Ski U Mah Cheer

Go North Siders? It just sounds lame when you yell "MAH!" all on its own. It sounds stupid coming out of your mouth. I think the whole cheer sounds cool but our one part feels weird.

He aborted once so he didn't hit the Purdue players coming out for the coin flip

Am I the only one who thinks that's a pitiful excuse? ;)

A related aside: the cheer is great and will definitely be a nice tradition. Also, we north/sun-siders will gladly accept the assistance of our west-side brethren (the mosh pit) to help offset the visiting fans/evildoers in our midst.

As it's now done, this cheer runs counter-clockwise and that throws people off. The old "Min" "Ne" "So" Ta" cheer always ran clockwise. Clocks run clockwise. It's the way God intended people to cheer. ... ;)

Start the cheer with the North side (us sun-baked ones) and then to the student section and then the South side (those shivering ones). Much easier to say "Mah" when your teeth are chattering than "Ski" (or "Sky" in phonetics speech). Much more intuitive.

BTW, the handful of people sitting in those bleachers by the large scoreboard -- can they say "rah" at the end of the cheer? Hate to leave 'em out of it. ... :D


Lots of excuses in this thread. Come early, practice Mah. Stay late, practice Mah :clap:

I dont understand why having the visitors on your side impedes you from yelling. Even without the visitors, there's still more of you than either of the other two parts.

I dont understand why having the visitors on your side impedes you from yelling. Even without the visitors, there's still more of you than either of the other two parts.

No excuses. Period. North side WILL do better. As for welcoming west-siders, we just don't want them to feel left out.

North Side Sun worshipers...

We North Side Sun Worshipers are a very welcoming group. We will gladly open our arms to the orphaned West Enders.

They can only help us. Yes our size might be bigger than the rest but gosh that warming sun just slows us down. We will do better on cloudy days!!!

There seems to be a predominant west side lean here, at least in this thread. That makes me confident this will go better on next time.

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