Standing during the game

James Lahey

New member
Sep 11, 2009
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What is the policy on this? It seems to irritate some, but others prefer to stand in order to get a better view. Our section seems to have a mix and no one is happy. Also, did Brewster say he wants people standing up for the game or is that incorrect?

what section are you? just curious because it seemed there was a lot more standing than normal which made me happy. not excessive but most third downs the crowd was up which made me happy.

and brew said he wants the crowd standing the whole game but you know how is over-the-top

Section 212

We've definitely got more standing in 212 (visitor side, 30 yard line east of center) than I experienced in 208 in the Dome. At least 3/4 of AF 3rd downs were standing.

Ironically for me, an older Gopher couple stood the entire half-time show and I just stayed seated. Jumbotron came in handy then.

Go Gophers! Beat Cal!

The people next to me were quietly b&^ching the entire game about people standing--for any reason. Then they left late the third quarter to go home.

and brew said he wants the crowd standing the whole game but you know how is over-the-top[/QUOTE]

I believe he said don't yell at the people who do stand up. If you can't see, then stand up but don't yell at them to sit down. At least that's what I heard him say at the very first luncheon.

We had a mix in our section too but didn't hear too much grumbling except for the guy who yelled at our 11 year old to sit down when he stood up to get a look at a guy we knew in the lower section.

The people next to me were quietly b&^ching the entire game about people standing--for any reason. Then they left late the third quarter to go home.

good. time to weed out this type of lame fan. if i want to stand during a game i am GOING TO STAND WHENEVER AND FOR HOWEVER LONG I FEEL LIKE. don't care if some boring jerk is asking me to sit down because he and his lazy, overweight wife don't want to get out of their seats even once during the game. :rolleyes:

verbal battle

We had about a three to four minute verbal battle between a young man I'm guessing in his late 20s and some folks who I'm guessing were in there mid 70s. He was a very enthusiastic person and really got into the game. About 30 seconds into the game they started yelling at him to sit down. He was with four people so he moved three seats down. Then during a break they started telling him he was disrespectful to them and he said they were being disrespectful to him because he has a right to stand.

Pretty much everyone in all 15 rows in front of me were standing during the game so I had to stand in order to see. I had people behind me yell at me to sit down but if I wanted to only watch the game on a tv screen I would have stayed at home.

I can see were it does get old. I respected the folks in front of me for wanting to stand but they even stood throughout the entire half-time so you couldn't watch the band without standing up.

Top row of 208 for me! So I could stand the whole game if I elected too. Were also on the end so if I sit I got leg room in the aisle. But for most 3rd downs the majority of the section stood up.

If this were any other school in the Big Ten would we be having this conversation?

Honestly I think telling people to sit down is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.

Some people are probably going to take this next comment the wrong way but oh well...if you are not physical able to stand up if/when people in front of you stand up you should talk to the university about switching to handicap seating or watch the game from home.

This goes for me too. If I am ever not able to stand for any reason (injury, old age, whatever) I would gladly seek out handicapped seating or watch the game from home so that others can stand up and cheer for the gophers.

Quote: "time to weed out this type of lame fan. if i want to stand during a game i am GOING TO STAND WHENEVER AND FOR HOWEVER LONG I FEEL LIKE. don't care if some boring jerk is asking me to sit down because he and his lazy, overweight wife don't want to get out of their seats even once during the game."

I saw this in another post in GopherHole or GopherIllustrated. I father brought his two young sons to the game. The were between 5 and 10 years old. Obviously, the father is huge Gopher fan and wanted to share his enthusiasm for the team with his sons at an early age. Unfortunately, they were seated behind two or three guys who refused to sit for the entire game even though they were preventing the two boys from seeing the field even when they stood on their seats. The person who posted this story reported that the father and his sons left their seats at half time and did not return for the rest of the game.

Anyone who would treat a fellow Gopher fan and his young sons this way is a first class asshole. Does anyone in GopherHole fit that description? Bronko and SteveDave, you guys sound like you wouldn't have a problem blocking the view of a couple of young kids for an entire game. Please tell me that I am wrong. Please tell me that you are actually nice guys who would never consider doing something like that to a father and his children.

Most of the people standing in our section were . . .

Most of the people in our section stood at the "appropriate time" - third and fourth downs, etc. Certain people stood most of the game - they seemed to be extremely stupid and obese. They generally weren't watching the game but were talking about their truck or watch cartoon they had trouble following.

Are you asking for an official policy?

Standing is encouraged.

You didn't ask but making a lot of noise when the opposing offense is on the field is also encouraged.

I think there should be standing sections. Lots of high schools doing this at football and basketball games. It works well.

I posted this earlier in the "stadium issues" thread:

'My concern was this: I thought we were going to have a fistfight in our section (101) - the first few rows wanted to stand the whole game, which i personally don't really have a problem with, after all, it is a football game, but there were some people a few rows behind them that were complaining about it immediately. It turned into a shouting match 30 seconds into the game. Eventually security showed up and a couple of the standers got taken out of there, although they returned shortly. I can see the sitters side too though, they were probably 50+ years old, and should they have to stand the entire game? I don't know the answer to the question of sitting/standing.'

Our section was good about standing and yelling during big plays - 3rd down defense, etc - i don't think anyone has a problem with that, but standing the whole game? I just don't know - i can see both sides.

I got tickets in the back row intentionally, knowing I stand a lot during games. I get excited, I get into it. Was also incredibly vocal, much to the annoyance of fans for 10 rows in front of me. Excuse me, but yelling 'come on Gophers fans, get loud for your team' on a third down should not a draw some dirty looks.

I stand all game, because I could not imagine sitting, I don't know that I have it in me to sit. I will not, can not see football as a call sport to watch. There is a reason the phrase '12th Man' exists. It doesn't come from sitting on ones hands.

1. Student section should stand at all times.
2. All non-student sections should stand on big plays (e.g. 3rd and 4th downs).

End of story.

I thought my section did a great job (sec 212). We stood on the big defensive plays and perhaps a few big offensive plays. Nobody seemed to have a problem with this.

I've never understood standing the whole game. I think it's great to get on your feet and make noise in the certain situations we've all discussed.
I go to a game at Lambeau Field every year. The fans there sit until those certain situations come up. Despite all the sitters, it's loud, intense and probably the best football experience in our country.
Why do some feel they have stand all the time? I don't know. I'm convinced from watching most that it's a need to let everyone know what a big fan he/she is.
You can be a great fan and make a lot of noise while sitting. It's also makes it easier for everyone around you to enjoy the game. It's common courtesy.

Ding ding ding

1. Student section should stand at all times.
2. All non-student sections should stand on big plays (e.g. 3rd and 4th downs).

End of story.

I thought my section did a great job (sec 212). We stood on the big defensive plays and perhaps a few big offensive plays. Nobody seemed to have a problem with this.

This is how the big boys do it. Yes, Darren the Greek is correct. Minnesota fans should follow the two simple steps listed above if they want to finally learn how to sit and stand during college football games. It's really not that hard of a concept. Similar concepts are also applicable to other sports as well, especially basketball. Amen.

Thanks for the replies and hopefully some more people will respond.
I prefer to stand but do so because I am really into the game and just can't sit still. At the end of the day it is just a preference, nothing more and nothing less.

Who would I contact at the U for an official policy? Clearly there are differing opinions and it sounds like security even had to get involved on one occassion. Guidance from the U would be nice.

1. Student section should stand at all times.
2. All non-student sections should stand on big plays (e.g. 3rd and 4th downs).

End of story.

I thought my section did a great job (sec 212). We stood on the big defensive plays and perhaps a few big offensive plays. Nobody seemed to have a problem with this.

I'm in 213, and your section, 212, was awesome! Seemed like almost everyone over there was getting up on third downs! I think the top half of our section was getting up on most 3rd and 4th downs, and no one had a problem with that by us.

1. Student section should stand at all times.
2. All non-student sections should stand on big plays (e.g. 3rd and 4th downs).

End of story.

I thought my section did a great job (sec 212). We stood on the big defensive plays and perhaps a few big offensive plays. Nobody seemed to have a problem with this.

I agree. But I also stand after or during a big play. Example Triplett's touchdown, I was standing and even jumping before he was even in the endzone. Before the game started I had apologized to the people behind me that I might be up a lot and that kind of nipped this issue in the bud for me at least.

On the other hand. I'm in 119 and the guys next to me are like 30ish and sat throughout the entire game, and didn't even stand to do the rouser. On the big plays and during the rouser I found myself getting pissed they weren't properly involved. If you're young and physically able (which these guys clearly are) PARTICIPATE YOU'RE AT THE GAME.

I'm in 213, and your section, 212, was awesome! Seemed like almost everyone over there was getting up on third downs! I think the top half of our section was getting up on most 3rd and 4th downs, and no one had a problem with that by us.

Ditto 215...thought people stood appropriately during big plays throughout the game. Seems like it's gonna be a great section! That said, the lady next to me had some type of "touchdown" towel (gold...maybe from a few years ago?) that she was whipping around the entire game. She hit me in the head and face at least 25 times, which annoyed the hell out of me.

Quote: "time to weed out this type of lame fan. if i want to stand during a game i am GOING TO STAND WHENEVER AND FOR HOWEVER LONG I FEEL LIKE. don't care if some boring jerk is asking me to sit down because he and his lazy, overweight wife don't want to get out of their seats even once during the game."

I saw this in another post in GopherHole or GopherIllustrated. I father brought his two young sons to the game. The were between 5 and 10 years old. Obviously, the father is huge Gopher fan and wanted to share his enthusiasm for the team with his sons at an early age. Unfortunately, they were seated behind two or three guys who refused to sit for the entire game even though they were preventing the two boys from seeing the field even when they stood on their seats. The person who posted this story reported that the father and his sons left their seats at half time and did not return for the rest of the game.

Anyone who would treat a fellow Gopher fan and his young sons this way is a first class asshole. Does anyone in GopherHole fit that description? Bronko and SteveDave, you guys sound like you wouldn't have a problem blocking the view of a couple of young kids for an entire game. Please tell me that I am wrong. Please tell me that you are actually nice guys who would never consider doing something like that to a father and his children.

wha, wha. another third-person anecdotal sob story from a message board about some PERCEIVED travesty that happened last night.......whether it be shuttle buses not showing up at exactly the time you want them to, a concession stand running low on pretzels, or some 70 year old lady having to have her bagged checked at the entrance gates just like everyone else has to.

but, back to your main point about people standing during a football game.......geez who stands during football games?!?! what a crazy concept! i will say it again: it is a sporting event! people are going to stand when they feel like it! some people who don't like that really just need to learn to deal with that fact. you can't force others to sit down and not show their general enthusiasm for what is happening on the field.

stand up

Yes, you really should stand as much as possible.

I know there are some who have a problem with this. And yes, I do feel bad in the case of kids who can't see, but this crowd can create a home field advantage. And that is something that is extremely important!!!

Get off your a## and stand up!!! (And if you have to, put your neighbors kid on your shoulders!)

I'm in 212 and like already mentioned..we stood on big plays..but not all game. Seems a good balance to me. I'm late 30's not early 20's... so standing the whole game does not interest me at all. That said, I like to stand for the key plays (3rd down, etc.).

I will say that its a little pet peeve of mine that when the opposing team is in a 4 down situation (down big, late in game) that the "3rd Down" noise and speaker stuff is lame. Lets move it to 4th down..we cannot adjust?

By noise.. I mean sound system noise..not crowd noise.

Section 242 was mixed. I'm in the 6th row and I stood at all the appropriate times. On a few 3rd defensive downs I think there were only about 3 of us who stood and cheered regardless of the rest. But most of the time the people around us stood. On about 1/2 of the key plays the whole section stood but there were these two people in front of me who seemed death. I only knew they were alive when they touched the shoulder of the people in front of them to ask them to sit down. I asked my wife to shoot me if I cannot stand for a 3rd down defensive stand.

Overall, it was much better than the Dome. Keep standing!

1. Student section should stand at all times.
2. All non-student sections should stand on big plays (e.g. 3rd and 4th downs).

End of story.

I thought my section did a great job (sec 212). We stood on the big defensive plays and perhaps a few big offensive plays. Nobody seemed to have a problem with this.

Darren - I was a couple rows behind you and I have no complaints at all in 212. Nearly every 3rd down people stood and cheered.

the beauty of being in sec. 231 on the aisle next to the student section...I cant sit still during the game, have to be standing, cheering, yelling, etc. the whole time...I understand those that dont want to stand the whole time, people like my parents... so I just moved across the aisle, problem solved.

I think there were some people who were newbies there who gave me some funny looks when I would yell " C'mon gopher fans, get off your asses!!!" on third down.

"C'mon, We are not Ohio State, we have to earn it!!!" usually gets a laugh and look too.

All non-student sections should stand on big plays (e.g. 3rd and 4th downs).

Or, minimally, let those who want to stand do so without objection.

I stand on defensive 3rd downs, 4th downs when we're on offense and a lot of 3rd downs when we're on offense plus when we're receiving kick-offs. Ironically, the most grief I got was from some 30-somethings a few rows back (I'm far beyond 30). I wanted to ask 'em if they read GopherHole :clap:

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