Stadium issues

One thing that slowed down entry into the stadium (at Gate B, at least) was the number of male fans who brought back-packs, tote bags, the "re-usable" grocery bags, etc. Each argued (unsuccessfully) that some female fans had purses as large as their bags and they deserved to get in with them. It slowed down the entry process and was pretty clearly announced in advance.

That said, we were in line before the gates opened and got in within 15 minutes. Went up to the second floor concourse and got a hamburger and a drink with no real wait in line. The workers behind the counter seemed new to their jobs and the interface between the counter staff and the back-room "cooks" (warmer-uppers, I suspect) was a bit poor.

We walked around, made sure my son knew where the men's room was and where our section was located and generally marveled over the new Home of the Golden Gophers.

Donations...I feel that those that donated money to get into the Premimum Seats ($500 per seat = $1000 for two seats) should've been recognized also on the Donation Wall or even in the game Program. After all, those Premimum seats donations are towards the stadium.

That isn't quite accurate. Those donations are not earmarked for the stadium the way the earlier stadium donations were. My 2008 donation didn't qualify me for Priority Seats. Those stadium donations were due in 2008 and only 2009 donations count toward seats.

If you wanted your name on the wall, you should have ponied up when they said you'd get your name on the wall.

Just courious if anyone else had acoustic problems like we had in the upper rows of Section 101?

That for me was worse then the Concourse issues because I could not hear the band or the P.A. That was a buzz kill at the beginning of the game.

Feel bad for folks with season tickets in that section.

I agree with most people here. Great game and great stadium but there are some things that could be worked out. The consession lines were horrible. I was in section 211 and just a few rows from the top and not once did i see a hot dog, peanut or soda vendor come up our asile. Maybe if you were selling food to people in their seats they would stay in their seats and help the lines a little bit.

Also, when the band was not facing us you could not tell what they were playing and so for most of halftime you could not hear anything from them as they faced the home side crowd. I had no trouble with the scoredboard or PA in Section 211.


Overall, my experience was great. I usually do not eat the stadium food so the concession lines were not an issue for me at least. But when you run out of popcorn and peanuts (my friend tried) by the third quarter you lost some serious money. (but I would hope they can adjust at least the quantity of food on hand relatively easily)

However, a couple of suggestions for the scoreboard (may have been touched on earlier):

- Show more scores than the just the Big Ten - at least some additional top 20 results. #2 Texas had been losing to Wyoming towards the end of the 2nd Q when I left my car - totally unable to get an update

- Use the scoreboard to show some replays from around the Big Ten at least. I know Ohio Stadium (perhaps others) will show highlights from other games. Always nice to get a big cheer from the crowd when you see Iowa or Wisconsin scored upon.

I saw ice cream vendors multiple times come down the aisles, nothing else. I would think ice cream would be a rather minor option for vendors in the aisles (of course DQ is a sponsor). Get the basics sold from aisle vendors like hot dogs, soda, popcorn and peanuts, and that would cut down on some of the congestion in the concourse.

My overall game day experience was an A+. I met some nice folks while tailgating before the game and everyone was very respectful. I have seats in section 103 and did notice that the acoustics at that end of the field were lacking, so the I'm with the guy in 101 who said he couldn't hear the PA or the band. I brought a radio headset to the game, so it wasn't a huge issue for me.

I did have a polite conversation with a group a few rows in front of me that were standing throughout the game. I am getting up there in years and will stand and cheer at important times - 3rd Down, 4th Downs, passing downs, and Gopher scores, but I can't stand none stop anymore. I think we resolved everything, didn't have any problems in the 2nd half, and I'm looking forward to seeing them again next week. Two of the ladies ran up the stairs for a high five after the fumble return for a TD! :cool03:

I think the long line issues will work themselves out, so just bear with it. We get to try again next weekend!

You can't get beer or food in TCF so the new stadium will be great for restaurants and bars in the area!

I never saw any food/drink vendor in the upper deck. Allow fans to bring in food/drinks if you can't provide it.

Standing issues

My solution to the standing issue...

Someone should sell a gold shirt with the back printed with standing etiquette. It should indicate that it is always acceptable to stand for scores, kickoffs, defensive 3rd downs, the rouser, at halftime, during the 4th quarter of a closeley contested game, during overtime, and at any time when we are playing a top ten should also indicate that if you have people behind you who are unable to stand for extended periods you should refrain from standing at all other times. They should inlcude a quote from Brewster on his desire for enthusiasm.

And regarding the concession lines I have always thought the mentality of the concession workers in the dome (and apparently also in the new stadium) is WAY too laze faire. The workers at other stadiums that I've been to really put an emphasis on being fast, to the point where if you don't know what you want they have you move to the side and they take the next person in line. :clap::clap:

I'm not sure if other stadiums give the cashiers a cut of the profit at the end of the night or what but IMHO the workers need to be incented to move people through as fast as possible.

Totally agree. Everyone seemed to be taking their sweet time. In an effort to try to speed the process I did the math on how much I owed so I could have exact change ready, too bad the vendor didn't do the math right and undercharged me which only made the transaction take longer. If they aren't going to get registers fine, but then they need to round off prices to make adding and giving change go faster.

Did anyone else notice the large amount of "quiet time" during timeouts? I was in section 101 and couldn't hear the band. The crowd needs to be entertained during timeouts to keep everyone into the game. It was like we were trying to hard not to be Wisconsin. Play a Neil Diamond song or Cecilia and the crowd will go nuts....either that, or amplify the band.

Amplifying the band is a HORRIBLE idea. That always drove me nuts at the dome - no big time school amplifies the band. Piping in crowd noise or amplifying the band is a dead giveaway that the crowd/band can't sustain volume and momentum on their own.

Amplifying the band is a HORRIBLE idea. That always drove me nuts at the dome - no big time school amplifies the band. Piping in crowd noise or amplifying the band is a dead giveaway that the crowd/band can't sustain volume and momentum on their own.

What about those of us who would like to actually hear the band?

What about those of us who would like to actually hear the band?

Maybe they should play louder - maybe they should stand facing different directions when they play - or maybe if hearing the band is that important you can ask to be relocated to a different part of the stadium next year. I'm just going on record saying that amplifying the band is amateurish in every way (especially when it's piped in even louder when the opposition has a 3rd down and are trying to call a play - people and instruments should make crowd noise, not amplifiers).

FINALLY, the delay on the broadcast in the stadium on the TVs is a bit odd as they have the live radio feed going...and you can of hear the live game in the background (seemed to be a 10 second delay).

This isn't the U's fault. They get their feed from the Big Ten Network and that feed has a slight delay. It is what it is and the U can't do anything about that. Besides, with all the details Dave Lee leaves out you'll still be wondering "WTF happened?" until you see it on TV anyway. :)

The instant replays also left a lot to be desired. I really would have liked to have seen Gray's fumble, Tow-Arnett's catch for a first down, and Air Force's TD pass again. I don't think they were shown, but maybe there were more fly-over moments than I thought. It would also be nice to see plays where there's a penalty, but I assume that's a league or NCAA rule.

As someone else noted, when AFA was on offense the no-huddle really messed up the chances for replays. Obviously this didn't explain all the examples, but it did play a part. They won't show penalties or plays being reviewed...this was true at the Dome as well.

Someone else commented on a lack of full-screen replays. I believe they showed the TD's full far as I can tell the full screen replay gets saved for the "big" plays (i.e. scoring).

Traffic wan't bad at all for me! I walked to Stub and Herbs, had a couple IPA's at the beer garden, walked to the car and drove out free and clear of car traffic. There were still plenty of people and lots of celebrating going on in the area too!

2. The Band was muted and missing in the second deck - get it miked;
3. On the other hand, the PA booms up top, but we were in 209, close to the scoreboard so I'm not sure how it sounded in the bowl end;
6. Were's the other scores? I'd rather see an up to the minute listing of out of town scores than more advertising to the left and right of the scoreboard;
7. Thought we left the silly scoreboard games at the Dump. This is college football, leave the stupid games for the short attention span folk that attend the pro game!
2) Have to disagree. Band doesn't sound as good miked.
3) They actually toned the PA down. It can be MUCH louder if they want it to.
6) Scores where there all game long. They only disappeared for Gopher related messages (first down, etc). My issue was that they only showed B10 scores. Since I'm a college FB junkie I like to know what's happening around the nation too. :)
7) I don't expect this to change (especially not the ones tied to a sponser). Ad revenue is what it is.

Cellular phone issues for those of us with AT&T iPhones, can't make phone calls or text?!

You're going to want to call AT&T about that. It's not the U's fault that their network can't handle to volume. More accurately, you want to blame the iPhone. AT&T's network already has trouble handling the media volume from the iPhone in metro areas. I can only imagine what happens when a ton of users concentrate in a stadium and start sending photos/videos of TCF to friends and family.

6) My issue was that they only showed B10 scores. Since I'm a college FB junkie I like to know what's happening around the nation too. :)

Exactly - they should at least show top 25 scores throughout the game. The side board on the main video board showed the same few things the entire time - that board was not used well at all. And the ribbon scoreboard on each side of the stadium could easily show scores outside of the Big 10. I hope they implement that change.

My experience at the opener was FANTASTIC. Everything that I have dreamed of for 20+ years. Yes there are some things to be worked on and I trust that they will get the majority of them fixed by this weekend.

One small item that bothered me was that lack of scores from other games. I only noticed the Big Ten scores on the banner scoreboard. I did not see any Top 25 scores or others scores like they had at the Dome. Were they posted anywhere else?

Long lines, crowds, wait times...this is life at a sold-out venue, folks! It takes a half hour or more to get into the Big House before a game, and the streets around Camp Randall are a mess for hours after the game. We have all been spoiled by a half-empty dome these past 30 years I guess.

I always laugh when I see someone put it upon themselves to climb to the top of the soap box and address the mindless mass of sheep with a dose of their ultra-smart reality. They always seem to say "folks" or "people".

Anyway... everyone has been hitting on the same points here and there are some valid problems. Most people temper their comments by saying things that indicate they'd take a malfunctioning TCF Bank Stadium before a smoothly run Metrodome any day. I agree with them.

I have attended my share of sold out events at the larger Metrodome and I have never encountered the difficulty I had Saturday both getting into the stadium or trying to purchase a concession stand item. Sure, I have run into the occasional bewildered extra slooooow individual behind the concession counter before but this was different. This was a multi-faceted break down... Out of Pizza at a large concession stand that only carries pizza BEFORE halftime? Workers trying to scratch orders down on paper because they don't have registers? THOUSANDS of fans giving up and returning to their seats empty handed? I'd say this is all evidence of a breakdown and NOT "life in a sold out venue." This isn't a news flash because plenty of people are reporting the same thing but I took my kids to get some food with two minutes to go before half and we had to return to our seats empty handed to BARELY catch the second half kick off. It was a mess. I had some hungry kids on my hands at a game that was held right over the dinner hour. We had to order pizza when we got home. It is clear they lost revenue and will lose more if these issues don't get solved soon.

I'm not sure how to fix the inaudible band issue. It is an issue. Perhaps it has something to do with the ill-conceived 'pit' they have to sit in. Not only was it designed to be too small to actually hold the entire band, but it was difficult to hear them. However, that being said, the spell out at the end of the rouser was awesome. The days of the echo that resulted in half the crowd being on the "E" while others were on the "O" are over. The spell out sounds awesome... wonderful compared to the echo filled dome.

Unfortunately the fly over timing was screwed up and instead of flying overhead during the national anthem, it took place just as the team was taking the field - right when everyone's attention was on the field. Dang! Luckily my wife saw it at the last second so I got to see it.

I was thinking Maresh was going to be LEADING the team with the Minnesota STATE flag. That was another lost opportunity for opening night, and one that the Gopher staff had more control over.

Like someone else said, I hope the problems entering and exiting the stadium won't drive people to leave early to beat the rush.

You simply can't point out these issues without saying they are all worth it given the beauty of the new stadium and the overall wonderful experience of watching a game there.

I think it's also worth pointing out to the Eternal Optimists Gopher Club that some of these "minor" issues that will "surely be fixed" won't be. They can't be. There are no cash registers. They're not going to get cash registers. They knew the game would be sold out. They knew the stadium holds 50,000 people. They knew that some of those people would want something to eat and drink. But they decided, for whatever, reason, not to have cash registers.

So every single week, there will be the same number of people at the game, the same number of people standing behind the counter having to write down by hand every item of food they sell in a notebook before they can serve the next person. That won't be fixed. It can't be fixed. Unless there were a bunch of concession stands that were closed on opening night that I don't know about that they'll now open and staff. So whether any of the "complainers" like me "shut up" and "get a grip" and "get over themselves," a lot of these problems are still going to be there week in and week out.

...and yet another thought on concessions. Both decks not only funnel to the same concourse, but that 1 concourse has roughly the same number of concession stands as each deck at the dome. So, imagine how many people would be in line at the dome if you took half the concession stands away.

Not really a stadium issue, per se, but they can get rid of that "text what Black Eyed Peas Song you'd like to hear". Just blast Renegade by Styx at the start of every fourth quarter and be done with it.

I think it's also worth pointing out to the Eternal Optimists Gopher Club that some of these "minor" issues that will "surely be fixed" won't be. They can't be. There are no cash registers. They're not going to get cash registers. They knew the game would be sold out. They knew the stadium holds 50,000 people. They knew that some of those people would want something to eat and drink. But they decided, for whatever, reason, not to have cash registers.

So every single week, there will be the same number of people at the game, the same number of people standing behind the counter having to write down by hand every item of food they sell in a notebook before they can serve the next person. That won't be fixed. It can't be fixed. Unless there were a bunch of concession stands that were closed on opening night that I don't know about that they'll now open and staff. So whether any of the "complainers" like me "shut up" and "get a grip" and "get over themselves," a lot of these problems are still going to be there week in and week out.

Is there a national shortage of cash registers that I'm not aware of? I'm pretty sure they can...whats the more if they choose. Setting my sarcasm aside, that doesn't mean they will. And if they don't I think whoever is making that decision deserves to hear about it. But lets not pretend that there is no recourse. If your only example of things that "can't be fixed" is cash registers...

I have attended my share of sold out events at the larger Metrodome and I have never encountered the difficulty I had Saturday both getting into the stadium or trying to purchase a concession stand item. Sure, I have run into the occasional bewildered extra slooooow individual behind the concession counter before but this was different. This was a multi-faceted break down... Out of Pizza at a large concession stand that only carries pizza BEFORE halftime? Workers trying to scratch orders down on paper because they don't have registers? THOUSANDS of fans giving up and returning to their seats empty handed? I'd say this is all evidence of a breakdown and NOT "life in a sold out venue." This isn't a news flash because plenty of people are reporting the same thing but I took my kids to get some food with two minutes to go before half and we had to return to our seats empty handed to BARELY catch the second half kick off. It was a mess. I had some hungry kids on my hands at a game that was held right over the dinner hour. We had to order pizza when we got home. It is clear they lost revenue and will lose more if these issues don't get solved soon.
Part of this is easy to fix. Order more food = problem solved. Now the cash register thing is another story. They can and should order cash registers, but I can see this being the problem that lingers.
I'm not sure how to fix the inaudible band issue. It is an issue. Perhaps it has something to do with the ill-conceived 'pit' they have to sit in. Not only was it designed to be too small to actually hold the entire band, but it was difficult to hear them.
Maybe umnhcky can chime in on this. You know the band will do anything in their power to be more audible.
Unfortunately the fly over timing was screwed up and instead of flying overhead during the national anthem, it took place just as the team was taking the field - right when everyone's attention was on the field. Dang! Luckily my wife saw it at the last second so I got to see it.
umnhcky chimed in on this already. The "red hat" (official timekeeper) accidentally stopped the gameclock. Everything in the pregame runs off that clock which pushed everything out of whack.

I was thinking Maresh was going to be LEADING the team with the Minnesota STATE flag. That was another lost opportunity for opening night, and one that the Gopher staff had more control over.
I actually didn't even notice him in all the hoopla. I saw him with the flag via photos after the fact.

Like someone else said, I hope the problems entering and exiting the stadium won't drive people to leave early to beat the rush.
I don't think folks had as much trouble leaving...just entering. Maturi already said they'll be opening more gates for the Cal game to help alleviate the issue.

I don't think folks had as much trouble leaving...just entering. Maturi already said they'll be opening more gates for the Cal game to help alleviate the issue.

Which begs the question, why weren't they all open to begin with?????

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