So Becky. Do you still consider Minnesota instate recruiting?

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Oh for Bleep's sake: shut the bleep up about Wisconsin until AFTER the Gophers actually beat them on the field. Bragging isn't bragging when you have nothing to brag about. Deeds, not words.

^ This. Next week they will be posting videos of Ohio st kicking the crap out of Wisconsin in the B1G championship game. I'm still trying to figure out what The Ohio St football program has to do with the University of Minnesota.

^ This. Next week they will be posting videos of Ohio st kicking the crap out of Wisconsin in the B1G championship game. I'm still trying to figure out what The Ohio St football program has to do with the University of Minnesota.

Your 65th post . What a tower of original thought. Did you stay up all night squeezing this one out?

Alright, when we start comparing post counts, I think the thread needs to die.

I know how to use my posts more effectively.

And 8500 of them about his obsession with all things Bucky.

Exactly 78 topic posts started on Wisconsin. If I thought you could do the math I would say have at it.
You can do these things when you retire at 62. When you've held season tickets for basketball and football for a combined 41 years you can sprew. It's called seniority son.

Oh for Bleep's sake: shut the bleep up about Wisconsin until AFTER the Gophers actually beat them on the field. Bragging isn't bragging when you have nothing to brag about. Deeds, not words.

This. Is. All.

We have zilch to yap about. Let them do the yapping, anyway. The gap may be closing, but I will believe it's gone when I see a Gopher "W" on the scoreboard at the end of the game. Been WAY too long.

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