St. Louis Post Dispatch reporting Painter will accept

Apparently Painter isn't actually going to Missouri? Man this has to be the first time time a report from a "credible source" that a coach was going to another school has turned out to be false...

Painter sniffs around Missouri gets new deal in days. Buzz Williams gets sniffed around by Oklahoma, gets a new deal in days.

Tubby gets promised a contract extension in April 2010. One year later, squat. Great job, Joel. At least the Purdue AD just allowed you to keep your 'Most incompetent AD in Big 10' title.

The biggest difference is that Buzz and Painter signed the deals. Tubby has had a lucrative extension sitting on his desk for 11 months. He has chosen not to sign it. Painter just got an 8-year deal. The extension on Tubby's desk would assure that he would be in MSP for at least 11 years and still make more $$$$ than Painter at Purdue on a yearly basis.

I wish Friend of Tubby would weigh-in on this ...

This was a classic game of chicken and Purdue blinked first. I honestly don't think Painter was ever close to leaving. He never set foot on the Missouri campus. One would think that before making such a HUGE decision that one would at least check things out in person to see what they're dealing with. In the end he really didn;t get that much more moeney FOR HIMSELF. He made sure his assistants were taken care of and that the administration was on the same page when it came to spending money on the program.

Greed rears it's ugly head again. I know it's the times, but I'm so sick of these tactics pitting one school against another. And your Alma Mater at that. I guess living on a million or two a year is tough these days. I guess his ego demanded more.

Come on now, the cost of living in West Lafayette is brutal!!

First the Real Truth, Purdue's athletic department receives not money from the state or the university. It is completely self sustaining as it should be. I'm not trying to take a jab at Minnesota with that statement just college sports in general.

Second, it was mentioned multiple times but the real winners here was the assistant coaches. They were completely underpaid and hopefully that was fixed with todays announcement, along with other budget and support staff issues.

Third MB99, do you want to be the school that didn't blink and lost Painter, I didn't think so.

Fourth, Matt Painter is staying at Purdue and I couldn't be more excited about it.

You are not being fair to Joel. He can't sign Tubby to an extenssion yet nor can he possibly get the new basketball practice facility on track before he gets that baseball stadium deal done can he?

Joel does one thing at a time and he won't go on to the next thing until he is done. The baseball stadium is not done so Tubby will just have to wait. :banghead:

This would be funny if it weren't true. Instead it's just sad. But hey, I guess that means he won't sign his own extension until long after he's retired.

The biggest difference is that Buzz and Painter signed the deals. Tubby has had a lucrative extension sitting on his desk for 11 months. He has chosen not to sign it. Painter just got an 8-year deal. The extension on Tubby's desk would assure that he would be in MSP for at least 11 years and still make more $$$$ than Painter at Purdue on a yearly basis.

And you know this is just sitting on Tubby's desk how? Why when asked has Joel been saying it's 'with the lawyers' since last May? And why are there recent rumors that they haven't even agreed on the # of years yet? Major world peace treaties are made and broken in the time it takes Joel to do a simple contract extension. I don't doubt that Tubby has dragged his feet and played a role in this, but it's still pathetic. We had a wrestling coach and a baseball coach working without a contract for years too. This isn't all on the coaches.

And you know this is just sitting on Tubby's desk how?

Tubby himself said so. After the Northwestern game at the BTT, Tubby "told reporters the only way he would leave Minnesota is if the late-season collapse prompted school officials to take their proposal off the table" (Associated Press).

And you know this is just sitting on Tubby's desk how? Why when asked has Joel been saying it's 'with the lawyers' since last May?

That quote is from months ago.

We had a wrestling coach and a baseball coach working without a contract for years too.

Anderson and Robinson chose to sign one-year deals. They were offered multi-year contracts many times and turned them down. J Rob just finally decided to sign a long-term pact at the urging of his wife.

Tubby himself said so. After the Northwestern game at the BTT, Tubby "told reporters the only way he would leave Minnesota is if the late-season collapse prompted school officials to take their proposal off the table" (Associated Press).

That quote is from months ago.

Anderson and Robinson chose to sign one-year deals. They were offered multi-year contracts many times and turned them down. J Rob just finally decided to sign a long-term pact at the urging of his wife.

No one disputes they've had some level of agreement on a basic framework. 'Take the proposal off the table' is not the same as 'I have a fully agreed to contract I'm choosing not to sign.' Clearly the agreement is not done yet.

He has repeated the 'it with the lawyers' line over and over since then and within the last month.

Greed rears it's ugly head again. I know it's the times, but I'm so sick of these tactics pitting one school against another. And your Alma Mater at that. I guess living on a million or two a year is tough these days. I guess his ego demanded more.

I don't think we can easily conclude that it was Painter's greed causing all the drama in it. It is very possible that the AD tried to lowball Painter by taking advantage of the fact that Painter is an alumnus and is happy at Purdue, to which Painter wanted to respond by establishing his fair market value with another program.

Even if it is partly about greed, I do not see any problem with it though it would be nice to see someone out of loyalty taking less than what he is worth -- I would commend you for it if you were to do so in his shoes. But, that doesn't mean that anything less than saintly should be looked down upon.

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