Spring Practice only a few weeks away. Woot! Woot! That is all....carry on

At the GoalLine affair last month I thought I heard April 11th for the spring game and the first week of March for the beginning of practice.

I just looked at the Academic calendar and the 16th of March starts Spring Break so I guess practice will start the first week of Mach as someone else said. WOOT WOOT

Excited to see how Jeff Jones looks out there! Woot woot!

Wait are you saying "Boo" or "Boo-urns"?

Quoting the great Hans Moleman: "I was saying Boo-urns."

P.S. Woot! Woot!

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/C10bE4yGPMw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I heard they even changed up some lines in couple of rap songs, "bounce wit me, bounce wit me...can I get a woot woot..." "Turn down for woot...." but they had to get permission from JJ Watt to change this one. :rolleyes:

You people are the worst thing to happen to Gopher football since Tim Brewster.

Spring practice should start right after Spring Break which is 3/9 I believe and Spring game is April 11th. Can I get a WOOT, WOOT....crap now y'all got me started. :cool:

Spring break begins March 16th. WOOT WOOT!!

This thread is turning into a classic! Woot to the mutha F-n Woot!

The running back competition is going to be epic woot woot!

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