Souhan: Fleck has made this program all about him. His players have been asked to stand when he enters a room and are left to parrot his cliches

I just don't understand how lazy columns bashing hometown teams is a positive for the strib?
If you read his work because you agree with his opinions... and are a big fan of his, great. If you read his stuff just so you can shit all over his stupid, lazy opinions... also great. The paper really doesn't give a hoot as to why you pay attention to Souhan's writing... just as long as you're paying attention.

If you read his work because you agree with his opinions... and are a big fan of his, great. If you read his stuff just so you can shit all over his stupid, lazy opinions... also great. The paper really doesn't give a hoot as to why you pay attention to Souhan's writing... just as long as you're paying attention.

I only get the cliff notes when they are posted here. Then I forget who this guy is until the next article is posted.

Souhan is a revolting individual. Zero credibility. He writes with bitterness and personal alterior motives. His articles are trash.

As for Fleck bringing in this's worked better than the other lame boring coaches we've had.

If you read his work because you agree with his opinions... and are a big fan of his, great. If you read his stuff just so you can shit all over his stupid, lazy opinions... also great. The paper really doesn't give a hoot as to why you pay attention to Souhan's writing... just as long as you're paying attention.
They do care. Occasionally getting me to read his articles about things I care about to remind myself how terrible he is will never get me to subsribe for the paper, it will never get me to click on his other articles. It just flat out doesn't work in the long run. It's one of the reasons the legacy media has gotten their teeth kicked in over the last 5 years. ESPN having every show built around trolling for clicks had a short shelf life. They had to can half of their workers and turn the entire network over to someone who specifically doesn't do that (McAfee).

No one is reading the newspaper anymore and it's because their writers are awful. People are still reading digital content. But why would a Gopher fan pay money to be trolled by this creep who doesn't even follow college football?

It's not a good business idea to have your writers not only be completely uninformed but also smug assholes. It's showing. The Strib isn't exactly thriving.

They had to can half of their workers and turn the entire network over to someone who specifically doesn't do that (McAfee).
Do you really think that they care whether or not you agree with what Pat McAfee has to say? They care about eyeballs... whether you watch because you love Pat's schtick or tune in 'cause you think he's an asshole. What the network can't have is apathy. It's more or less the same for Souhan or Patrick Reusse. If you read their crap... and, even better, regurgitate it up on fansites and forums... even better.

I will just put this here….

28 total Big10 wins combined

30 Big10 wins
Big Ten wins are how Big Ten Coaches need to be ranked. Period. (IMHO)

FWIW - I subscribe to the online edition of the Strib. I read it every day - not cover to cover, but I read the state news, sports, the arts and entertainment coverage and some of the business stories.

I also understand the difference between news and opinion.

as far as Souhan - I certainly do not agree with him all the time. But I do find some of his stuff interesting. He has a point of view. no one is forcing anyone to agree with him.

IMHO - if a columnist writes something you don't agree with, that does not automatically make him or her a "hack." it simply means he or she expressed an opinion that you don't agree with.

simply because a writer works for a Minnesota media outlet, that does not mean that the writer is somehow obligated to support Minnesota teams. If you want drooling homerism, you can always listen to Paul Allen.

Do you really think that they care whether or not you agree with what Pat McAfee has to say? They care about eyeballs... whether you watch because you love Pat's schtick or tune in 'cause you think he's an asshole. What the network can't have is apathy. It's more or less the same for Souhan or Patrick Reusse. If you read their crap... and, even better, regurgitate it up on fansites and forums... even better.
Of course not. But because people do agree with him, they like him more and now he has essentially replaced ESPN. They care about money and "anything to generate clicks" in the world of sports media has not been good business in the last 5 years.

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