Spokesman-Recorder: The truth about traveling football trophies


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Nov 11, 2008
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per the Spokesman-Recorder:

There are no more than three to four former football players that get talked about at the University of Minnesota. We see the great Sandy Stephens, Bobby Bell, Tony Dungy, and sometimes we might hear Darrell Thompson mentioned. However, there are hundreds of African American football players who gave their lives and their souls to the field at the University of Minnesota, and their stories need to be seen and heard as well.

These traveling trophies—the Little Brown Jug and the Floyd of Rosedale Pig—have a deep history of incidents of racism and pride from former and present student athletes of African American descent. We need to know about them.

Recently the University of Minnesota football team got beat by the University of Iowa in football 34 to 7. We haven’t won a game against Iowa since 2014 (MN 51- IA 14). I guarantee you that 98% of the football players at the University Minnesota do not know who Ozzy Solomon is and why his play had a significant impact in that game against Iowa.

I asked two former Golden Gopher greats if they understood why they were playing for the Floyd of Rosedale Pig. The first was Bobby Holmes, running back for the Gophers 1973-1976. He played with Tony Dungy, Mike Jones, and Rick Upchurch.

Go Gophers!!

So enlighten me: what is the real story behind the Pig and Jug trophies?
I do wish, however, given the nature of the trophy story, to share a place that is transformative and that is the whitney plantation in the delta near New Orleans. It is dedicated to telling the story of enslaved people. I felt like had entered dachau during a visit two years ago. such horror and injustice! A living hell for black people. And this was just one plantation yet the horror was replicated throughout the south. just thought I would share.

per the Spokesman-Recorder:

There are no more than three to four former football players that get talked about at the University of Minnesota. We see the great Sandy Stephens, Bobby Bell, Tony Dungy, and sometimes we might hear Darrell Thompson mentioned. However, there are hundreds of African American football players who gave their lives and their souls to the field at the University of Minnesota, and their stories need to be seen and heard as well.

These traveling trophies—the Little Brown Jug and the Floyd of Rosedale Pig—have a deep history of incidents of racism and pride from former and present student athletes of African American descent. We need to know about them.

Recently the University of Minnesota football team got beat by the University of Iowa in football 34 to 7. We haven’t won a game against Iowa since 2014 (MN 51- IA 14). I guarantee you that 98% of the football players at the University Minnesota do not know who Ozzy Solomon is and why his play had a significant impact in that game against Iowa.

I asked two former Golden Gopher greats if they understood why they were playing for the Floyd of Rosedale Pig. The first was Bobby Holmes, running back for the Gophers 1973-1976. He played with Tony Dungy, Mike Jones, and Rick Upchurch.

Go Gophers!!
Pardon me --- but who is Ozzy Solomon? I thought Ozzie Simmons was the Iowa player who Minnesota players allegedly roughed up / injured and led to the creation of the Pig. Also does anyone know the racist origins of the Jug?

I agree, why not say what the origins are?

Obviously I live in a cave, but I had never heard of MSR. Thanks for sharing this article!

I agree, why not say what the origins are?

Obviously I live in a cave, but I had never heard of MSR. Thanks for sharing this article!
The only place I've ever seen their newspapers are on campus.

Really odd to write an article on the racist origins of something but never talk about the racist origins in the article
The reporter has two other articles on Gopher players allegedly trying to hurt Ozzie Simmons and leading to the death of Jack Trice on the MSR, but I didn't seen anything posted about the Jug (just Floyd)

If you go back and read actual quotes from Ozzie Simmons, he said the instance was because he was good, not because he was black. The author then cites that the U of M had segregated dorms/spaces/dances (which would be in line with a portion of the country in that time period) as the reason that it was racially motivated. It's overall a bizarre article.

Regarding why no one knows about these stories, well it's probably because we as a society don't particularly like bringing up any black eyes that have existed in any light, whether they be due to race, gender, creed, etc. Further, ask the majority of high school and college age kids random facts about historical happenings and we know next to nothing (for example, about half of us can't name a single concentration camp and have no idea how many people were killed in the Holocaust). These things aren't taught in any detail and are fading away from younger generations memories.

The reporter has two other articles on Gopher players allegedly trying to hurt Ozzie Simmons and leading to the death of Jack Trice on the MSR, but I didn't seen anything posted about the Jug (just Floyd)
Even if they’re in other articles, really odd writing technique to write an article whose main point is racist histories of two major popular things and then not to Mention in the same article the actual incidents

Pardon me --- but who is Ozzy Solomon? I thought Ozzie Simmons was the Iowa player who Minnesota players allegedly roughed up / injured and led to the creation of the Pig. Also does anyone know the racist origins of the Jug?
I've been digging around all over online and can't find it anywhere

Even if they’re in other articles, really odd writing technique to write an article whose main point is racist histories of two major popular things and then not to Mention in the same article the actual incidents
I agree completely. I merely mentioned it so that if people wanted to read about half his claims they could.

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