Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Kill - 5/20/12


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Nov 20, 2008
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Dave Mona, after a week hiatus, returned to the Sports Huddle with Sid Hartman. There were only two segments this week with coach Kill. So questions were limited and Dave asked only one question, which was from previous weeks (7 on 7 drills).

1) Sid asked Kill what his thoughts are of the proposed bowl game between the SEC and Big 12: Kill responded we've seen a lot of changes in college football, "and we're not done yet."

Sid followed up asking if he favored a championship playoff system: "I want it to stay in the bowl system! I don't think anyone wants to give up the bowl system and its tradition." He closed saying, "We'll know more in 2 or 3 months." He said he favored the bowls and plus one for a championship game.

2) Sid, once again (every week he asks the same question), asked if Beal, Gjere and Campion will be available this fall: Kill said, "We'll be good to go in the fall." He said Campion was cleared all spring . . . Gjere had not practiced at all this spring, except for specific drillls, and hasn't since the Michigan game when he suffered a concussion. They're awaiting a clearance report/release for Gjere. He also mentioned Keanon Cooper having been withheld from spring drills because of wrist surgery in the off season. Surgery went well and will be ready for fall camp and his senior season.

(Personal observation: In fairness to Sid and his asking the same question about Campion, Gjere, Beal, etc.: Not everyone listens to the Sports Huddle every week (listeners tuning in and out). As a result, some people may not be aware of the players physical conditions. That came to light on this board the past couple weeks, as well, when some GopherHolers asked about Gjere's health condition and what had happened to him (concussion).

3) Sid asked about Kill's one-on-one meetings with Gopher players following spring drills: Kill responded saying, "Met with players before spring ball . . . (players) filled out a five page information sheet . . . how do they best learn (team meetings, film, etc.)." After spring ball they meet individually with the players: position coaches and Kill. The players articulate individual goals, where they think they're at and fit in the system, how do you like Minnesota (school and state)? Kill and coaches try to determine the player's maturity and direction by their answers. "Meetings went well." He also said they were further ahead and did better than year ago (communication).

4) Sid, once again, asked Kill about his and the assistants' work schedule: Many of the coaches on the road recruiting, which is a seven day a week process, because many of the high school scrimmages and jamborees are conducted on Saturdays. Kill said he's been busy working on plans and schedules for fall camp.

Kill then spoke at length about his many meetings with the business community, "Critical to our success." He talked about the opportunities for internships in the businesses and careers after their playing days. "Helps sell our program in recruiting." He also mentioned many charitable events that he attends. He stressed the importance of being involved in the community, "Everybody in the state has a part to turn the program around."

5) Dave asked if all of the freshmen recruits will be in summer school: "They'll all be here on June 14; another transition on how to do things." A critical period to get the recruits acclimated to the college environment and help them get ready for fall camp. (Try to show what's expected and what they need to know about the system.) The first two weeks of fall camp is critical . . . goes a long way on who redshirts and who'll see the field in the fall.

2nd part of the two part question was related to 7 on 7 drills and who selects the participants in the off season: Kill said it's about older players teaching and leading the younger players. It was the same in the off season before spring drills and will be the same during the summer. That's an advantage of having a year under the belt . . . the players now know what's expected and what they need to do when the don't have contact with the coaches.

6) Sid asked what players will represent the U at the Chicago meetings in July: "I haven't talked about that." (Kill responded jokingly saying Sid would be talking about the kicking game.)

7) UNLV game: Kill talked about his longstanding relationship with Bobby Hauck . . . "He has a lot of the same philosophies that we have." The Rebels are multiple on offense and spread the field. They're very young and Kill said both teams are similar in personnel.

Sid followed up asking about the advantages of opening on Thursday night: Allows more preparation time for the second opponent and additional time to recover from the first game.

8) Dave asked about the Vikings playing at TCF Bank Stadium; "It's a win win for both of us . . . that's what community is about." (Helping one another.) He then talked about the positives of having a football weekend when the Vikings and Gophers are at home on the same weekends. He closed out the question by saying, "We need to help each other out."

Go Gophers!!

Good analysis on the seemingly redundant injury questions by Sid. I have been critical of him (half the time he doesn't seem to realize he's on the air), but you're right--a good chunk of GHers don't seem to know about Beal or Gjere either. Those of us that are regulars on GH and listen to the Sports Huddle are in the minority.

Coach seems much more relaxed and comfortable as time goes by, but no less intense. I think that he sees the big picture, and also sees that he and Teague are leading the way. What a refreshing change we have witnessed in the last 18 months...

Sid should give DL65 a gift certificate to Murray's for translating the program into English. I am surprise the UN hasn’t contacted DL about his translation services. Thanks again to our "most valuable player".

Sunday reports from the Sports Huddle with Jerry Kill is becoming a fixture on GopherHole. Thanks DL. Here's to ya, my friend: :drink:

" He then talked about the positives of having a football weekend when the Vikings and Gophers are at home on the same weekends."

I thought President Kaler stated they wouldn't be able to have a Gopher game and a Viking game on the same weekend because of the turnaround time.

It's somewhat telling that if Sid asks about those injured guys each week and Kill never answers about Beal. I think he was a long shot to make it back anyway, but that repeated silence speaks to that, also. (Best of luck to Beal as he moves forward in his education and life.)

It's somewhat telling that if Sid asks about those injured guys each week and Kill never answers about Beal. I think he was a long shot to make it back anyway, but that repeated silence speaks to that, also. (Best of luck to Beal as he moves forward in his education and life.)

IMHO, only Coach Kill's hairdresser knows for sure. :)

" He then talked about the positives of having a football weekend when the Vikings and Gophers are at home on the same weekends."

I though President Kaler stated they wouldn't be able to have a Gopher game and a Viking game on the same weekend because of the turnaround time.

We was speaking about after the Bud Grant Sideline on Mall of America Field at Target Stadium opens in 2015.

Sid should give DL65 a gift certificate to Murray's for translating the program into English. I am surprise the UN hasn’t contacted DL about his translation services. Thanks again to our "most valuable player".

LMAO... I'm guessing that DL65 must have the latest Klingon translator/jaronator that he can keep up so well with Sir Sid.

I hope this does not sound redundant - but as always - Thanks DL65.

It's somewhat telling that if Sid asks about those injured guys each week and Kill never answers about Beal. I think he was a long shot to make it back anyway, but that repeated silence speaks to that, also. (Best of luck to Beal as he moves forward in his education and life.)
DL does a great job. Coach Kill has said for three straight weeks that Beal is coming off "double knee surgery" and his therapy is going well and he should be ready for the fall. (I am not sure I believe that is how it will work out, and I have no inside information to support that at all).

I keep forgetting to tune in and then remember the immortal DL and I relax. Plus, I don't have to listen to Sid stumble and bumble. Sid talks about how great his hearing aid is. Mona says, "Yeah, that hearing aid of yours is great." Sid: "What???"

I keep forgetting to tune in and then remember the immortal DL and I relax. Plus, I don't have to listen to Sid stumble and bumble. Sid talks about how great his hearing aid is. Mona says, "Yeah, that hearing aid of yours is great." Sid: "What???"

Do you sometimes wonder how much Starkey really appreciates Sid's plugs?:rolleyes:

" He then talked about the positives of having a football weekend when the Vikings and Gophers are at home on the same weekends."

I thought President Kaler stated they wouldn't be able to have a Gopher game and a Viking game on the same weekend because of the turnaround time.
I would think that they would have to be able to have games on the same weekend. Cripes, they had three different sporting events in one day at the Staples Center.

I would think that they would have to be able to have games on the same weekend. Cripes, they had three different sporting events in one day at the Staples Center.

They put out different courts/rink for each event. The Staples Center was built to do such. The U would have to remove/change all logos and word marks on the surface turf, as the NFL would require such. Not only is that not easy, the field is going to look like that "half-erased" crap all season.

They put out different courts/rink for each event. The Staples Center was built to do such. The U would have to remove/change all logos and word marks on the surface turf, as the NFL would require such. Not only is that not easy, the field is going to look like that "half-erased" crap all season.

I don't think they would paint this new turf. they will have swap out pieces for the Vikings. Since they will have to tear up the entire field to put in heating coils, they will also have different end zone, center pieces and logos for the Vikings. I'm not sure if they will use a field with both sets of hash marks on it...or if those will be swapped out as well. No is a lot of work and no reason to try and rush it in the same weekend when the Gophers will be done before Thanksgiving playing at home...after that it is all Vikes until next year. So it is easy for them to not play the same weekend.

The U would have to remove/change all logos and word marks on the surface turf, as the NFL would require such. Not only is that not easy, the field is going to look like that "half-erased" crap all season.
What you're saying here is no sure thing. First off, the Bears played their entire season at Memorial Stadium in Champaign with the Illinois logos and endzones intact. The Vikings could find themselves in the same place just as easily.

The only way around this is the scenario Go4Broke has been suggesting, that when the heating coils go in that the Field Turf is replaced by blank turf that can be painted. While I disagree that this will be the solution (because the U isn't going to want to take on the cost/effort of painting it every week once the Vikes are gone) the turnaround for this can be accomplished in time to allow a Sat/Sunday pairing. They did it in the Dome all the time.

I don't think they would paint this new turf. they will have swap out pieces for the Vikings. Since they will have to tear up the entire field to put in heating coils, they will also have different end zone, center pieces and logos for the Vikings. I'm not sure if they will use a field with both sets of hash marks on it...or if those will be swapped out as well. No is a lot of work and no reason to try and rush it in the same weekend when the Gophers will be done before Thanksgiving playing at home...after that it is all Vikes until next year. So it is easy for them to not play the same weekend.
As I recall, the "stitching" process took enough time where I don't think they'll be swapping whole pieces of the field between a Sat/Sun game. But if it's doable, I could completely see this happening assuming the Vikings are paying for it.

As I recall, the "stitching" process took enough time where I don't think they'll be swapping whole pieces of the field between a Sat/Sun game. But if it's doable, I could completely see this happening assuming the Vikings are paying for it.

First off, thanks so much DL65!

When the Gophers played in the Dome, for a while they had fabric overlays for the endzone with their logo on it. I wonder if the Vikes would do that, hang a pile of banners, but leave the "M" at the 50 (a lot more risky to cover with fabric).

I would assume they will have the college hash marks permanent in the carpet after they put in the coils and paint on the pro hash marks as needed. Just like when they have the High School football in the Dome. I can't imagine they'd pull up turf between games.

But I suppose if they have to put new turf in after the coils are installed (I'm not sure, but since the turf will already be 6 years old it will probably make sense), maybe they will make "zippered" sections for the endzones and midfield to swap logos.

When the Gophers played in the Dome, for a while they had fabric overlays for the endzone with their logo on it. I wonder if the Vikes would do that, hang a pile of banners, but leave the "M" at the 50 (a lot more risky to cover with fabric).
Was that before or after they went with the FieldTurf they were using in the 2006-2008 timeframe? Can FieldTurf take an overlay?

I would assume they will have the college hash marks permanent in the carpet after they put in the coils and paint on the pro hash marks as needed. Just like when they have the High School football in the Dome. I can't imagine they'd pull up turf between games.
I think you're right here. I wasn't thinking about the hash marks with the "stitch switch" idea. Just logos and endzones.

But I suppose if they have to put new turf in after the coils are installed (I'm not sure, but since the turf will already be 6 years old it will probably make sense), maybe they will make "zippered" sections for the endzones and midfield to swap logos.
The more I think about it, the more I hope the U wouldn't be in favor of "stitch switch" because the difference in turf will be pretty noticeable (see: the way the new B1G logos look). The endzones would be fine. But the B1G logos and center field logo would look slightly off. Also, technically the yardage numbers would be "wrong" for the Vikings as they have a maroon component as well. Now that I think harder, the maroon/gold twenty yard lines would also be "wrong" for the Vikes.

Thanks DL, can't really listen to stuff like this here in China, your weekly posts are a huge part of what keeps me in touch with the program.

Can't thank you enough.

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As I recall, the "stitching" process took enough time where I don't think they'll be swapping whole pieces of the field between a Sat/Sun game. But if it's doable, I could completely see this happening assuming the Vikings are paying for it.

Although I'm sure that FieldTurf has a way to pull this off, I think it is definitely complicated. FT sections are sewn in place, and each "blade" is sewn to the backing which is several inches underground. I'll bet it takes at least 3-4 days to change out a section of turf.


From the FT Website:

◦The bottom layer is comprised of several layers of clean, washed silica sand
◦Up to 14 passes of a mix of cryogenic rubber and silica sand is then layered into the system. The rubber and sand particles are a similar size to stay in suspension
◦Larger-sized cryogenic rubber top layers ensure that the rubber remains on top, providing a safe, forgiving surface
◦Total infill exceeds 9 pounds per square foot on a typical sports field

Even further, the FT site says that:

"Inspection of line markings and seams - In the unlikely event that line markings or seams come apart, it's important to notify FieldTurf Customer Service right away."

This will be in no way a simple process...can you imaging trying to swap out the hash marks, let alone logos? It appears each fiber off the surface is individually colored. They also say "Paint is best kept away but can be softened with paint remover and then rinsed off."

Although I'm sure that FieldTurf has a way to pull this off, I think it is definitely complicated. FT sections are sewn in place, and each "blade" is sewn to the backing which is several inches underground. I'll bet it takes at least 3-4 days to change out a section of turf.

From the FT Website:

◦The bottom layer is comprised of several layers of clean, washed silica sand
◦Up to 14 passes of a mix of cryogenic rubber and silica sand is then layered into the system. The rubber and sand particles are a similar size to stay in suspension
◦Larger-sized cryogenic rubber top layers ensure that the rubber remains on top, providing a safe, forgiving surface
◦Total infill exceeds 9 pounds per square foot on a typical sports field

Even further, the FT site says that:

"Inspection of line markings and seams - In the unlikely event that line markings or seams come apart, it's important to notify FieldTurf Customer Service right away."

This will be in no way a simple process...can you imaging trying to swap out the hash marks, let alone logos?

Thanks. This seems to back my initial recollection that the process took a decent amount of time to complete and thus would be tough (if not impossible to pull off). If they go a route that allows the Vikings to have their own logos, I'd have to guess that it'd be via the method Go4Broke suggests (the "plain" FieldTurf that get's repainted over and over route).

The Gophers in 2014 have 4 straight home games to open the season. If the Vikings are playing in TCF in 2014 (which I think there is a decent chance), it seems highly unlikely that the schedule makers in the NFL will schedule the Vikings for 3 straight road games to open the season. I'm not sure of the exact scheduling rules but that seems like a big disadvantage to the Vikings and don't think that would even happen. The issue of painting the field better get figured out because it is highly likely that a couple times per year there will be football on back-to-back days at the bank.

The issue of painting the field better get figured out because it is highly likely that a couple times per year there will be football on back-to-back days at the bank.

It will, it's just the details that are up in the air (at least to fans who like to talk about them). The chances of the NFL messing with its schedule based on the Gophers schedule or field colors is pretty much nil. The exception to that would be weeknight games and there is a clause in the deal to allow for a MNF game. I absolutely guarantee that there will be back to back games at TCF.

Many thanks. Glad to hear Coach Kill is for the plus 1 playoff and also keeping the bowls. Exactly my position!

Sports Huddle-related and somewhat on the lighter side.

Each week Sid announces to the many guests that for being on the show they will receive a gift certificate to Murray's. In recent weeks, a few of the guests have jokingly inquired about past certificate(s) for previous appearances. Last Sunday Bud Grant was the most recent guest to make such an inquiry. Bud was on because of his 85th birthday that day. (It was a good interview both in questions by Sid and Bud's responses.) At the end of the segment, and before Sid could say Bud would receive a Murray's gift certificate, Bud asked Sid if he had his address. Sid said, "Yes." He then quickly told Bud he would be receiving a Murray's gift certificate. (You could hear laughter when Bud Grant made his query.)

Go Gophers!!

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