Souhan and Lane

Hates Monikers

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Nov 20, 2008
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Man, these guys work real hard to find creative ways to rip Brewster. They avoid all the legitimate ones and focus on a few things that don't really exist. Lane starts by poking fun at Brewster's quote, "Joe Paterno was better than me today," saying, "Uh, Tim, Paterno is ALWAYS better than you." Then he goes on to complain that Brewster "always has to be upbeat and positive." Never mind that Lane took the Paterno quote out of context and it was meant to be a critique of the entire team and Brewster himself -- not positive.

Here are the quotes I saw in the Strib today (not including the Weber article). I actually like the fact that they're NOT overly positive and aren't anything close to moral victory talk.

"We didn't play well enough on offense to sustain anything, really from the beginning," Brewster said. "Give credit where it is due. Penn State was better than we were. ... We still, obviously, have a lot of things we need to improve upon offensively to be a better football team."

"Penn State was better than we were today," Brewster said. "Joe [Paterno, the Penn State coach] was better than I was today. They've got a good football team."

"Our defense was resilient for the most part," Gophers coach Tim Brewster said. "They fought their guts out. [But] we still have an issue on third downs. We have to do a better job of getting off the field on third down. Third downs, long ones, are the ones that are obviously hurting us as a football team."

"You just have to make plays when they're there to be made," Brewster said. "When you have the opportunity to bat down a ball, sack the quarterback. Again, it's about making plays on third down. Our guys made a lot of plays today. But, again, third downs are the ones that continue to bite us."​

On the topic of college football Souhan is mostly clueless. Lane is completely clueless.

They should rename the first hour of their show in the Fall: Praise The Big 12 Hour. Clearly they just love the Big 12. The show is all about the typical inferiority complex Big 12 fans have towards to the Big Ten.

These moldy scribes know that ripping Brewster...

creates negativity, controversy and endless commentary...What they don't seem to know is that fans can now get all that type of entertainment on the GH/web etc and that they are becoming increasingly irrelevant.

Those Great Strib Sports Journalists

creates negativity, controversy and endless commentary...What they don't seem to know is that fans can now get all that type of entertainment on the GH/web etc and that they are becoming increasingly irrelevant.

Oh, haven't you heard? Being cynical and deceptive makes you a good journalist. And if you want to be great, throw in some biting sarcasm and character assassination.

IIRC Souhan is a Missouri grad. Don't know about Lane. Perhaps that explains the Big 12 bias. Either way, I don't listen often.

Brewster has nothing to be proud off

Lost every trophey game and poor progress. Thank god for the new stadium.

Forget about them. You could put their entire audience in a White Castle and still have empty seats!

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