Souhan: Amazing, Kill gets first extension before first Big Ten victory


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Nov 11, 2008
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Souhan: Amazing, Kill gets first extension before first Big Ten victory

In December, when Jerry Kill's résumé radiated the promise of an unopened present, the University of Minnesota offered him a five-year contract.

In October, after Kill lost six of his first seven games and was destroyed by three Big Ten opponents, the University of Minnesota gave him a raise and a two-year contract extension.

If Kill can hold Iowa under 100 points Saturday, he likely will be granted tenure.

Perhaps only our Golden Gophers would extend the contract of a football coach who has won one game. Some mixture of naivete, paranoia, muddled thinking and desperation -- call that brew a Gopher Cocktail, or GopherAde -- persuaded the Minnesota brain trust to treat Kill as if he were Nick Saban.

It's understandable that Kill would ask his bosses for more time to turn around one of the worst programs in the country. What's stunning is that his bosses, while negotiating with a man with no leverage, agreed. Kill should have brought some Amway products to that meeting.

Kill is now signed to a seven-year contract worth $8.4 million. If he eventually wins, he will earn that money and more, and be welcomed to stay as long as he wants.

But let's say that Kill is the latest in a long line of failed Gophers coaches, that he's more Wacker than Holtz. Let's say the U decides to fire him after three seasons. In that case, the new contract would call for the university to pay him $2.4 million to go away.

The new contract guarantees Kill a minimum of $1.2 million more than he originally agreed to, not counting his raise. This is his reward for losing the only three Big Ten games in which he has coached by a combined 144-31. The extension guarantees Kill two extra years of buyout money at $600,000 per year.

To summarize, the U has guaranteed Kill $1.9 million more than he agreed to in December. What would have happened had he beaten Miami of Florida instead of Miami of Ohio?

If over the next three or four years Kill had impressed, the university would have had plenty of time to reward him with an extension. Rewarding him after one victory is the business equivalent of spiking the ball not in the end zone, not at midfield, but after taking a delay-of-game penalty on your own 5-yard line.

This decision is so curious that I asked a few well-connected people at the U to explain. I spoke with three sources, none of whom wanted to named. I also tried to reach university President Eric Kaler; his spokesperson said he was traveling and unavailable.

The people I spoke with all said that the extension is a reflection of how much Kill has impressed people at all levels of the university, and an acknowledgement that his predecessor, Tim Brewster, left the program in shambles.

University decision-makers believe Kill is a not only a good coach, but a good coach who inspires tremendous loyalty from those close to him, who is guaranteed to operate a clean program that emphasizes academics, and who wants to grow roots in Minnesota.

They say the university views the extension as an indication that both sides are in this for the long haul, regardless of how poorly the team might perform over the next couple of seasons.

The extension also reflects Kill's belief, according to these people, that he will require at least a couple of years to reach any semblance of competitiveness. He is shocked, they say, not only by the lack of talent on his roster, but the unwillingness of some of Brewster's recruits to even attend class.

In Kill, university leaders see a long-term solution to their persistent football problem, and they're willing to put their money where their faith is.

Imagine how much they would have paid Kill had he beaten New Mexico State.

Go Gophers!!

Amazing, Souhan gets paid despite no newspaper readers and writing garbage.

You have to admire the media in this town: they continue to find new ways to say the same thing.

This is from the same guy that said Tubby would be gone within 18 months after the Gophers lost to Xavier(19 months ago).

He doesn't get it. He shows signs of understanding at the end, but then finishes with talks of beating New Mexico State. It's sad he gets paid.

This is the downside to bad teams and now an extra sports radio outlet in town. We now have two stations, two websites, and two papers that these guys have to come up with material for. Most people in the general public don't go to all six outlets. Likely many here are in the minority by doing so. Add in the TV stations/websites and Twitter and we get about 20 opinions on everything going on right now. Unfortunately there is deflecting attention away from the team. Hopefully Tubby and company get off to a good start.

Souhan is the most negative bitch on the planet. You can actually see it in his face. He's just miserable.

What a miserable bunch of people. Thanks God, I’m not dwelling under same roof with these people. They do need tons of lithium for miserable minds. Can they be positive for once? Is it that hard to be a voice of positive? Seems like trendy to join the bashing party. Journalism in twin cities area is going down south for long time. Not even sure how many of these sportswriters actually stop by and observe the training and practice.

He can write words, but has NO KNOWLEDGE OF BUILDING A COMPLETELY RUN DOWN PGM. And he still gets paid, just like the weather man, wrong and a big OOPS.

Well that article was a piece of Ruesse.

Well, that's what happens when you lose - folks who couldn't hack it as real journalists talk *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# about your team on slow news days. They also write about you when you're good, but it's less conspicuous because (a) they do it less, and (b) they tend to write unmemorable bromides which don't elicit any kind of response one way or the other.

It is what it is - really, there's no point in getting mad about it now.

For the first time I can remember, I will type these words: Brilliant piece by Souhan

I don't understand how even those who believe Jerry Kill is the next Kirk Ferentz or Barry Alvarez would think a raise and an extension was a good idea at this point. What is the upside to the University of taking that step? If Kill is a success, do you really believe he will coach years 6 and 7 (or even years 4 and 5) at a $1.2 million salary? The University will have to rip up this contract and give him more money. Now, what if what we have seen so far is what we see next year, or even two years from now? The University has no ability to make a change because it unnecessarily painted itself in to a corner. This was a bad business move regardless of your views on the talents of Jerry Kill.

What's truly amazing is that anyone would take the time to read the garbage that he (& Ruesse) writes.

For the first time I can remember, I will type these words: Brilliant piece by Souhan

I don't understand how even those who believe Jerry Kill is the next Kirk Ferentz or Barry Alvarez would think a raise and an extension was a good idea at this point. What is the upside to the University of taking that step? If Kill is a success, do you really believe he will coach years 6 and 7 (or even years 4 and 5) at a $1.2 million salary? The University will have to rip up this contract and give him more money. Now, what if what we have seen so far is what we see next year, or even two years from now? The University has no ability to make a change because it unnecessarily painted itself in to a corner. This was a bad business move regardless of your views on the talents of Jerry Kill.

When I saw the extra years, I myself was kinda like "Hmmmm....", cause I personally didn't see why it was necessary. But if the Pres is behind it, then I'm more inclined to say "okay, let's roll with this", cause I believe that means Kill's gonna get the resources necessary to improve this thing. I think there were waaaaay more problems under the surface than what's out there, and I think they know that, and that's why they agreed to do it. Nothing in Kill's history AT ALL indicates that we will continue to see what we're seeing. It's just not there. He may not be a guy who will tear it up here, but in a few years, we will see at the bare minimum, a team that will be respected and be in bowl games, I really do believe that.

But yeah, as far as the extension goes, I guess I don't know why it was necessary, but I don't think this team looking terrible is a direct reflection on his ability to coach.

I think Kill is the right man for the job, but by the same token, I don't see why we needed to extend his contract at this point. I am not mad at him for losing because he is in a tough position, but the fact that he is losing in a tough position is not necessarily evidence that he will turn it around. I feel like if he turns us into a winner, the contract will be moot because we will need to renegotiate and pay him more money, and if he doesn't, then we are stuck with the buyout. So whether he is Barry Alvarez or Jim Wacker, the new contract doesn't do anything for us.

It's not really an extension, this is his first contract. What the U needs is stability to let recruits know that they won't be facing a coaching change in the next few years.

People will find any negative in something won't they? This is the first contract. It was negotiated. The U offered 5 years and they have been negotiating since December. This is not an extension. It is pure negotiating on both sides and they settled at 7 years. Kill and his representation obviously laid out their plan and the administration has bought in.

It's not really an extension, this is his first contract. What the U needs is stability to let recruits know that they won't be facing a coaching change in the next few years.

+1 This is over 40 years of football ranging from mediocrity to outright embarrassment and, ya, I know what this year has been. It's not a quick fix.

Souhan's mistake is to apply common sense to the bizarro world of college athletics.

Seriously though: Kill has angled for a million dollar raise without being competitive. Now, there are no doubt good reasons why he's not competitive. But where else do you get a raise for it?

Who can blame Souhan for asking questions any normal person would ask?

I'm just saying.

It's not really an extension, this is his first contract. What the U needs is stability to let recruits know that they won't be facing a coaching change in the next few years.

This x1000! It let's current recruits know that they will have the same staff for their entire U of M careers.

This x1000! It let's current recruits know that they will have the same staff for their entire U of M careers.

Uhh, maybe my math is bad but wouldn't a 5-year contract do the same thing? I am pretty sure that almost all the coaches in the big 10 have contracts that are under 7-years (Dantonoio's new one is 5 for example). I know Ferentz's is longer but thought the rest were right around 5

Coach Kill is pretty slick: that's a good thing! And, now you boys and girls, dudes and dudettes and all the various kinds of sports media people in the Twin Citites KNOW that if Coach Kill wants to be here for the next seven years...he will be here or will ride off into the sunset with a hell of a lot of University of Minnesota money.

I think that prexy k was a wimp for not just granting Coach Kill INSTANT TENURE and try to pay him a smaller salary. That would have really put you boys and girls, dudes and dudettes and various types of sports media people at a loss for words.

Coach Kill is who we have so just shut up, buy tickets, go to the games and be good, decent boys and girls, dudes and dudettes and various types of sports media people. Coach Kill OWNS the U of M Football Program! You people don't. The twin cities sports media REALLY don't. They can mob, bash, try to stir up hate and discontent. It doesn't matter now! So, bash the twin cities sports media people all over the place. Call them names. Bash them. Trash them. Insult them. Go out of your way to make signs about them, boo them run them out of the stadium. Coach Kill can ban them from practice. Go to war against the twin cities sports media. It will be fun. It will be a chance to pay them back for all of their many decades of being SUCH jerks, stiffs, mobbers and bashers of Golden Gopher Football. ; 0 )

There is NOTHING that ANYONE can do, think or say that will change anything. The next seven years are set in stone OR it will cost who ever is prexy at the U of M a hell of a lot of buy out money. I'd say that Coach Kill probably has a more secure seven year gig than prexy k does...That's a good thing. The Football Coach at the U of M should have instant tenure! It's really a tough gig...and this is one way to end the talk about the U of M being a graveyard of college football coaches. Take THAT you ancient, old sports media hangers-on in the Twin Cities. All you over 60 years...50 years...40 years...30 years...20 years...10 years on the job media dudes and dudettes: this contract is for you!

And, now twin cities sports media people: go out there and smash, bash and trash the worthless, inept and terrible professional sports teams...the stinking vikings, the terrible twinkies, the woefully bad wolves and pathetic wild. You can celebrate your lynx all you want though...

; 0 )

Uhh, maybe my math is bad but wouldn't a 5-year contract do the same thing? I am pretty sure that almost all the coaches in the big 10 have contracts that are under 7-years (Dantonoio's new one is 5 for example). I know Ferentz's is longer but thought the rest were right around 5

So what? Why do people freak out about contracts and extensions and buy outs? We're still hearing about the Mason buyout. Could someone provide one example of how that hurt the U in one way??? Did it hurt the stadium budget? Nope, met the budget. Did it hurt the U budget? Nope, they always meet their budget. Did the next coaching staff get paid less? Nope, paid more than Mason and his coaching staff.

If Kill ain't getting it done, they will snap their fingers and magically get the money to buy him out. Guaranteed.

No different than when they raise your taxes for a stadium. Three cents on every 20 dollars....u bitch about it even though it has no effect on you.

People with a brain will quit contributing money to any administration that relies on "buy-outs" to clean up their stinking screw-ups (brew-ball). Buy-outs suck. macturi has had two football buyouts. He lost a court case to Jimmy Williams and the U has to shell out. He had to buy out Monson. The golfing fiasco is going to probably cost a LOT of money. NO ONE should donate a penny to the athletic department. prexy b and macturi SQUANDERED so many millions. And the pathetic macturi is STILL employed.

IF they try to buy Kill out both the prexy and who ever the ad might be AND the entire board of regents need to be wood-shedded, dismissed with much public fanfare and shamed for their fiscal mismanagement. It might be time to start shutting down athletic programs and maybe even drastically cutting state funding to the university. The state legislature should NEVER trust that
administration with a DIME of public money raised by taxing the citizens of Minnesota. Buy outs at a public university really do suck maximus. "maximus suckikis" is just another term to describe the fiscal integrity of the badger joel macturi/prexy b era at the University of Minnesota.

; 0 (

. ... And the pathetic macturi is STILL employed.

Joel Maturi has more class in his little finger than you'll ever have. A ramblin', babblin', non-sensical lunatic (you're starting to make the Loon seem normal) is the last person that should be calling Joel Maturi pathetic.

Has anybody noticed that babbling is back in fashion again?

Maybe the "ramblin', babblin', non-sensical lunatic" forgot to take his meds. What else can explain this endless dribble that we have to endure?

Hoke signed a six year deal. Randy Edsell singed a six year deal with Maryland. Longer contracts are becoming the norm.

Souhan asked the question a week or so ago on 1500 why anyone continues to blindly throw their allegiance to Gopher football when the Vikings have arguably the best player in the league and a pass rusher that may go down as one of the best ever. It really made me realize he simply doesn't care about or get the college game.

Joel Maturi has more class in his little finger than you'll ever have. A ramblin', babblin', non-sensical lunatic (you're starting to make the Loon seem normal) is the last person that should be calling Joel Maturi pathetic.

Another x 1,000 !

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