Souhan's "understanding"

Great Plains Gopher

Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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What did Jim Souhan mean by writing that it was his "understanding" that Brew had to win "seven or eight" games this year to keep his job. Anyone heard anything similar? Hard to see a seven-win season at this point.

I remember that in Wacker's last year he had to win 5 games to keep his job. 5-6.
His previous best had been 4-7. How can we ever forget the "Drive for 5!"

What soupcan meant was that he's the worst writer in the state and that he needs to say outlandish things with no foundation to get people to read him.

What soupcan meant was that he's the worst writer in the state and that he needs to say outlandish things with no foundation to get people to read him.

What is his s/n on gopherhole? :rolleyes:

What soupcan meant was that he's the worst writer in the state and that he needs to say outlandish things with no foundation to get people to read him.

He may be wrong or he may be right but just because you don't like what he has to say doesn't mean it is wrong or outlandish. I am sure you know all the inner workings of the athletic department however and what discussions are going on behind close doors for you to claim it is outlandish.

Tubby checks out Auburn because he won't have to compete with football. Let's trade Joe Mauer instead of spending all of that money to sign him. Let's trade Delmon Young because his value is as high as it's ever going to be.

Outlandish enough for you? And that's just off the top of my head from reading the first several sentences of his columns because that's as far as I can usually get with him. He's an idiot as well as being a crappy writer.

Souhan is an idiot that wouldn't have a job if the Twin Cities sports media wasn't so completely pathetic. He could not get a job in any other top 20 market.

Souhan is an idiot that wouldn't have a job if the Twin Cities sports media wasn't so completely pathetic. He could not get a job in any other top 20 market.

Agreed, there isn't a gopher team in the last 30 years that could get 8 wins with this schedule.

He's just trying to be clever like Ruesse. Create an improbable expectation that he can jump on when it doesn't happen.

Tubby checks out Auburn because he won't have to compete with football. Let's trade Joe Mauer instead of spending all of that money to sign him. Let's trade Delmon Young because his value is as high as it's ever going to be.

Outlandish enough for you? And that's just off the top of my head from reading the first several sentences of his columns because that's as far as I can usually get with him. He's an idiot as well as being a crappy writer.
More than anything, I want the Twins to win the World Series and I want Delmon Young to be the MVP. Little Jimmy has written column after column trying to run Delmon out of town since the day that trade went down, still you'll never see him admit he was wrong. Dead wrong. He can go after Brewster all he wants, the coach has said some pretty questionable things during his time here, but Souhan isn't exactly on the mark with every thing he's written.

He may not have the number of wins correct but he is correct in stating that Brew needs a bunch of wins to keep his job. I think saying 7-8 may have been heresay or an attempt to get a reaction.

Tubby checks out Auburn because he won't have to compete with football. Let's trade Joe Mauer instead of spending all of that money to sign him. Let's trade Delmon Young because his value is as high as it's ever going to be.

Outlandish enough for you? And that's just off the top of my head from reading the first several sentences of his columns because that's as far as I can usually get with him. He's an idiot as well as being a crappy writer.

Don't forget the 11 seed Gophers should feel disrespected because they were underdogs to six seed Xavier. The same Xavier that beat Pittsburgh in the next round.

Don't forget the 11 seed Gophers should feel disrespected because they were underdogs to six seed Xavier. The same Xavier that beat Pittsburgh in the next round.

I forgot about that one.

Souhan was a solid beat writer, but is a terrible columnist. His knowledge is really limited to baseball and it shows whenever he tries to write about other sports.

Don't forget the 11 seed Gophers should feel disrespected because they were underdogs to six seed Xavier. The same Xavier that beat Pittsburgh in the next round.

That was by far his worst moment. Really awful. It was so pathetic I emailed him and told him to stick to baseball. He hasn't said boo about college basketball since, so maybe he learned his lesson. (No I'm not taking credit.)

That said, I highly doubt he's simply making things up. This board is indeed way too sensitive about the local media and way to quick too dismiss anyone who says something they don't want to hear as a 'hack who's always wrong.' You may not like Reusse, but he's right a lot more often then he's wrong. We all ripped him for calling Brew out for his BS, but who can honestly say 3.5 years later that he was wrong? Souhan's not nearly as good. But that doens't mean he doesn't have sources who actually told him this. Despite what you might hear from Fox News and Rush Limbough, most members of 'the media' still do try and do thier job properly.

That was by far his worst moment. Really awful. It was so pathetic I emailed him and told him to stick to baseball. He hasn't said boo about college basketball since, so maybe he learned his lesson. (No I'm not taking credit.)

That said, I highly doubt he's simply making things up. This board is indeed way too sensitive about the local media and way to quick too dismiss anyone who says something they don't want to hear as a 'hack who's always wrong.' You may not like Reusse, but he's right a lot more often then he's wrong. We all ripped him for calling Brew out for his BS, but who can honestly say 3.5 years later that he was wrong? Souhan's not nearly as good. But that doens't mean he doesn't have sources who actually told him this. Despite what you might hear from Fox News and Rush Limbough, most members of 'the media' still do try and do thier job properly.

I know Reusse is right more than he's wrong, but I still go back to his tweet last March that Lucia was out and Blais has been contacted.

I know Reusse is right more than he's wrong, but I still go back to his tweet last March that Lucia was out and Blais has been contacted.

Yeah, that was strange. You'll note he didn't put it in a column or say anything about it on air (I don't think). Twitter's a bit of a looser standard. And who's to say Maturi didn't contact him and couldn't strike a deal? This is the same guy who 'fired' Monson only to unfire him the next day, then re-fire him 8 games later. Nothing would shock me. But yes, it's possible Reusse was simply wrong on that.

Maturi said -

Great Plains Gophe: said:
What did Jim Souhan mean by writing that it was his "understanding" that Brew had to win "seven or eight" games this year to keep his job. Anyone heard anything similar? Hard to see a seven-win season at this point.

Maturi said that he will evaluate Brewster at the end of the year based not on the win/loss record but based on the improvements the team made during the year.

Maturi said that he will evaluate Brewster at the end of the year based not on the win/loss record but based on the improvements the team made during the year.

That's just public relations BS. Brewster needs to win at least 6 more games this year to save his job. It didn't look like that before the season when Maturi made that statement, but the loss to USD changed everything. If we don't win this Saturday it's pretty much a given he'll be fired.

We might as well start rebuilding now rather than wait one more year for the inevitable.


Maturi said that he will evaluate Brewster at the end of the year based not on the win/loss record but based on the improvements the team made during the year.

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.... We have a winner.

I honestly don't know if Brew is the guy or not. I'm not an advocate, although I see things developing that are a decent sign. But the anti-Brew crowd just ASSUMING that he's gone and it's a done deal is wishful thinking at best, and horribly short-sighted at the worst.

Here's a horrible analogy but on short notice, it's the best I've got. I would liken the situation to Congress' comments a while back on pornography. "I don't know what it is or how to define it, but I know it when I see it."

Everything I've heard indicates that Maturi is taking this stance on Brewster's tenure here. He can't say definitively WHAT it would take to fire or keep Brewster, but he'll know it when he sees it. I feel teh same way. There are certainly some things that I expect to see by season's end for me to support another year of Brew Ball, no doubt about it. If not, I'll be in the front of the line saying it's time for a change at the helm.

By the end of the season, one way or the other, I just don't think this is going to be a difficult decision for anybody. There's a long ways to go, and a lot of things can happen between now and then.

That's just public relations BS. Brewster needs to win at least 6 more games this year to save his job.

I'm more inclined to believe Maturi's public statement than I am to trust Souhan's "understanding."

That's just public relations BS. Brewster needs to win at least 6 more games this year to save his job. It didn't look like that before the season when Maturi made that statement, but the loss to USD changed everything. If we don't win this Saturday it's pretty much a given he'll be fired.

We might as well start rebuilding now rather than wait one more year for the inevitable.

Who's your source?

I have no source other than precedent. Major conference coaches don't survive embarrassing loses especially when they follow them up with even more loses. Unless the AD wants an empty stadium.

Maybe this is how Souhan got in trouble. Writing speculation as though he heard it somewhere. ;)

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.... We have a winner.

I honestly don't know if Brew is the guy or not. I'm not an advocate, although I see things developing that are a decent sign. But the anti-Brew crowd just ASSUMING that he's gone and it's a done deal is wishful thinking at best, and horribly short-sighted at the worst.

Here's a horrible analogy but on short notice, it's the best I've got. I would liken the situation to Congress' comments a while back on pornography. "I don't know what it is or how to define it, but I know it when I see it."

Everything I've heard indicates that Maturi is taking this stance on Brewster's tenure here. He can't say definitively WHAT it would take to fire or keep Brewster, but he'll know it when he sees it. I feel teh same way. There are certainly some things that I expect to see by season's end for me to support another year of Brew Ball, no doubt about it. If not, I'll be in the front of the line saying it's time for a change at the helm.

By the end of the season, one way or the other, I just don't think this is going to be a difficult decision for anybody. There's a long ways to go, and a lot of things can happen between now and then.

First it wasn't 'Congress' that said that. How does 'Congress' even make such a statement? A Supreme Court Justice said it. I feel like Dpdoll...correcting everyone is fun. :D

Anyway, all AD's say things like this, it doesn't really mean anything. That is what Maturi intended to do, and he still may, but he surely didn't anticipate losing to USD or starting the season say 1-7when he made those remarks. Things like that tend to force you deal with the situation sooner then you intended, which is probably a nightmare for old Joel.

But I tend to agree that 'I'll know it when I see it' is not a bad standard, especially when facing a very tough schedule. But do we really want Maturi being the one trying to apply this standard?

Personally, I had seen enough at the end of last season. Terrible coaching in the Illinois and SDSU games complete with inept offense in the Iowa game were enough for me. Brew blathering on about how proud he was after being shut out by his rival for the second year in a row was the final nail in the coffin. (Not only is a terrible coach, but he doesn't know/care when he sounds like a fool.) And the icing on the cake was the dust-up over the Kansas job. We don't know exactly what's true/false, but it seems awfully likely he sent out feelers. If he wasn't cooked before, that should have been the last straw.


First it wasn't 'Congress' that said that. How does 'Congress' even make such a statement? A Supreme Court Justice said it. I feel like Dpdoll...correcting everyone is fun. :D

Anyway, all AD's say things like this, it doesn't really mean anything. That is what Maturi intended to do, and he still may, but he surely didn't anticipate losing to USD or starting the season say 1-7when he made those remarks. Things like that tend to force you deal with the situation sooner then you intended, which is probably a nightmare for old Joel.

But I tend to agree that 'I'll know it when I see it' is not a bad standard, especially when facing a very tough schedule. But do we really want Maturi being the one trying to apply this standard?

Personally, I had seen enough at the end of last season. Terrible coaching in the Illinois and SDSU games complete with inept offense in the Iowa game were enough for me. Brew blathering on about how proud he was after being shut out by his rival for the second year in a row was the final nail in the coffin. (Not only is a terrible coach, but he doesn't know/care when he sounds like a fool.) And the icing on the cake was the dust-up over the Kansas job. We don't know exactly what's true/false, but it seems awfully likely he sent out feelers. If he wasn't cooked before, that should have been the last straw.

Damnit!! Forgot who it was exactly that said that but I took a shot and made a blanket statement that it was Congress. Can't believe I got busted!!

Can't argue with somebody else's perspective. Opinions vary, no doubt about it. I just don't get the feeling that Maturi is going to pull the trigger on this unless he sees certain things take place in the next 10 weeks. Until then, I'm going to support the team, program, and coaching staff.

That said, I highly doubt he's simply making things up. This board is indeed way too sensitive about the local media and way to quick too dismiss anyone who says something they don't want to hear as a 'hack who's always wrong.'

Guilty as charged although I'm dead right on Souhan. I think people get very tired of two media types regarding the Gophers. First, is the guy who constantly mocks and rips the Gophers but is basically uninformed about the program as a whole and any sport in particular. The KFAN host who was separated at birth from Uncle Fester is the best example of this. Second, is the guy who keeps taking cheap shots to get a reaction. Obviously, the fat, wheezy Fulda guy is the best example of this. It's like being back in grade school and dealing with the kid who was constantly pissing people off just to get attention. I know the fat Fulda guy is smart, but that doesn't mean he's not a little screwed up at least because he enjoys having people dislike him.

Maybe this is how Souhan got in trouble. Writing speculation as though he heard it somewhere. ;)

That very well could be. But there is a chance he's right and then he gets to say I told ya so later. I'm merely guessing, but I would say Brewster's seat is the hottest in the conference right now. He needs to show something in the remaining 9 games or else. His chances of survival look slim.

That's just public relations BS. Brewster needs to win at least 6 more games this year to save his job. It didn't look like that before the season when Maturi made that statement, but the loss to USD changed everything. If we don't win this Saturday it's pretty much a given he'll be fired.

We might as well start rebuilding now rather than wait one more year for the inevitable.

You do realize that the Gophers only have four teams left on the schedule that aren't ranked in the top 25. I think 4 or 5 total wins and competitive in all of the loses will be enough.

Souhan may or may not have terrible opinions.

Souhan may even be a terrible writer.

But when has Souhan been a shoddy reporter? Or Reusse?

Just asking. I especially trust Pat. If he says it, it happened.

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