South Dakota


Mar 15, 2010
Reaction score
If you guys seriously don't beat South Dakota by at least 27 points, it would be pretty embarrassing. Even though the gophers have a history of losing to, or barely beating lower division teams under Tim Brewster, this would really be funny. South Dakota is really a glorified DII team at best.
I'm not trying to start anything so nobody get their panties all worked up okay? Just stating the obvious.
If the gophers are up by 30 and put their subs in the 3rd or 4th quarter, then a less than 27 point victory would be acceptable.

They could lose by 50 and I wouldn't be the least bit embarrassed. Not really in my hands.

If you guys seriously don't beat South Dakota by at least 27 points, it would be pretty embarrassing. Even though the gophers have a history of losing to, or barely beating lower division teams under Tim Brewster, this would really be funny. South Dakota is really a glorified DII team at best.
I'm not trying to start anything so nobody get their panties all worked up okay? Just stating the obvious.
If the gophers are up by 30 and put their subs in the 3rd or 4th quarter, then a less than 27 point victory would be acceptable.

Seriously? You started a thread for this? Now that's embarrassing.

If you guys seriously don't beat South Dakota by at least 27 points, it would be pretty embarrassing. Even though the gophers have a history of losing to, or barely beating lower division teams under Tim Brewster, this would really be funny. South Dakota is really a glorified DII team at best.
I'm not trying to start anything so nobody get their panties all worked up okay? Just stating the obvious.
If the gophers are up by 30 and put their subs in the 3rd or 4th quarter, then a less than 27 point victory would be acceptable.

I am a little worried...I have only 15 posts and have never played football...if we win by less than 27 points how much of the blame will be assigned to me.

Breakin' the Plane...the second missed field goal against MTSU was my fault...due to the time difference I think I fell asleep while it was being kicked.

On a positive note, now that we know 27 points is the key to preventing embarrassment or real humour...I promise to give 110% and take it one game at a time

If you guys seriously don't beat South Dakota by at least 27 points, it would be pretty embarrassing. Even though the gophers have a history of losing to, or barely beating lower division teams under Tim Brewster, this would really be funny. South Dakota is really a glorified DII team at best.
I'm not trying to start anything so nobody get their panties all worked up okay? Just stating the obvious.
If the gophers are up by 30 and put their subs in the 3rd or 4th quarter, then a less than 27 point victory would be acceptable.

The giveaway, troll, was the "you guys". Please go back into your Mom's basement and kiss your inflatable girlfriend "goodnight". I'd be surprised you've ever seen panties, other than your own.

Glad I got that out...

If you guys seriously don't beat South Dakota by at least 27 points, it would be pretty embarrassing. Even though the gophers have a history of losing to, or barely beating lower division teams under Tim Brewster, this would really be funny. South Dakota is really a glorified DII team at best.
I'm not trying to start anything so nobody get their panties all worked up okay? Just stating the obvious.
If the gophers are up by 30 and put their subs in the 3rd or 4th quarter, then a less than 27 point victory would be acceptable.

Three things make me think this is Pantherhawk:

1) It is usually him when dumb things are said by someone with less than 10 posts
2) He states that "you guys" don't beat S.D. as if we are actually playing the game
3) He actually tlives vicariously through Iowa football. He think it reflects on him if they win. He is seriously obsessed with Brewster and equates himself and his worth through a college football team.

Three things make me think this is Pantherhawk:

1) It is usually him when dumb things are said by someone with less than 10 posts
2) He states that "you guys" don't beat S.D. as if we are actually playing the game
3) He actually tlives vicariously through Iowa football. He think it reflects on him if they win. He is seriously obsessed with Brewster and equates himself and his worth through a college football team.

That's a good guess. Here's an exercise for you. Go to the USD forum and count how many threads were started in the last week by "goofersrthugs". If you really want a laugh, read a sampling of the posts. They don't disappoint.

Iowa fans do not determine what we find "acceptable". When Iowa was very, very fortunate to beat Northern Illinois, Iowa fans didn't treat this as "unacceptable". You just don't matter. A win is a win. I expect that we will win big, but even if it is only a one point win, it's still a win. A one point win might bode poorly for the rest of the season, but it doesn't make it any less of a win. We aren't going to be arranging the game to satisfy Iowa fans. I doubt very much that the starters will be in late in the game just to reach some determined margin of victory.

Edit: I meant to say Nothern Iowa.

That's a good guess. Here's an exercise for you. Go to the USD forum and count how many threads were started in the last week by "goofersrthugs". If you really want a laugh, read a sampling of the posts. They don't disappoint.

If it wasn't for him, there would be hardly any posts. The USD fans are really sick of him, but the moderator won't throw him off. It's funny, UND, NDSU and SDSU have lively boards, but USD, nothing. NDSU and SDSU too respectable numbers of fans to the games, but USD can't sell out their allotment. Doesn't seem to be a lot of enthusiasm. They are trying to explain away the fact that their message board has very few posts by claiming that USD fans are too busy.

That's a good guess. Here's an exercise for you. Go to the USD forum and count how many threads were started in the last week by "goofersrthugs". If you really want a laugh, read a sampling of the posts. They don't disappoint.

You can do this for every Gopher opponent, it's how he rolls. And every time, the other team's fanbase wants him banned.

You can do this for every Gopher opponent, it's how he rolls. And every time, the other team's fanbase wants him banned.

He's running out of boards, he's all over our non-conference opponents boards, if we haven't played them before. It's an old pattern, he's welcomed at first, because they think he supports them. But once it becomes clear that he has no respect for them, they want him off.

Wow...thats pathetic. The man must seriously have no life at all

I am a little worried...I have only 15 posts and have never played football...if we win by less than 27 points how much of the blame will be assigned to me.

Breakin' the Plane...the second missed field goal against MTSU was my fault...due to the time difference I think I fell asleep while it was being kicked.

On a positive note, now that we know 27 points is the key to preventing embarrassment or real humour...I promise to give 110% and take it one game at a time

Be sure to carb. load tonight. You don't want to run out of energy.

He must have one helluva excell spreadsheet to remember the usernames and passwords on all these boards.

I usually just read, but I felt like this thread needed the photo.


This is definitely not PantherHawk.. I'm almost 100% positive. He didn't mention 'tremendous Tim' or the 'Goofers'. This guy's writing style doesn't seem to fit PH's.. But I could be completely wrong. It's been known to happen.

This is definitely not PantherHawk.. I'm almost 100% positive. He didn't mention 'tremendous Tim' or the 'Goofers'. This guy's writing style doesn't seem to fit PH's.. But I could be completely wrong. It's been known to happen.

Isn't the new name there gooferthugs? Can't check right now, site is down. I think the admin is finally stepping in to ban people.

It sure smells like him.......the only thing that is the use of ellipses...............with way too many ..............following them. That is still there, just not as prevalent as his previous posts.

OH NO! Maybe the AI is starting to learn! AI for him stands for a**hole intelligence.

Of course, the obvious tell is that when posters call him pantherhawk, there is no denial, just little jibes at the poster.

Isn't the new name there gooferthugs? Can't check right now, site is down. I think the admin is finally stepping in to ban people.

It sure smells like him.......the only thing that is the use of ellipses...............with way too many ..............following them. That is still there, just not as prevalent as his previous posts.

OH NO! Maybe the AI is starting to learn! AI for him stands for a**hole intelligence.

Of course, the obvious tell is that when posters call him pantherhawk, there is no denial, just little jibes at the poster.

I dunno.. When I tried to go there, it was down as well.

When you mention........all the little dots......... that is what I was talking about........when I mention his writing style.....

But you could be right and the AI is picking up on such things.

If its not Pantherhawk, then the next most-likely choice is Lakesbison. I've seen some posts by him posting under a new name which he tried to disguise by not using ALL CAPS and some of his favorite phrases (e.g. "let's pump it up"). It would be interesting to compare IP addresses used by the poster.

USD Board hasn't caught fire. It tends to be dominated by one particular fan who is very loyal to his school but can be overbearing to the point others get tired of reading his posts and just stay away from the board. And, as another poster noted, the USD board has been down for several hours (a day?) and perhaps the administrator is doing some pruning. Lakesbison and pantherhawk have both junked it up which discourages participation by others.

Speaking of homeboy.. On the ESPN conversation of the upcoming game he had this to say:

DoooucheNugget said:
PantherHawk (9/8/2010 at 8:25 AM)
Report Violation
MN= Sooooooo Pathetic! Big games for almost everyone in the Big 10 on Sat and the little groundhogs are taking on......taaadaa..... .Eastern South Dakota Community College! Que the "MN has the toughest schedule in the country this season" delusion! LMAO!

I know, I get sucked in too easy.. But I don't even know where to start with this uneducated, uninformed, and unintelligent coil of steaming excrement. But he sure is fun to watch make a tool of himself, I'll give him that much.

This is definitely not PantherHawk.. I'm almost 100% positive. He didn't mention 'tremendous Tim' or the 'Goofers'. This guy's writing style doesn't seem to fit PH's.. But I could be completely wrong. It's been known to happen.

Not pantherhawk, he wasnt rude enough, didnt use goofers, didnt provide some dumb link to one of his thousands of saved links on Minnesota. This is just some tool, most likely an Iowa or Wisconsin fan trolling.

Oh, good stuff. I'm not any of those people that you are claiming. I actually root for the gophers when they play, believe it or not. Just because I said they should win by 30 does not mean I am some kind of troll who hates Minnesota. I'm just being real. South Dakota is a terrible, terrible team who would be .500 against good DII teams. Why does everyone get so defensive? Relax people, I too, realize that a win is a win, all I am saying is that this SHOULD be an easy victory, and it very well may be, I never said it wouldn't be a 30+ point victory.
Do you think people on an Ohio State board would get all defensive if I said they should beat South Dakota by 30? No, they would laugh and say of course we will win by at least 30.

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