St.Paul Papers Story on Coach Kill


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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It's on the cover of the Sports Page. It takes up more then half the page. The picture alone takes up half the page. It's a good story. Nobody has mentioned it. Hopefully, for their sake, the Pioneer Press can do a big story on Wisconsin, Iowa of even Notre Dame this week. It will get them some "play" over here. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

They DO mention Michigan State though. they bastards. Well, it is just MSU and it's a Women's Coach to boot. That will probably be okay for everybody.

Michigan State women's basketball coach Suzy Merchant, who got her first coaching job at Saginaw Valley State with Kill's approval in 1995, told Spartans football coach Mark Dantonio that "the neighborhood just got tougher in the Big Ten" because of Kill.

"I was always surprised that he didn't get to a BCS school until this point in his career because he's really good," Merchant said. "He's been really good everywhere he's been; not mediocre, he's been great."

Actually, it was already posted in the training camp links thread.

Actually, it was already posted in the training camp links thread.

Thanks dpodoll. So a great story on Kill gets put into a "training camp" link and a thread whining about B.B. goes on and on?It gets 40 replies and over 700 views? Yep, it's a Minnesota site ALL-RIGHT!


Thanks dpodoll. So a great story on Kill gets put into a "training camp" link and a thread whining about B.B. goes on and on?It gets 40 replies and over 700 views? Yep, it's a Minnesota site ALL-RIGHT!

Hey, it's a rupert thread. What'dya expect? :)

In that case, I'd expect it to be in Buckyville where Rupert spends most of his time.

he has to come back here every so often to recover from the reaming they give him overthere...

At least they have finally realized over there that he is a special kind of stupid and all Gopher fans aren't like him...

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