Stadium problems fixed?

We are looking into moving parking lots from St. Paul to Stadium. I have two kids, and staying to the end of game + leaving the stadium + waiting 45 mins to get a bus + traveling to St. Paul is way too much time for my kids.

If something isn't open, I'm going to have to start leaving early to be first in line for the bus :(.

We are looking into moving parking lots from St. Paul to Stadium. I have two kids, and staying to the end of game + leaving the stadium + waiting 45 mins to get a bus + traveling to St. Paul is way too much time for my kids.

If something isn't open, I'm going to have to start leaving early to be first in line for the bus :(.

Try the river flats for parking. $10 and very easy to get in and out of. Bring a stroller for the kiddos, it's about a 3/4 mile walk, or you can hop on the campus shuttle at Coffman.

I can hear the band, but that's because I'm in 117 right next to the student section.

This isn't anything new. Minnesota's band has seemed to always had the attitude of "we play better songs, musically, than other bands, especially Wisconsin." That's probably true, but most people don't care. They want it LOUD! Ohio State, Wisconsin, USC....they do this well. Brass, brass & more brass. I do appreciate the flute & clarinet, but they should cut the numbers of those players down and add MORE BRASS!

LOUDER IS GOOD! Especially at a college sporting event!

As for the other issues, the extra gates helped, but I felt it took longer to get through security this time. The good thing was that the extra gate helped so the line wasn't as long. Scanning tickets and waiting for the computerized result shouldn't take 10 seconds, but it was between gates B & C.

I thought the concessions was much better. You could go up after a score, get a coke, and be back in your seat just as the ensuing kickoff was happening.

All around good times.....I just want the band to start acting like they're at a college football game. I don't care how easy Wisconsin or Ohio State's steps are compared to Minnesota's. Save the musical talent for the Northrup concert.

I do appreciate the flute & clarinet, but they should cut the numbers of those players down and add MORE BRASS!

Eliminating flutes and clarinets will decrease the sound not increase it because the band doesn't have a limited number of spots that are "wasted" on the woodwinds. Less woodwinds does not equal more brass. Enrollment is what it is and losing 20 flutes will not add 20 trumpets, it will simply eliminate 20 flutes.

Something has to be done regarding the "pit" the band is in, it was a poor position for crowd participation.

The delay is just the result of the speed of sound. The PA speakers are over 400 feet away from the band. If you do the math it works out to between 1/3 and 1/2 second. If they mic the band, those of us that currently do hear the band would have to put up with also hearing the delayed sound coming through the PA. For us it would be terrible.

If you want to know what it would sound like, listen to the national anthem. The singer is in time with the band on the field, but their voice comes through the PA. From my seats in section 238 I hear the band very clearly ... but I hear the voice about 1/3 of a second later. It's very distracting, but there is no way to avoid it other than to eliminate the vocalist.

OK got it (was thinking about a different type of delay) .. maybe they could still amplify the band with some smaller monitors facing out and away from the band pit .. similar to the monitors playing music out on the field before the game...

The shuttle bus(s) was a problem at the dome for years. Much confusion, very little crowd control as everyone was trying to get on the bus NOW. People who expected an easy come and go to the UM and TCF were dreaming.

I will continue to do my eating, drinking and convenient $5 bus shuttle from Moes and forego the headaches.

I also seem to recall that a band person told me a few years ago that amplifying the band is against the rules in Big Ten play.

I also seem to recall that a band person told me a few years ago that amplifying the band is against the rules in Big Ten play.

This would seem odd for 2 reasons: 1) the mic'd the band at the Dome and 2) amplified sound is what gets used all the time on 3rd downs (AC/DC, etc).

It's true that amplified sound of any kind can't be used while the game is in play, but I don't believe that the rule applies between plays ('cause if it did we're in violation all the time).

The biggest problem is the location of the band. That pit was not a good idea. I think if they were moved up and out of that pit, they could be heard be many more people. Put the band in either 119 or 131 so they can spread out and be elevated.

I saw them walk in - the Cal band

There is definitely something off about the sound generated from the band.

The STH even had the smaller band miked, and though there was a delay. I think it made for a better sound. - I actually processed it just as an echo. Until one of the cymbal crashs came back louder than the sound accompanying the strike.

Maybe Best BUY will come up with some funds to improve the sound at the stadium.

We sit on the Visitors side, 25 yard line. We had no trouble hearing the band, and they sounded great. On the other hand we didn't even know the Cal pep band was there until I read about it on this site! We then talked to some friends who said that the Pep Band was right down in front of them.

The shuttle bus(s) was a problem at the dome for years. Much confusion, very little crowd control as everyone was trying to get on the bus NOW. People who expected an easy come and go to the UM and TCF were dreaming.

I will continue to do my eating, drinking and convenient $5 bus shuttle from Moes and forego the headaches.

Can you share a few details of your experience at Moe's? I am thinking of doing this and just wondering what it was like overall, at Moe's, riding down on the bus, getting out of stadium village? Can you drink on the bus on the way to the game?

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