Sports Huddle: Coach Jerry Kill


Active member
Nov 20, 2008
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This morning's comments:

1) 55-60 high school players are visiting Minnesota today (Junior Day). They're meeting with their position coaches, touring the stadium and facilities. They're instructed in the recruiting process, what the coaches expectations are, invited to spring practice and encouraged to attend the U's summer camp. Parents are invited to the Junior Day activities. Most of today's attendees are from Minnesota and some from Iowa and Wisconsin; however, there have been a few cancellations because of the inclement weather. Coach Kill and his staff will have 2 or3 more large group visitations (Junior Day). Kill said, "It's all about builiding relationships."

2) The importance of summer camps in recruit evaluation: 80% of the players he had at NIU had attended their summer camps.

3) There'll be a three-day high school coaches clinic in late March or the first week in April during spring practice. The high school coaches are organizing the clinic and Kill and his staff will be participating as well.

4) Training currently is focusing on running and change of direction drills (speed).

5) Marqueis Gray is a great athlete - he's in a learning curve as are the other quarterbacks. He's looking forward to spring practice to see how they react under pressure.

6) Kill's offense is diverse and multiple. His staff has spent a lot of time at Boise State. However, they'll have to adapt to what they currently have in players and recruit to what they want to do.

7) You win with defense at any level of football. Foundationally, you build a defense with two strong, speed rush ends, corners that can lock down the opponents receiverss, and a strong "mike" linebacker. Defense is a priority and a focus in recruiting (speed and athleticism).

Go Gophers!!

Good report and summary DL65. I listened also to Coach Kill on the Sports Huddle, and what I was impressed with, "We have a plan that has been successful, and we will see how the kids adapt and become successful in this plan. The kids will earn their time based on who is the best. We do not want a good athlete standing on the sidelines with us. We want him to succeed on the field."

I like his plan, I support him, and.............


I know that Kill is speaking at the Minnesota Football Coaches Association clinic at the end of the the month and that all his assistants are doing break-out sessions at the clinic. They will also have a spring practice as part of this clinic.

Man I hope this works out. He seems like a very good guy and I like the no BS approach.

Listening to Hartman is painful and it has gone from being funny to being embarrassing for the station.
Someone needs to pull the plug. No, I'm not talking about his life support.

Man I hope this works out. He seems like a very good guy and I like the no BS approach.

Listening to Hartman is painful and it has gone from being funny to being embarrassing for the station.
Someone needs to pull the plug. No, I'm not talking about his life support.

I kind of chuckle when Sid talks about the potential Viking site in Ramsey County. I don't think he knows where it is. Someone needs to tell him they is more than a two lane dirt road connecting it to the metro.

Thanks for the synopsis DL.

55-60 kids in for Junior day, anyone else think that seems like a really big number? I don't really know anything about Junior days, but the phrase 'no stone left unturned' comes to mind.

These events that Coach Kill is doing to establish connection with the local HS coaches is a positive thing. No BS. HS coaches will be more in tune with what the Gophers are looking for, develop players accordingly, and hopefully will steer good players toward the U.

Coach Kill is addressing areas which have frustrated many us over the past years.
Coaching to the players he has and having an aggressive tight defense.

Also had a nice discussion on the North Carolina recruit Marcus Jones who is in school already and skipping the last half of senior high school year. Kill said you have to pick the right player who is mature enough to do this so not homesick, etc

Also had a nice discussion on the North Carolina recruit Marcus Jones who is in school already and skipping the last half of senior high school year. Kill said you have to pick the right player who is mature enough to do this so not homesick, etc

Can he practice with the team?

I love that Kill is doing a coaches workshop before spring thing that will develop our style of players is having the HS coaches running our S & C programs and our skills programs.

I don't think most realize just how much a Tx high school coach or a NE hs coach does because of what they learned from the universities. I know when I lived in NE, Osborn would have all the HS coaches in for 3days every spring and also there was always 20-30 at his summer camps watching and at spring practice.

We have seen this for years in hockey and baseball and more and more in wrestling...we need to get this going in football. I think that is a big reason why Sconny has moved thier in state talent level up over the last 15 years and they own in state recruiting...Alvarez started it and jerk face continues it...we need to have high schools running the Minnesota drill or the kill drill.

When I was in high school we ran Oklahoma one on one drills and Florida 4 Corners and some dude I had never heard of's Agility Stations (these sucked btw).

Unfortunately Sid is going from bad to worse. For a long time he has been a bit of a joke but now it is getting sad. He doesn't really have anything vaguely substantive to offer anymore. Even his stories Mona has to help him with.

Kill indicated that the coaches clinic is actually put on by the state highschool football coaches. He hadn't seen that before. Were Mason and Brewster that hands off or is it something that the highschool coaches have done for a long time and prefer it that way?

Kill keeps saying and doing the right things. I never liked Brewster but I hoped he could coach. When he failed I was not sorry when he left. I like Kill. I hope he is successful but if he fails I think I can honestly say I would be disappointed to see him go.

I think that is a big reason why Sconny has moved thier in state talent level up over the last 15 years and they own in state recruiting...Alvarez started it and jerk face continues it

That was funny! (Particularly, because I know how it pains you to say that.)

Marcus Jones

Can he practice with the team?

Yes he can. One of the things Kill said was that he looked pretty good at the 6:00 am strength and conditioning sessions.

This morning's comments:

2) The importance of summer camps in recruit evaluation: 80% of the players he had at NIU had attended their summer camps.

Go Gophers!!

Amazing the Kill appears to want to use his camp like a certain school to the East. He might even request that a prospect come to camp and earn an offer. Blasphemy!! Everyone knows that will piss high school coaches off and he will not be able to recruit that way.

Either that, or Kill really gets it.

It was much more fun when the Gophers were being led by a someone that could talk a big game but had no idea how to produce.

Early indications to me are that the Gophers may have finally gotten one right. Only the most hardened Gopher cynic could not admit that Kill has done everything right so far since he has come to town.

Sid scores at least a 7 out of 10

Unfortunately Sid is going from bad to worse. For a long time he has been a bit of a joke but now it is getting sad. He doesn't really have anything vaguely substantive to offer anymore. Even his stories Mona has to help him with.

Having a parent with dementia (different flavor than Alzheimers but all the same symptoms) I've referred to this site frequently on determining if someone you know is an Alzie. I can't vouch for whether Sid's misplacing his car keys frequently (lord hope he isn't driving), but he certainly exhibits many of the other symptoms.

All kidding aside, if anyone here has a relative with dementia, you have my sympathies, and has a lot of good resources to help the family cope. That said, I certainly wouldn't give my mother a microphone hooked to a 100,000 watt transmitter.

Amazing the Kill appears to want to use his camp like a certain school to the East. He might even request that a prospect come to camp and earn an offer. Blasphemy!! Everyone knows that will piss high school coaches off and he will not be able to recruit that way.

Either that, or Kill really gets it.

It was much more fun when the Gophers were being led by a someone that could talk a big game but had no idea how to produce.

Early indications to me are that the Gophers may have finally gotten one right. Only the most hardened Gopher cynic could not admit that Kill has done everything right so far since he has come to town.

Regardless of what he does or doesn't do, in the final analysis, it is only right if he wins.

Having a parent with dementia (different flavor than Alzheimers but all the same symptoms) I've referred to this site frequently on determining if someone you know is an Alzie. I can't vouch for whether Sid's misplacing his car keys frequently (lord hope he isn't driving), but he certainly exhibits many of the other symptoms.

All kidding aside, if anyone here has a relative with dementia, you have my sympathies, and has a lot of good resources to help the family cope. That said, I certainly wouldn't give my mother a microphone hooked to a 100,000 watt transmitter.

Diagnosing a 90 year old sportscaster over the radio with a memory problem isn't ethical or accurate. He puts in longer days than most people 1/2 his age and probably double your income. Plus infinitely more high powered close personal friends. Give Sid a break- he is a living legend who has done it all- run NBA franchises and gotten inside scoops the old fashioned way- by sniffing jocks.

Amen exiledinduluth, I look forward to anything Sid writes and have for 60 plus years.

Sid probably doesn't have Alzheimer's, but he hasn't been getting many scoops lately and it's because he's 90 years old and his Rol-o-dex probably isn't filled with folks as relevant as they were 20 years ago. But the guy is a legend. Clearly an old-school reporter who doesn't fit in the new era of sports journalism.

He is really unlistenable now though. Which is really too bad.

The Sports Huddle

Sid probably doesn't have Alzheimer's, but he hasn't been getting many scoops lately and it's because he's 90 years old and his Rol-o-dex probably isn't filled with folks as relevant as they were 20 years ago. But the guy is a legend. Clearly an old-school reporter who doesn't fit in the new era of sports journalism.

He is really unlistenable now though. Which is really too bad.

I still find a lot of value in the program, but it is painful to hear somebody that you have enjoyed listening to for 50+ years struggle. Fortunately, Dave Mona helps Sid overcome the bumps.

Agree that Mona does a great job of keeping the conversation going with Sid. I think the problem is Sid sometimes doesn't fully understand the question and Mona does a good job of translating and "herds" Sid toward an answer.

There's no question Sid earned every nickel he's ever been paid. I always thought he was too close to a lot of the "downtown" guys who comprised the M-Club during the 1960s and 1970s and tried to move things in their direction when big issues were discussed, but that's quibbling on my part. The guy flat-out out-worked everyone else in the Twin Cities sports media during his hayday.

Sid probably doesn't have Alzheimer's, but he hasn't been getting many scoops lately and it's because he's 90 years old and his Rol-o-dex probably isn't filled with folks as relevant as they were 20 years ago. But the guy is a legend. Clearly an old-school reporter who doesn't fit in the new era of sports journalism.

He is really unlistenable now though. Which is really too bad.

Sid is 90. He is a functioning adult at that age. I am not a doctor, but your backhanded dianosis is over the line. As you age some of your friends just don't make it. The longer you live, the fewer contacts you have.

The real quandry WCCO and CBS has, is he is the sports authority in Minneapolis and wants to work. As long as advertisers flock to the program he probably isn't going anywhere at least from the sports huddle. The question they should be working on, is who are they going to use to fill the void when he goes. Name one writer or broadcaster who can hope to maintain the audience.

I still find a lot of value in the program, but it is painful to hear somebody that you have enjoyed listening to for 50+ years struggle. Fortunately, Dave Mona helps Sid overcome the bumps.

Killjoy.....Amen. We should all be hoping that we can be alive at age 93. Everyone...Please Stop the bad-mouthing of Sid. Sid is an ICON who is now more than any of you criticizers will ever be.

His kid

Chad will slide into Sid's Sports Huddle spot...I would guess...I think they made that decision as an accessory benefit in hiring him

-1, that would be a show killer for me and I really like Dave M. My guess is they are building Mike Max for that job which is slightly better, but at least he likes something. Chad is like Mikey from the cereal commercial, he doesn't like anything.
Without a doubt the radio personality with the worst talent/smugness ratio in TC radio history.

-1, that would be a show killer for me and I really like Dave M. My guess is they are building Mike Max for that job which is slightly better, but at least he likes something. Chad is like Mikey from the cereal commercial, he doesn't like anything.
Without a doubt the radio personality with the worst talent/smugness ratio in TC radio history.


Sid is 90. He is a functioning adult at that age. I am not a doctor, but your backhanded dianosis is over the line. As you age some of your friends just don't make it. The longer you live, the fewer contacts you have.

The real quandry WCCO and CBS has, is he is the sports authority in Minneapolis and wants to work. As long as advertisers flock to the program he probably isn't going anywhere at least from the sports huddle. The question they should be working on, is who are they going to use to fill the void when he goes. Name one writer or broadcaster who can hope to maintain the audience.

I don't live locally so my only exposure to Sid anymore is SOMETIMES reading his vaguely coherent column. He sometimes has some worthwhile information in there if you look hard enough so I usually check it out.

I would have much less of a problem with Sid, and would take more issue with those that criticize him harshly, if I had ever heard ANYTHING other than that he was a complete and total arrogant ass to anybody that has ever come across him personally. Just heard way too many personal anecdotes that the guy is above the rest of us.

Sid is fine. He's old and when you get old you lose some mental acuity. Love him or hate him, when he's gone, you'll miss him.

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