So Becky. Do you still consider Minnesota instate recruiting?

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Nov 20, 2008
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Times are changing can't wait to get you Becky's at TCF this year. You know I almost feel sorry for you. The end of an era where during that time you acted like the biggest bunch of d-horn fans on the face of the earth. Do ya hear the footsteps Becky? Cheers....

It is time to start stiring pot. I'm dog ass tired of the passive Gopher fans on this board. Show some gusto!

Times are changing can't wait to get you Becky's at TCF this year. You know I almost feel sorry for you. The end of an era where during that time you acted like the biggest bunch of d-horn fans on the face of the earth. Do ya hear the footsteps Becky? Cheers....

Time for our fans to get to act like dbags!!

Times are changing can't wait to get you Becky's at TCF this year. You know I almost feel sorry for you. The end of an era where during that time you acted like the biggest bunch of d-horn fans on the face of the earth. Do ya hear the footsteps Becky? Cheers....

Time for our fans to act like dbags!!

The border is closed. That chapter is over. Galen Elmore sends his regards.

Actually between the 2014, 2015 and 2016 classes, Minnesota leads Wisconsin 1-0 on landing players from the opposite state who had an in-state offer. Gaelin Elmore being the only one. Everybody else went to the home state school or another out of state school.

on wisconsin on wisconsin
bounce right off that line
run the ball 3 times a series
punt on 4th and 9


I think if you went to Wiscy and offered them Elmore for Brookins, they'd take that trade in a heartbeat, but hindsight is 20/20, isn't it Keelon? He might end up being a really good player, but he'd be 2nd or 3rd string at safety here right now, and he was supposed to be a CB.

Oh for Bleep's sake: shut the bleep up about Wisconsin until AFTER the Gophers actually beat them on the field. Bragging isn't bragging when you have nothing to brag about. Deeds, not words.

Oh for Bleep's sake: shut the bleep up about Wisconsin until AFTER the Gophers actually beat them on the field. Bragging isn't bragging when you have nothing to brag about. Deeds, not words.

This. We have nothing over Wisconsin right now. Nothing. And I hope this isn't speaking too soon since Sam Schlueter has a Wisconsin offer and probably has some interest in them.

Rome wasn't built in a day - Brick by brick my friends (Jerry will get us there)

I do have to chuckle when this board rips on Sconny at every coaching change: "Now that Alvarez is gone we're gonna kick your ass!"....oh wait, "NOW that Bielema is gone we're really gonna kick your ass!"......oh wait again "Gary Anderson doesn't know what he's doing so your days are numbered"......oh wait......

How about if we stop with all of this boasting until we actually start beating them on a consistent basis? It just makes us look foolish.

Ruppert gonna ruppert. Embarrassing as usual. Smh.
Always nice to hear from the shallow, mundane, ducks in a row, the salad fork goes on the inside,
Mr. Sensitive. My good man I hope you're not in the sales profession you have about as much pizazz as a damp mop.I'm fire you're ice. You don't like my brimstone? Just don't respond.

Rome wasn't built in a day - Brick by brick my friends (Jerry will get us there)

I do have to chuckle when this board rips on Sconny at every coaching change: "Now that Alvarez is gone we're gonna kick your ass!"....oh wait, "NOW that Bielema is gone we're really gonna kick your ass!"......oh wait again "Gary Anderson doesn't know what he's doing so your days are numbered"......oh wait......

How about if we stop with all of this boasting until we actually start beating them on a consistent basis? It just makes us look foolish.
As far as ruppert is concerned, this is hardly boasting by his standards.

Always nice to hear from the shallow, mundane, ducks in a row, the salad fork goes on the inside,
Mr. Sensitive. My good man I hope you're not in the sales profession you have about as much pizazz as a damp mop.I'm fire you're ice. You don't like my brimstone? Just don't respond.

Actually the salad fork location depends on when you're eating salad related to the main course.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

There won't be another Sotan at Bucky.
There won't be another Sotan at Bucky.
You can offer them money,
but they'll laugh at you, you see.
There won't be another Sotan at Bucky.

It's another ruppert thread about his favorite obsession, the University of Wisconsin at Madison.

Did we giveup when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Bayfield you're getting to passive as you approach Father Time. Shorty is well...Norwegian; so I understand his plight.

Yep, pot-stirring on a message board always gets it done!:eek: To me, it seems a bit foolish and immature as well as a waste of time.

You need to ask my grand kids if grandpa ever gives up!!

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