Spring Practice only a few weeks away. Woot! Woot! That is all....carry on

Does anyone know the date of the spring game?

When does spring practice start? Sorry if it was posted elsewhere.

When does spring practice start? Sorry if it was posted elsewhere.

I don't think they've announced yet. Last year the schedule was announced late February and practices started in early March (March 4). I expect a similar schedule this year, maybe a week delayed from that timeline if the spring game is going to be 4/18.

Whoever started "Woot, woot" should be drawn and quartered. I hate that. "Just saved 30% on capri pants at Old Navy! Woot woot!"


Whoever started "Woot, woot" should be drawn and quartered. I hate that. "Just saved 30% on capri pants at Old Navy! Woot woot!"

I'll bet you look stunning in your new capri pants! Please, post a pic. :cool:

I'm very excited to see the new guys, and how the redshirts have developed! WOOT WOOT!

So freakin excited to attend a couple practices and see Jeff Jones run and see the new red shirt WRs dominate!!! WOOT WOOT!

Hopefully the new WRs live up to Kill's comments. If they are as good as he says I'm hoping they push each other in competition and also push our defensive backs to get better.

Sorry Breakin The Plane... I did only add "that phrase" you don't like into my post for sh!ts and giggles. The rest of my post is sincere. I can't wait for spring practice! WOOT! WOOT!

... shoot I did it again...

Whoever started "Woot, woot" should be drawn and quartered. I hate that. "Just saved 30% on capri pants at Old Navy! Woot woot!"

Warning. Warning. Warning. YOU have just created WOOT, WOOT! As the new battle cry.


Spring practice should start right after Spring Break which is 3/9 I believe and Spring game is April 11th. Can I get a WOOT, WOOT....crap now y'all got me started. :cool:

Spring practice should start right after Spring Break which is 3/9 I believe and Spring game is April 11th. Can I get a WOOT, WOOT....crap now y'all got me started. :cool:


At the GoalLine affair last month I thought I heard April 11th for the spring game and the first week of March for the beginning of practice.

At the GoalLine affair last month I thought I heard April 11th for the spring game and the first week of March for the beginning of practice.

But, Killjoy. You are paranoid-schiz and are always hearing things. :cool02:

At the GoalLine affair last month I thought I heard April 11th for the spring game and the first week of March for the beginning of practice.

Yes. It is definitely on April 11th.

Can we get this thread back on track with some more WOOT WOOTs please?

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