Souhan RIPS Maturi, Tubby, etc. in column: Minn athletics tarnished by mismanagement

That is scary, isn't it? Nutjobs who take the time to put something together like that certainly don't help the perception that UK fans are a wee bit on the wacko side.

I think I have accurately described that small minority of the UK fanbase previously.

Seriously - Are you people out of your f-ing minds?

I love college basketball but if it has such a priority in my life that I should put something together like that, I should probably rethink what I consider to be important.

Ever been to Kentucky? It has horses, whiskey, coal, tobacco, and basketball. Pretty easy to put basketball on top of those other 4 things.

Ever been to Kentucky? It has horses, whiskey, coal, tobacco, and basketball. Pretty easy to put basketball on top of those other 4 things.

I can think of many things non material to put ahead of those.

Seriously - Are you people out of your f-ing minds?

I love college basketball but if it has such a priority in my life that I should put something together like that, I should probably rethink what I consider to be important.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Why do they even care anymore?

Either way, it's funny that they write something like that when many of their fans were just as excited about Billy G as we were about Tubby.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Why do they even care anymore?

Either way, it's funny that they write something like that when many of their fans were just as excited about Billy G as we were about Tubby.

I've told you why. Their HATRED of Tubby and Saul goes beyond W and L, titles, etc.

Looks like you folks are finding out about the Tubster the way we did...You might need a roadmap to moving him out...Here is a link that you might find helpful....

Your blue road map is both bizarre...and hilarious.

For those who don't remember, the Gopher hoops program was in 'crash & burn' mode at the end of the Monson era. Molinari could do nothing to change this condition.

Enter Tubby 3 years ago...and he did an amazing job, basically overnight, in bringing the program back to respectability, and slightly beyond.

No question, Tubby is at a bit of a crossroads in Minnesota right now, but he is getting rid of some distractions (e.g. the lawsuit, one or more 'problem' recruits/players, etc.) and should be able to focus in on the task at hand. With a few big-time recruits not helping much, if at all, it may take an extra year or two to move solidly into the top half of the Big 10. Once there, he should be able to hold his own against MSU, OSU, Purdue, Wisky, and Purdue.
Michigan and Indiana, a pair of once-proud programs, will take longer to get beyond mediocre.

If Tubby were to leave dinkytown, it would be a huge negative for the program, imho. I doubt there is a Flip Saunders waiting in the wings to replace Tubby...;)

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