Right, but under the student code (Which is what they are being judged on for the university investigation ) it explicitly says that it's the responsibility of a individual to acquire clear evidence of consent:
From the policy — It is the responsibility of each person who wishes to engage in the sexual activity to obtain consent.
Thus it is the responsibility of the accused to demonstrate that there was clear and unambiguous affirmitive consent. The university has a policy that they will investigate any inquiries from accusers as long as it's done in good will.
Unlike Criminal charges where our judicial system must provide evidence of guilt under MN Statutes. The policies at the U of M do not need to prove guilt.
They are merely required to:
1. Conduct a prompt, fair and impartial investigation, and make recommendations for action, as appropriate (in many cases the police may conduct the investigation) including where the accused is a student on the Twin Cities campus only.
2. Proceed independently of any action taken in the criminal or civil courts, as determined on a case-by-case basis. Criminal court proceedings are not a substitute for University procedures.
3. Inform both alleged victim survivor and accused person of the outcome. If the person accused is a student, report the incident to the campus office responsible for administering Board of Regents Policy: Student Conduct Code and conduct a thorough investigation of the report.
Notice how in these procedures there is no statement of proving guilt (like in our judicial system).
I personally believe on the affirmative consent policy if there is any ambiguity and the players can't prove otherwise then they are liable for university discipline unless they can provide evidence otherwise that there was no ambiguity.
They agreed to these policies when joining the University so currently I have little sympathy for whats going on for them. They shouldn't have been in that apartment in the first place.
Here is a goto for the entire procedure at the U. It's pretty clear cut.