Souhan on Kill's health, Brew's recruiting, QB situation


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Nov 11, 2008
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"Gophers football coach Jerry Kill is having more health problems.

I mean this seriously: He should take off the rest of the season. He needs to get control of his health. He also needs to understand that nobody ever wants to see him writhing on the sideline again.

His health issues aside, the Gophers have lost to New Mexico State and North Dakota State at home. Kill and his staff deserve blame, especially for their handling of the quarterback position. I’ll also blame Tim Brewster. He was supposed to be a great recruiter, yet the Gophers do not have better athletes than New Mexico State and North Dakota State. And their best athlete, MarQueis Gray, is playing out of position.

Max Shortell hasn’t won the starting quarterback job, but Gray has lost it. Start Shortell, start developing him, and put Gray at a position where he can help this team – slot receiver. You’d be improving two positions at once."

Go Gophers!!

If they looked like they had some sense of how they wanted to use gray I'd say keep playin gray cause he is the better QB with a better upside. But his weaknesses are hurting this offensive schemes and they seem unwilling/able to adjust to his strengths.

May as well make the switch.

What is Souhan basing his "health problem" statement on?

Kill going to Mayo today after another seizure. He is out indefinitely. This staff knows what Coach Kill wants and he should take his time getting back.

I would like to see Souhan's medical degree and a link to his inside knowledge of Kill's case.

People making judgments about someones health(without knowledge) totaly piss me off.

Coach Kill could be out a short time or a long time. Shut the ef up until you know what you are talking about.

I would like to see Souhan's medical degree and a link to his inside knowledge of Kill's case.

People making judgments about someones health(without knowledge) totaly piss me off.

Coach Kill could be out a short time or a long time. Shut the ef up until you know what you are talking about.

I think 20 seizures in a couple weeks is enough knowledge.

Enough knowledge for what. Make you an authority.

Everyone can have an opinion. You thrashed Souhan's without giving any of your own. I think Kill can do whatever he wants. Souhan thinks he should take the season off. Hopefully they get things under control.

The Kessel, 19 November 1942 - 31 January 1943

"Gophers football coach Jerry Kill is having more health problems.

I mean this seriously: He should take off the rest of the season. He needs to get control of his health. He also needs to understand that nobody ever wants to see him writhing on the sideline again.

His health issues aside, the Gophers have lost to New Mexico State and North Dakota State at home. Kill and his staff deserve blame, especially for their handling of the quarterback position. I’ll also blame Tim Brewster. He was supposed to be a great recruiter, yet the Gophers do not have better athletes than New Mexico State and North Dakota State. And their best athlete, MarQueis Gray, is playing out of position.

Max Shortell hasn’t won the starting quarterback job, but Gray has lost it. Start Shortell, start developing him, and put Gray at a position where he can help this team – slot receiver. You’d be improving two positions at once."

Go Gophers!!
1. Amazing that Jim Souhan does not lay any blame on Joel Maturi, the man paid the big bucks to make intelligent staffing decisions.
2. Can anybody point me to articles written by any of the sports writers or sports columnists working for the Star Tribune or the Pioneer Press that lay blame squarely at Joel Maturi’s feet?
3. I am 1,100 miles east and don’t normally follow these newspapers. So my apologies in advance for what may appear to be a stupid request.

Who told Souhan there was a game? I'll bet dollars to donuts that he hasn't watched a minute live this season. So please spare me your "expert" analysis Jim.

You can just go to the websites for both ( and I believe) because I'm guessing that's what most people here would have to do.

If they looked like they had some sense of how they wanted to use gray I'd say keep playin gray...

I think this staff knows exactly how they want to utilize Q in each and every aspect of the game plan. Now, whether or not Q can execute if the question.

I think Brewster is to blame for all of this. And who hired Brewster? Maturi. I believe the Brewster hire was the single worst hire in the history of major college football.

The Kessel, 19 November 1942 – 31 January 1943

You can just go to the websites for both ( and I believe) because I'm guessing that's what most people here would have to do.

1. So what would be my search criteria? Find all articles with “blame” AND “maturi”?
2. I am asking people who read these sports sections regularly to provide me feedback.
3. Pray that coach Kill and his staff break us out of The Kessel that Joel Maturi led us into.


1. So what would be my search criteria? Find all articles with “blame” AND “maturi”?
2. I am asking people who read these sports sections regularly to provide me feedback.
3. Pray that coach Kill and his staff break us out of The Kessel that Joel Maturi led us into.

1. Yes...that is precisely what you are supposed to do. Like's not too hard.

2. bleedgopher links just about every story every created, so maybe you should start by thanking him and all the other people who link news articles here for saving you the arduous task of typing in a search engine.

The Kessel, 19 November 1942 – 31 January 1943

1. Yes...that is precisely what you are supposed to do. Like's not too hard.

2. bleedgopher links just about every story every created, so maybe you should start by thanking him and all the other people who link news articles here for saving you the arduous task of typing in a search engine.
Unregistered User,

1. This is like the Bing commercials. You get back a lot of noise and trash that you have to sift through.
2. Sometimes it is easier to pick other people’s brains who follow these sports sections and ask them directly if they remember any articles written by StarTribune or PioneerPress columnists blaming Joel Maturi. This is what I am asking for, not a tutorial on AND gates, NAND gates, OR gates, and NOR gates.
3. I don’t want to read articles about other people complaining about Joel Maturi, or blogs from people like me complaining about Joel Maturi. I want to know what the editorial staff of the StarTribune and PioneerPress are publishing as their “Gospel” regarding our athletic director.
4. My perception is that their “gospel” is to relentlessly blame the coaches and the coaching staff for everything that has gone wrong with Gopher Football since Sandy Stephens graduated.
5. The press, even in this webcentric noisy world, still holds a lot of power and influence. When they start a campaign to get somebody thrown out of office, it carries a lot of weight, rightly or wrongly. Joseph Geobbels understood this.
6. My perception is that the editorial staff, i.e. spokespeople for the owners of these publications, have engaged in trashing coaches. I want to know if they have been trashing our current Athletic Director for his staffing decisions. Sometimes, what the press fails to state, speaks volumes.
7. Please don’t send me another search tutorial. Doing so would only obfuscate the issue.

I don't think they know what to do.

Yes and no. I think they had/have a plan/system in place with a gameplan with what exactly to do with Q. But when defenses come in and pressure him like they have been, they look like they scrap their gameplanning (must like how Q tucks the ball away and runs instead of shifting around the pocket/behind the LOS while keeping his eyes downfield) under the premise that they are doing what they feel works to help get the 'W'.

That's how I saw last night's game, anyway.

Souhan wants people to take him seriously and suggest Gray should play SLOT receiver? Forget that Gray is currently 240lbs and cannot currently play WR at a high level, but Souhan thinks he should play in the slot? LOL. If Gray were to go back to WR next year, he's a poor man's Plaxico Burress type player. Advice to Souhan: leave the talent evaluation to people who actually know the game of football. Marcus Jones can play in the slot, Gray cannot.

I am saying they have their offense. Gray struggles with elements of it, specifically the 5 and 7 step game. The staff doesn't know what to do. They could switch qb's, they could make gray run it even though it's his weakness, or they could adjust their scheme and call less straight drop passes and more sprints and Rollouts. I don't think they know what they want to do. That became clear to me yesterday when they were switching qb's from play to play on a series.

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