Sports Huddle: Jerry Kill - 4/17/11


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Nov 20, 2008
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Today's synopsis report of Jerry Kill's appearance on the Sports Huddle:

1) Talked briefly and positively about the Phil Miller article (community service) that Kirksey and Willihite (sp?) performed.

2) Friday practice was windy and cold and Kill was in shorts, which he said was no problem; however, "I was cold afterwards." There was good and not so good things done Friday. The players overall did a good job despite the weather . . . they were focused.

3) They don't have any first or second teams as of now when he was asked about Ryan Grant by Sid. He said they'll play 7-8 linebackers in the games. (Sid alluded that Ryan was running with the first team when he was at the practices.)

4) Said he would meet indvidually with the players following spring ball and a period of evaluation. Wants to know what they're going to do during the summer months to get better.

5) Good surprises at all positions (hesitates to single out players). Receivers are banged up and there's a lack of depth.

6) Spring scrimmage (finale) starts at 1:00 p.m. A lot of players are banged up.

7) After spring ball it's evaluation, meeting with each player, and the coaches will be on the road recruiting in May.

8) The recruits that signed last February will be on campus in June.

9) Fall practice starts August 7.

Go Goiphers!!

Thanks for the recaps every week DL65. They are very much appreciated.

Go Gophers!!

Thanks Again DL65

Go Goiphers? Seriously??

There are those who add a lot to this blog such as DL65 and then there are those who add nothing to this blog but criticism. P.S. Your ability to capture the essence of the program is outstanding.

Thanks again DL65. I missed this morning and appreciate your synopsis of The Huddle with Kill. I will buy you your first two beers when we meet at Stub and Herbs sometime. Doc.

Thank You DL65 !!

I sincerely look forward to your reports each Sunday! I very much appreciate them! You do a great job! Thank you for being here!

Thanks DL65... I usually miss the show so I too really appreciate your updates... Go Goiphers, Gophers, or anything else we decide to call them, we're all the same TEAM!

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