Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Kill - 5/20/12

Sports Huddle-related and somewhat on the lighter side.

Each week Sid announces to the many guests that for being on the show they will receive a gift certificate to Murray's. In recent weeks, a few of the guests have jokingly inquired about past certificate(s) for previous appearances. Last Sunday Bud Grant was the most recent guest to make such an inquiry. Bud was on because of his 85th birthday that day. (It was a good interview both in questions by Sid and Bud's responses.) At the end of the segment, and before Sid could say Bud would receive a Murray's gift certificate, Bud asked Sid if he had his address. Sid said, "Yes." He then quickly told Bud he would be receiving a Murray's gift certificate. (You could hear laughter when Bud Grant made his query.)

Go Gophers!!

This is no layghing matter! I am still waiting for my gift certificate you.

The Gophers in 2014 have 4 straight home games to open the season. If the Vikings are playing in TCF in 2014 (which I think there is a decent chance), it seems highly unlikely that the schedule makers in the NFL will schedule the Vikings for 3 straight road games to open the season. I'm not sure of the exact scheduling rules but that seems like a big disadvantage to the Vikings and don't think that would even happen. The issue of painting the field better get figured out because it is highly likely that a couple times per year there will be football on back-to-back days at the bank.

It will, it's just the details that are up in the air (at least to fans who like to talk about them). The chances of the NFL messing with its schedule based on the Gophers schedule or field colors is pretty much nil. The exception to that would be weeknight games and there is a clause in the deal to allow for a MNF game. I absolutely guarantee that there will be back to back games at TCF.

Since the NFL schedule for 2014 won't be known until April 2014, I absolutely guarantee the NFL schedule will be fashioned to fit the GOPHERS schedule. The NFL won't start until September 7 that year, so throw out August 30; that's an exhibition game on road. That leaves September 7, 14 and 21. Two of those games will be road games. I guarantee it.

That leaves one game to fill. I'd even be willing to bet a quarter that the Vikings play in London or Stockholm as a replacement for a Sept home game. Yeah, it would be tough for the 'queens, but that's the way it goes. St. Louis Rams have a bye in between their 2012 Wembley game and a road game at SF. They techically are not home from Oct. 21 to Nov. 18. That's a month away from home. In other words, three "road" games are not out of the question.

The U is on the road or bye Sept 27, Oct 4, 25, Nov 1, 15, 22. There's six dates for home games in the first 12 weeks of the NFL season, including an NFL bye. The schedule could easily be made with no conflicting dates. Easy.

The NFL is borrowing a venue. They are not going to bully the U around.

The U is on the road or bye Sept 27, Oct 4, 25, Nov 1, 15, 22. There's six dates for home games in the first 12 weeks of the NFL season, including an NFL bye. The schedule could easily be made with no conflicting dates. Easy.

The NFL is borrowing a venue. They are not going to bully the U around.

I wasn't suggesting the NFL would bully and I completely agree that they might be able to avoid back to back games. I'm simply suggesting that the NFL isn't going to mess with the "competitive balance" way they schedule just so that they can avoid back to back games and fit the Vikings schedule to the Gophers. If they need to schedule back to back they will and things will go on without issue.

Was that before or after they went with the FieldTurf they were using in the 2006-2008 timeframe? Can FieldTurf take an overlay?

Now that you mention it, I think they may have painted the endzones 2006-2008. I know they used to have fabric before that but I just can't remember those last few years, but somehow the thought of seeing faded endzone paint for both teams sounds familiar.

I think you're right here. I wasn't thinking about the hash marks with the "stitch switch" idea. Just logos and endzones.

The more I think about it, the more I hope the U wouldn't be in favor of "stitch switch" because the difference in turf will be pretty noticeable (see: the way the new B1G logos look). The endzones would be fine. But the B1G logos and center field logo would look slightly off. Also, technically the yardage numbers would be "wrong" for the Vikings as they have a maroon component as well. Now that I think harder, the maroon/gold twenty yard lines would also be "wrong" for the Vikes.

As folks have mentioned when the Bears played at Champaign, the field was left as-is (slightly different situation because their yard markers and lines are all white from what I can see on pictures). If the Vikings really are there for only a season or two, I think they'll live with whatever lines are there, other than hashmarks. And I would guess if they can install overlays for logos/end zones they will, but if not they'll live with the whatever the Gophers have. Though if they do replace rather than reuse the carpet, maybe the U forgoes maroon/gold lines and markers for white.

I think they may have painted the endzones 2006-2008.
That's what I (and others here) recalled too.

If the Vikings really are there for only a season or two, I think they'll live with whatever lines are there, other than hashmarks.
This is what I think will happen. I just like talking out the hypotheticals.

Though if they do replace rather than reuse the carpet, maybe the U forgoes maroon/gold lines and markers for white.
I hope not. I always liked that touch.

highway's post with the Fieldturf diagram is what makes GopherHole awesome...

Since the NFL schedule for 2014 won't be known until April 2014, I absolutely guarantee the NFL schedule will be fashioned to fit the GOPHERS schedule. The NFL won't start until September 7 that year, so throw out August 30; that's an exhibition game on road. That leaves September 7, 14 and 21. Two of those games will be road games. I guarantee it.

So assuming they are at TCF in 2014 the Vikings won't get a true home game until week four and then have to go back on the road for the next two since the Gophers are home......IALTO!

I think they'll get the painting issue figured out instead of having an NFL team have 5 of their first 6 games on the road.....


You're correct, and I was thinking the same thing as I typed the above message. Even though my comment about a gift certificate from Murray's to you was made "tongue in cheek," I'll have to check with my close personal friend, Sir Sydney, and see if one could be sent to you. Afterall, words matter; even if they're made in jest. And since I transcribe the Sports Huddle/Jerry Kill segment and give 'CCO publicity on GopherHole free of charge, I'd think it would be worthy of Sid's consideration. We'll just have to wait and see how this all plays out. Keep in mind, however, the words of the great English poet, Mick Jagger: "You can't always get what you want!"

In any event, I appreciate not only today's reminder but those that you brought to the forefront in the past. You have a remarkable memory and your persistence is noteworthy.

Go Gophers!!

Actually you deserve the certificate! I am sure you are the only one here who is fluent in Sid speak. Without you it would all be Greek to me. Thanks again.

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