Stadium Construction Update

I hate the M in the seats

The yellow "M" in the seats spelling Minnesota looks horrible! I wish the seats were the font used in the stadium brochures. This M starts at an angle then ends coming down in a straight line. What is with that?

Why couldn't they put in the yellow seats using our Minnesota font? Too complicated for them?:mad:

Some people just can't be happy. :rolleyes:

The Answer

Fill in isles with maroon and gold, thus completing the M etc. If they cann't do it, I have some spare time and Valspar isnt that far from Campus.

Unless the webcam is playing tricks on me it looks like they are laying something where the field will be, maybe a leveled out layer of concrete or something? I can see something peeking out on the right side of the main scoreboard. Anyone have any insight into this?

I hope it's the beginnings of field preparation, I am so excited to see the green go in.

The yellow "M" in the seats spelling Minnesota looks horrible! I wish the seats were the font used in the stadium brochures. This M starts at an angle then ends coming down in a straight line. What is with that?

Why couldn't they put in the yellow seats using our Minnesota font? Too complicated for them?:mad:

The GOLD seats look fine. Remember, there will be giant block M's in the lower level.

The gold "M" in the seats spelling Minnesota looks horrible! I wish the seats were the font used in the stadium brochures. This M starts at an angle then ends coming down in a straight line. What is with that?

Why couldn't they put in the yellow seats using our Minnesota font? Too complicated for them?:mad:

They are very limited in how the letters can look for two reasons: 1) They can't have seats that are multiple colors (i.e. maroon seats with some painted over in gold) largely because its a very significant cost issue. 2) Only so many seats can fit in a row and each seat takes up an incremental amount of space that can't really be changed. So they are really limited on how they can space things out to make the different colored seats actually look like words, making different fonts virtually impossible. The "M" looks like it does because the section it is in isn't a square block of seats with the same number of seats in each row. If you look at the aisle that separates the transition from seat-backs to benches you'll see this. But actually, from most vantage points around the stadium this little detail is tough to spot. Either way, this minor gimmick looks really cool and adds a lot of color to the empty stadium.

The yellow "M" in the seats spelling Minnesota looks horrible! I wish the seats were the font used in the stadium brochures. This M starts at an angle then ends coming down in a straight line. What is with that?

Why couldn't they put in the yellow seats using our Minnesota font? Too complicated for them?:mad:

Maybe the Metrodome will take us back.

Yeah, I'm thinking they messed up and will have to go back and fix the left side of the M. They have enough "smart" people on this project to have figured out how to get the wording to look right given the number of seats/rows since this was part of the original plan. (Maybe, they didn't have enough gold seats one day or they got lined up wrong during installation and couldn't tell because they were up close).

If you look closely, it seems that the left side gets pushed over by a seat the farther down the M you go. I can't imagine that the designed one side of the M to be sloped and the other straight. I can understand why the middle of the M might be off, but the sides do need to match (either both sloped or both straight). It just looks awkward compared with the rest of the lettering (which looks spot on).

While it does seem trivial to some, one of the first things people notice when they see the stadium is the block M and the wordmark on the seats. Having that not look right would be as bad as having "TCF Bnak Stadium" on the big scoreboard (IMO). Sure, you won't notice it when people are sitting, but why put all the money and effort into this wonderful stadium if you're not going to get Everything right...

Edit: that said, I just realized something. They haven't finished all of the letters yet... So maybe the A will also have a slanted side to complete the look. That wouldn't look bad at all.

looks like they are starting to spell something on the home side as i walked by today

Another photo gallery came out today:

Photo Gallery

Anyone know where those huge metal gates are at? It would be sweet if all the "grand entrances" had these gates.

I'm guessing that is the Student entrance.

fyi - i have been past the site many times in the last two weeks. these huge metal gates with the block "M" are actually located at several entrances around the stadium and not just at the student entrance. i like them. feel very "old school" like something that would have been appropriate on the old memorial stadium back in the day.

fyi - i have been past the site many times in the last two weeks. these huge metal gates with the block "M" are actually located at several entrances around the stadium and not just at the student entrance. i like them. feel very "old school" like something that would have been appropriate on the old memorial stadium back in the day.

Upon taking another look I have to correct myself and suggest that it might be Gate B (north to north east side) or Gate D (south-east corner). I say this because it looks like there is a pillar that is in front of the entrance and that isn't the case for the student gate. The pillars flank the entrance at the student gate (Gate C). Gates A and E on the open end of TCF don't have any pillars near them at all.

I could be wrong, but my guess is they are temporary and there to keep people out until the permanent gates are installed.

Upon taking another look I have to correct myself and suggest that it might be Gate B (north to north east side) or Gate D (south-east corner). I say this because it looks like there is a pillar that is in front of the entrance and that isn't the case for the student gate. The pillars flank the entrance at the student gate (Gate C). Gates A and E on the open end of TCF don't have any pillars near them at all.

Or I'm an idiot and I could have been right the first time. I saw the student entrance image on the back of the Ticket Selection guide and sure enough, there is a pillar in front of the Student Entrance too.

I could be wrong, but my guess is they are temporary and there to keep people out until the permanent gates are installed.

Definitely possible, but why go to the trouble of putting the "M" on them then? That's money down the drain if these aren't the real deal.

If those gates are the real deal I hope someone takes the time go and straighten those crooked bars because otherwise they look craptastic.

If those gates are the real deal I hope someone takes the time go and straighten those crooked bars because otherwise they look craptastic.

And some polish. :) Maybe these were the reject/test versions? :rolleyes:

Yeah, those gates will look significantly different (or be new) after they go through their punch list. No way the U spends $300M on a stadium and accepts those gates in their current condition.

If those gates are the real deal I hope someone takes the time go and straighten those crooked bars because otherwise they look craptastic.

yeah, i have actually drove around the stadium in the last couple days and noticed all of these gates have those few random bars that look like they are out of place (and the exact same bars are out of place on each one). so me thinks that maybe that had something to do with installing them and they won't be like that once they are completely installed. if not, then i fully agree that "craptastic" would be an appropriate description since it seems so random. i would be very surprised if that is how they are supposed to look once completed.

Here is a screen shot from the virtual tour video. Looks like they will be painted black or maroon (tough to tell in the vid) with a gold M.


These gates/doors will be at ALL 5 entrances to the stadium. They will be painted. These doors are very heavy and I assume they bending of the bars have something to do with the installation.

These gates/doors will be at ALL 5 entrances to the stadium. They will be painted. These doors are very heavy and I assume they bending of the bars have something to do with the installation.

that's a good thought. perhaps they needed to remove a few on each side to get a large enough wench/rope through to be able to lift into place.

that's a good thought. perhaps they needed to remove a few on each side to get a large enough wench/rope through to be able to lift into place.

I think you'd have to remove a few more bars to get a decent-sized wench through there. ;)

FYI: the M of the wordmark was really bugging me so I emailed Brian Swanson. He says that the slant on the M is already scheduled to be adjusted.

FYI: the M of the wordmark was really bugging me so I emailed Brian Swanson. He says that the slant on the M is already scheduled to be adjusted.

Great to hear, thanks for letting us know too!

Stupid question here, but can you walk around the top of the upper deck? It is difficult to tell in pictures. Just wondering when it comes time to select seats. Or is the only way to the upper deck seats through the one tunnel at the bottom of the upper deck?

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