that there is a significant % of the population that doesn't give a sh*t about little kids, would rather pretend they don't exist, and are glad they're somebody else's "problem".

If you have kids behind you and you want to stand the whole game, why not offer to switch seats...?? Is one or two rows farther back going to ruin your experience??? All fans should try to help all other fans have a great experience...IMHO

I stood and still couldn't see

I'm a student, and sat in the student section. (Obviously) I thought it sucked a bit that everyone stood the entire game. Standing and being excited wasn't the problem, it was the fact that everyone stood on their SEATS. I stood the whole time and still had to jump around just to see the jumbotron. I could have seen more of the game watching from home. If people would have been standing normally, I could have at least had some type of view....

If you have kids behind you and you want to stand the whole game, why not offer to switch seats...?? Is one or two rows farther back going to ruin your experience??? All fans should try to help all other fans have a great experience...IMHO

+1 to that Maverick. Why be a d-bag to fellow Gopher fans if they didn't do anything to warrant it? This should be common sense at least when it comes to kids...they'll be bigger Gopher fans if they grow up having fun at games (something that is hard to do if they can't see).

Thanks GoAUPher. Very well-put. What row are you in?

Row 4. Where are you at?

Standing the whole game outside of the student section is just rude. There are plenty of reasons people of all ages can't or won't stand for hours continuously. I've been to pleny of games in other stadiums and fans as a rule do not do this, but there's always one or two in every section, you just have to pray you're not behind them.

Of course it's OK to stand on 3rd and 4th downs or jump up during big plays. But have a little consideration for those around you at the same time.

This is how the big boys do it. Yes, Darren the Greek is correct. Minnesota fans should follow the two simple steps listed above if they want to finally learn how to sit and stand during college football games. It's really not that hard of a concept. Similar concepts are also applicable to other sports as well, especially basketball. Amen.

I agree too. We bring kids to the games and they can't see. I love the energy of a standing crowd but there are some people who just can't. I'd love to stand rather than sit on the benches... ouch!

I'm a student, and sat in the student section. (Obviously) I thought it sucked a bit that everyone stood the entire game. Standing and being excited wasn't the problem, it was the fact that everyone stood on their SEATS. I stood the whole time and still had to jump around just to see the jumbotron. I could have seen more of the game watching from home. If people would have been standing normally, I could have at least had some type of view....

Welcome to the big time. I've sat several times in the student section at CU in boulder. All we did was stand on the bleachers usually having to clear off the ice (Nebraska games) students expect to stand on their seats. Obviously they're a bit more
advanced with their tradition and student ways, but the U will
get there and become just like everyone else.

Standing the whole game outside of the student section is just rude. There are plenty of reasons people of all ages can't or won't stand for hours continuously. I've been to pleny of games in other stadiums and fans as a rule do not do this, but there's always one or two in every section, you just have to pray you're not behind them.

Of course it's OK to stand on 3rd and 4th downs or jump up during big plays. But have a little consideration for those around you at the same time.

If this issue is a problem for anyone...I have a great pair of tickets in section 241 row 1 on the aisle. 40 yard line with a great view and no worries about anyone getting in the way. I was able to add some tickets this year in section 110 and won't be using these row 1's. Contact me with interest through a PM or at [email protected] Thanks

FairfaxGopher said:
Welcome to the big time. I've sat several times in the student section at CU in boulder. All we did was stand on the bleachers usually having to clear off the ice (Nebraska games) students expect to stand on their seats. Obviously they're a bit more
advanced with their tradition and student ways, but the U will
get there and become just like everyone else.

I was in the student section @ Folsom in Boulder for many games and we did not stand on our seats?? The Nebraska game was on Turkey Day until the Big 10 move and there had not been snow\ice on the bleachers....why are you making up crap stories about Buff games???

More than the stand not stand is what I call a basic lack of Football accumen. The people around me have no clue. They are screaming when we have the ball and silent when we are on defense. What's up with that?

I'm in 213, and your section, 212, was awesome! Seemed like almost everyone over there was getting up on third downs! I think the top half of our section was getting up on most 3rd and 4th downs, and no one had a problem with that by us.

I just got moved from 114 to 213, and am happy to see this post. I'm one of those "50+" folks who likes to wear maroon-and-gold suspenders and stand a lot "when appropriate" (big plays on defense, as a natural reaction to a long Stoudermire return, etc.). I've been a bit nervous about switching seats, but just couldn't stand the sight of the four people in front of us ALWAYS being dressed in the colors of the opponents (apparently, the person who owns these tickets has no problem selling to the visitors, but that's a rant for another time). Thanks for making me feel a bit more comfortable.

A few years ago, our group was threatened by security for standing too often/frequently. The Wisconsin fans behind us were complaining that they couldn't see. Could you imagine if a MN fan complained about a Badger fan standing in Madison? They would get laughed at. Pathetic.

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