Sources: Outline of Big Ten's "spring" season taking shape

My two cents:

Im in the group that thinks their is a slim to none chance of a spring football big ten season happening. I think Its posturing and saving face. The big Ten decided a long time ago for various reasons not to play this year.

My two cents:

Im in the group that thinks their is a slim to none chance of a spring football big ten season happening. I think Its posturing and saving face. The big Ten decided a long time ago for various reasons not to play this year.
Things won’t be any worse in Dec/Jan than they will be in Oct/Nov.

Therefore, if the ACC/SEC are able to complete their fall seasons reasonably well, then guaranteed the winter/spring seasons will happen.

My two cents:

Im in the group that thinks their is a slim to none chance of a spring football big ten season happening. I think Its posturing and saving face. The big Ten decided a long time ago for various reasons not to play this year.
Yup. Pretty much nailed it.

I'm not saying you're wrong because none of us know what will happen, but would you rather they didn't make a plan? Consider the possibility that things go relatively smoothly for the ACC, SEC, and Big 12 this fall and medical experts come to some agreement about the risks secondary to COVID, deeming them to be minor. You've then got B1G presidents -- many facing HUGE budget shortfalls -- considering the possibility of hundreds of millions in TV revenue, now with more assurances that a season can happen safely. I'm not saying there's a 90% chance of it happening, but I'd say it's better than 1 in a million. BTW, didn't there used to be a poster named Lloyd Christmas around here?

The presidents could proceed right now, other than a lack of trying and “uncertainty” around risk mitigation. Fair enough to argue those issues.

The sole reason for my skepticism on a winter or spring season: they have not laid out the criteria used for the decision or criteria for reopening sports. They need to define acceptable risk. They may yet come out with these items at a later date in a detailed policy document, or perhaps we will only get some smoke emanating out of a virtual chimney after a properly distanced and masked zoom meeting.

Will certainly have higher ratings than the FCS championship (ie, the boring-ass NDSU vs whatever poor saps they found for the game Bowl) ever had.

If NDSU had any balls, it would move up as an independent like Liberty did. But they're satisfied winning 27 championships against a bunch of nobodies.
Maybe all the B1G and P12 footballs teams could join in and do a 2nd Rose Bowl parade too in March with dried roses left over from New Years. That would be cool.

Maybe Writer could write something up about that and take the lead on promoting the parade, you know, cause he’s and exceptional writer.
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The presidents could proceed right now, other than a lack of trying and “uncertainty” around risk mitigation. Fair enough to argue those issues.

The sole reason for my skepticism on a winter or spring season: they have not laid out the criteria used for the decision or criteria for reopening sports. They need to define acceptable risk. They may yet come out with these items at a later date in a detailed policy document, or perhaps we will only get some smoke emanating out of a virtual chimney after a properly distanced and masked zoom meeting.
Well, your (faux) skepticism is noted. No one, sports or otherwise, need heed your demands, nor worry an iota about your skepticism.

In good time, the plans will be released. You'll know then, when everyone else does. Not now.

My two cents:

Im in the group that thinks their is a slim to none chance of a spring football big ten season happening. I think Its posturing and saving face. The big Ten decided a long time ago for various reasons not to play this year.

It could just be posturing... but it's good posturing IMO.

If ACC and SEC don't work out / are a mess, then calling it off won't be so bad.

Truth is everything about COVID and the future is "let's see what happens". Sports orgs aren't going to know any more or less than anyone else / able to predict the future.

The presidents could proceed right now, other than a lack of trying and “uncertainty” around risk mitigation. Fair enough to argue those issues.

The sole reason for my skepticism on a winter or spring season: they have not laid out the criteria used for the decision or criteria for reopening sports. They need to define acceptable risk. They may yet come out with these items at a later date in a detailed policy document, or perhaps we will only get some smoke emanating out of a virtual chimney after a properly distanced and masked zoom meeting.
I agree this is reason for skepticism. When you're unsure about the metrics involved in a decision, there's surely less certainty on the outcome. I'm not in agreement that they need to release their criteria -- or even have hard and fast, written guidelines to follow since things change so quickly with what we know of this virus -- but I can see why it's hard for someone to envision a winter/spring season in the absence of such.

Tell the NFL to postpone their draft for a month or six weeks, and no one would have to play in January. A spring season is a very attractive idea after all we have been through ("we" meaning public, fans, athletes, coaches, administrators!).

Spring football would be like the XFL, CFL, or worse yet, as Nick Saban said, “A ‘JV’ season.”

Hard pass for me.

Spring football would be like the XFL, CFL, or worse yet, as Nick Saban said, “A ‘JV’ season.”

Hard pass for me.
I'm a fan of Big Ten football teams, like the University of Minnesota.

You are not.

GD it is disgusting to see what politicizing every single aspect of life has done to people.

Won't let yourself watch Gopher football, because of your gross politics. Disgusting

Tell the NFL to postpone their draft for a month or six weeks, and no one would have to play in January. A spring season is a very attractive idea after all we have been through ("we" meaning public, fans, athletes, coaches, administrators!).
I said this about a week ago. The NFL will adjust their schedule / draft, etc.. to what fits best with the conditions. If they need to wait a few more weeks to get a better idea of who they want to draft, no big deal. Using the current draft day as deadline to force things to happen is ludicrous.

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