Souhan: Tubby and Kill power coaches? Deference isn't deserved


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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portion's of Souhan's column:

The Gophers thought they were hiring a legend when they landed Smith. So far, he has a 38-49 record in the Big Ten, has watched key players transfer and has insinuated that his problems stem from the lack of a practice facility. Iron hand? It's not even iron-ish.

What Kill and Smith have in common is this: The university allows both to operate as power coaches, even though neither has won enough at Minnesota to justify the deference with which they are treated.

Neither Kill nor Smith has produced like a power coach. Both act like one.

It is clear what the university must do. These men need oversight. The university must hire someone who can tell Smith that he is responsible for his players' actions and that any complaints he has about a practice facility must be uttered internally. The university must hire someone who can tell Kill that he can't spend $800,000 of the school's money to avoid a team he should be able to beat and that he must face questions about his health and his program like a grown man.

It is time for the University of Minnesota to become innovative and hire someone who can take charge of this mess, perhaps even direct these employees.

That's it: The athletic department needs a director. You could even call this person an "athletic director.''

It's a radical notion, but worth a try.

Go Gophers!!

From the comment section....sound like anyone we know?

Oct. 18, 12
9:58 PM
Our new Norwood is on the hook for Coach Tubby, because he just signed him to an extension. badger joel macturi and prexy k are on the hook for Coach Kill. prexy k is on the hook for our new Norwood. The number of Big Ten wins vs. Big Ten losses will always be the determining factor. BUT: are you going after the vikings coach for the their horrible play last season? Certainly enough viking players have disgraced that sad, sick viking organization. The twins have certainly been pretty disasterous. Why not go after that shakey organization the way you go after the U of M? The t-pukers have been HORRIBLE for SO long. And how bad is that NHL franchise...the wild? Give them NO free passes. And, why not go after Pam Borton and the way she has run the Women's oops Program into the ground? Come on, there are LOTS of coaches around the Twin Cities who have been given that power-trip for free and none of them have won diddly-squat. Now, the power-trippers from the Twin Cities on the radio and in the newspapers who write the THAT would be an interesting topic. HOW MANY YEARS will Sid...Reusse...Charlie Walters...Rosen...Tom Powers...Sansevere...Barrerio (sp? who cares?)... Sid's kid Chad...Schmidt...and that SOUHAN...just how long will THEY be tripping and ripping and picking on all those better paid power trippers at the U and in the NFL, MLB, NBA and NHL? Heck...EVERYBODY's on a power trip: Bloggers, Sports chat sites...people who write in to the blogs...why...even EYEINTHESKY likes to rip those other people who so often are on a power trip... But, seriously, Souhan, why is it that you guys rip on the power trippers over at the U of M so much more often than those power trippers with the vikings, twins, t-pukers and wild? It would be a REAL trip if you would give me an answer... ; 0 )

Lol, station19, I was just wondering the other day whether old 'Wren was still alive.

I actually didn't have a problem with the Souhan article other than where he wrote, "Smith has a knack for running off talented players."

Don't have any personal experience with acid flashbacks, but seeing the Renegade Rambler in print again gives me an idea of what one must feel like. My head still spins when I read Wren's rambles.

I actually didn't have a problem with the Souhan article other than where he wrote, "Smith has a knack for running off talented players."

Agree. Things as they stand are getting a bit out of hand in terms of bowing to these coaches.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but if you read the whole comment wren is right, souhan and reusse are complete homers for the twins, souhan will also defend the timberpups to the death for whatever reason, those assclowns seem to have a vendetta for all things gophers and hockey, but the twins get a free pass????

I can't believe I'm saying this, but if you read the whole comment wren is right, souhan and reusse are complete homers for the twins, souhan will also defend the timberpups to the death for whatever reason, those assclowns seem to have a vendetta for all things gophers and hockey, but the twins get a free pass????

I have to agree as well.

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